Friday, July 19, 2013


Posted by George Freund on July 18, 2013

The funny thing about KNOWING something is you understand full well when an event occurs what happened? While I was under the surgeon's knife, Toronto was hit with THE BIG ONE too. Just like Calgary, the streets of Toronto were flooded beyond belief. The greatest rain ever recorded in one hundred years fell in a very short period of time. In the classic title None Dare Call it Conspiracy, I dare call it conspiracy. Toronto was attacked with a weather weapon as surely as clouds are in the sky and Lake Ontario is wet.
It started with the search for a photo. You know it is there somewhere. Just as sure as God made little, green apples; it's there. I found it. It was awe inspiring. I've never seen anything like it. It looked like the plasma ball of a nuclear detonation in cloud form.

We see the cylinder dropping from the cloud mass above in this first image captured by a Toronto blogger.

There's only one problem with the images, and that is they were from 2011. That doesn't rule everything out because large scale operation are planned for years. This may have been a 'dry' run. However, we have a video of the tubular or roll cloud across the sky from Toronto to the Niagara Region.

Still from the YouTube video
You can see this roll cloud is exactly like the roll cloud that descended upon Calgary for their massive flood. I had heard scuttlebutt from people talking about Toronto being flooded. I paid little attention to it, but there seemed to be word in the street..
In fact there was a TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) project that involved weather warfare in a very insidious manner.

Weather Worlds is an interactive installation that grants children weather controlling superpowers.
Utilizing a camera and real-time greenscreening, the installation allows children to see themselves immersed in an interactive and dynamic environment. The custom computer vision system tracks the heads, hands, feet and movement of children on the platform and also recognizes gestures. Using their bodies children can conjure a storm, release a twisting tornado or rain down bolts of lightning from their fingertips. There are mighty wind fields to move through, stomping earthquakes, light bending sunshine and blizzards that will make you shiver!
Well children are you getting the picture? From my hospital bed I knew the roll cloud would be descending upon Toronto. There could be no other reasonable explanation accounting for the extent of the flooding. I further surmise countermeasures were taken to break off the effect. Of course, naysayers will mock and scoff, but one day they may feel the effects as the gurgle, gurgle sounds finish the sentence. He who laughs last, laughs best. I would prefer not to laugh. The nature of this leads me to cry. Just to give you a further idea, look at this 2007 photo from a German tourist. The cloud went all the way across to the Bruce Peninsula.

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