Friday, July 19, 2013


Posted by George Freund on July 19, 2013
The series continues with a highly prophetic look at the future with the past. It is an awesome door we peer through. We see the unseen. We elucidate a course of events that may or may not hold sway based on our understanding of them. This is a confirmation Doodle let me assure you. Our subject Rembrandt Van Rijn one of the greatest master painters had an unusual gift. Harvard Medical School has determined he suffered from stereoblindness. This means he usually switched to one eye in viewing his works allowing him to 'flatten' or reduce the three dimensional image to two. That is quite profound because the essence of my work is to visualize a higher fourth dimension by its shadow illustrated in the third. God has created us all for his purpose. It is not mine to fully understand it.
Rembrandt was called "one of the great prophets of civilization." In this regard even 344 years after his death the effect is still very real in the shadow he casts. Both that number not used by the media and the 407th anniversary of his birth sum to eleven the anticipated power number in the twilight equation. In the Guardian version of the news blog the other numbers were incluided. It's the equivalent of Google celebrating the fact that planet Earth is 4.54bn years old... There's the rest of it. the decimal portion adds up to the mighty nine the three of them thirteen. The already dead cat is out of the bag again 9/11/13.

Belshazzar's Feast is a circa 1635 painting by Rembrandt. Its source comes from the story of Belshazzar and the writing on the wall in the Old Testament Book of Daniel. It is held in the The National Gallery, London.
One of Rembrandt's most iconic works was Belshazzar's Feast. Most of you are familiar with the story from the Bible. Belshazzar was the King of Babylon. He was seduced to follow false Gods. At the famous feast writing appeared on the wall warning of Babylon's fall. MENE, MENE, TEKEL UPHARSIN.

24 [m]Then was the palm of the hand sent from him, and hath written this writing.

25 And this is the writing that he hath written, [n]MENE, MENE, TEKEL UPHARSIN.

26 This is the interpretation of the thing, MENE, God hath numbered thy kingdom, and hath finished it.

27 TEKEL, thou art weighed in the balance, and art found [o]too light.

28 PERES, thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.
This is the essence of existence in the planes of intradimensional communication. Like our modern day sightings of the words from beyond our Earthly existence, the hand of God warned the King of Babylon that it would fall. Perhaps I was one of the few to include those words in my correspondence to our Canadian leaders hell bent to re-create another Babylon. They are no more powerful that Belshazzar. After the words are issued forth they shall be caste aside with their system to dust. It is God's will. I am but a visionary. I herald the warning. I stand firm as to the choice. Belshazzar's Feast is stored in the National Gallery in London. The City of London is a part of the modern day Babylon. Be safe in your money and power. It will disappear in a heart beat as the Lord determines.

The Abduction of Europa, 1632. Oil on panel. The work has been described as "...a shining example of the 'golden age' of Baroque painting." The meaning should be obvious. Europa has been subverted and is under the control of hostile forces.
Rembrandt was the NINTH child in his family. Harvard studied THIRTY SIX of his self portraints. Even the blind must appreciate the inference. He received important concessions from the court at The Hague the heart of the red beast of Europa. He built his house on Breestraat (Broadway). Of course New York was once New Amsterdam. Broadway is a house built on debt. Rembrandt had a 13,000 guilder mortgage. He lived beyond his means and ran into financial fifficulties losing his house and printing press. There was a court ordered maneuvre to avoid bankruptcy. It sounds like the Europe of today. His only wedded offspring was Titus who survived to adulthood. Of course Titus was Caesar in another Babylon.

The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis
This painting was the largest ever made by Rembrandt. It was commissioned for the city hall of Amsterdam. The contract was awarded to one of Rembrandt's students who passed away. The master fulfilled the duty. It was said he was never paid. The work was reduced in size and sold. It tells the story of the Revolt of the Batavi. Gaius Julius Civilis was a Roman officer who led a rebellion against Rome in 69-70 AD. He lost but destroyed two Roman legions. He was forced to accept humiliating terms. His tribe was Germanic from the area of the southern Netherlands. Danish author Karl Masden suggested the painting was really the one eyed Norse God Odin. That could add a piece deception in the original work. Like Babylon the larger work was destroyed by invoking a false God. The overiding theme is internal rebellion within 'Rome.'

The Storm on the Sea of Galilee is a painting from 1633 by the Dutch Golden Age painter Rembrandt van Rijn that was in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum of Boston, Massachusetts, United States, prior to being stolen on March 18, 1990. The painting depicts the miracle of Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee, as depicted in the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It is Rembrandt's only seascape.
On the morning of March 18, 1990, thieves disguised as police officers broke into the museum and stole The Storm on the Sea of Galilee and 12 other works. It is considered the biggest art theft in US history and remains unsolved. The museum still displays the paintings' empty frames in their original locations.
There is a large storm brewing on this planet. With weather weapons we may even be cast into the sea regardless of where you stand. The storm could fulfill the prophecies of war and conflict. We are at the brink. The forces assembling for Syria are deeply scriptural. Our King of the North could be Vladimir Putin. It is assumed Israel attacked the Syrian arms supplies from Russia. Russia is conducting war drills anticipating invasion from the west. These are perilous times. Jesus calmed the storm on the sea. Pray he calms our brewing storm as well. Rembrandt combined the earthly and the spiritual or as we know them the third and the fourth dimensions. His technique was described as illusionistic. We are under no illusions. The time is nigh.

The Hundred Guilder Print depicts multiple events from Matthew 19, including Christ healing the sick, debating with scholars and calling on children to come to him. The rich young man mentioned in the chapter is leaving through the gateway on the right. He is the way, the truth and the light.
One of Rembrandt's other great works was The Blinding of Samson. This masterpiece is indicative of the state of the world today. We have eyes and see not. Samson even though so strong will be rendered blind. The major powers though so strong are blind walking into their destruction as vainglorious civilizations before. In his work The Night Watch a militia company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq steps from a gloomy courtyard into the light. The painting was so soiled that it was thought to be a night scene. That shows our ignorance mistaking the light and covering it. Only when we clean away the soot do we see the true picture. Our assumptions are skewed. They usually are when we lean towards conflict. It is the ultimate darkness. One of the other great Rembrandt errors was Man in a Golden helmet accredited to him is no longer. We must be certain of our facts in the face of science which is the Uncertainty Principle. Our future Anti-Christ will be the man in the golden helmet. He will be thought to be divine. He will be evil.

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