Sunday, June 9, 2013

Stephen Colbert Slams Obama, Says He Is “A Tyrannical Despot Who Ignores All The Rules”

Comedy Central’s usually-liberal Stephen Colbert shocked us all on Thursday when he said, “Obama is a tyrannical despot who ignores all the rules.”
The host began Thursday’s Colbert Report discussing the newest Obama administration scandal, involving government officials secretly looking at phone records of unknowing Americans.
Colbert showed some news reports of the incident, and then completely called out President Obama: “Yes, the National Security Administration is spying on our phone calls, and unlike during the Bush administration, this time it’s the Obama administration. Yeah, this guy, he is always trying to outdo his predecessor. ‘Oh, he poured water on their face? I’m going to blow ’em up! Hahaha! Did I win?’”
Just when I thought this couldn’t possibly get any better, Colbert said, “Folks, I’m going to be straight with you. I’m conflicted here, folks. On the one hand, this proves Obama is a tyrannical despot who ignores all the rules. On the other hand, I kind of like tyrannical despots who ignore all the rules. Shows spunk.”
The host then read a New York Times editorial that said, “The Obama administration has lost all credibility.”
Colbert got on the phone to order a subscription of the Times. “My wife likes the Style section. I go straight for the Obama bashing,” he said.
Looking into the camera, he exclaimed, “I didn’t actually make a phone call just then,” he continued. “I just assumed the NSA is listening and will pass it on.”
The scandals engulfing the Obama administration have gotten so bad that even the liberal media cannot deny it anymore.

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