Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A warning to gun grabbers and collectivist media: By calling for gun control, you are unleashing your own worst nightmare

Originally published December 26 2012

A warning to gun grabbers and collectivist media: By calling for gun control, you are unleashing your own worst nightmare

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) By screaming about how they wish to destroy the Second Amendment and disarm the American people, collectivist media gun grabbers and "school shooting doomsday" fear mongers have managed to do exactly what they hoped NOT to do: They have pushed millions of AR-15s and hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition into the private hands of Americans.

Over the Christmas holiday, I spoke with a friend who owns the largest retail gun shop (and advanced tactical shooting range) in one of the largest U.S. cities. He told me, "Our store sales have been $100,000 a day since the Newtown shooting." On a normal business day, his sales hover around the $10,000 mark, so what we're witnessing here is a 1000% increase in gun sales.

"Our shelves have been stripped bare. People are buying everything in sight, AR-15s, handguns, shotguns, ammo, scopes, magazines, uppers... you name it, it's gone. When a new shipment comes in each day, it's gone in 10 minutes. People are waiting here for hours just to buy a rifle."

Much the same is true across the nation. Every gun shop in America has sold out of virtually everything. Check out the ammunition available an online retailers like and -- almost everything is sold out or backordered.

Ammo magazines are now virtually impossible to come by, too. Firearms gear sellers like and are completely sold out and deep into backorders that won't be filled until February, March or April.

And one retailer, said that in one 72-hour period last week, they sold more ammo magazines than they usually sell in three and a half YEARS.

On ebay, aluminum AR-15 30-round magazines that used to sell for $10 are now going for $60. That's a 600% increase in value in just one week. (Note to those who are buying gold: If you had bought cases of ammo magazines instead, you could right now be experiencing a 600% return on your investment!)

Ten million more guns in the hands of honest, law-abiding Americans

The FBI instant background check system (NICS), which performs background checks on all commercial gun buyers across America, has been stressed to the breaking point. It has already experienced outages over the past 10 days, and even when it's online, it's registering the most intense period of firearm purchases in the history of America.

Official numbers are not yet available, but by my estimates, in the last ten days alone over 10 million firearms were purchased in America, and over a billion rounds of ammunition were taken home and put away by U.S. gun owners.

This was, of course, all a reaction to the screaming gun grabbers who are hyperventilating about guns and ignorantly calling for the abolishment of the Second Amendment and the complete disarmament of the American people. This utterly insane screaming fest by whiny, pathetic gun grabbers and collectivist control freaks has only accomplished one thing: the massive ARMAMENT of American citizens, most of whom absolutely will NOT surrender their firearms under any circumstances.

Support for the Second Amendment remains strong and resilient across real America. While the gun-grabbing, lying collectivist media is trying to create the illusion that Americans don't like guns, the truth is that America was founded on the right to keep and bear arms, and Americans innately understand that throughout history, liberty must be defended by force. This defense of liberty depends entirely on the People owning, possessing and using firearms.

Americans fully realize that disarmament is the path to enslavement and tyranny. That's why they rushed out to buy millions of guns and over a billion rounds of ammunition. And no amount of distorted media lies, Obama fake crying on TV or even a thousand more government-staged mass shootings will convince people to turn over their guns to the most distrusted organization on the planet... the government!

The reaction is quietly surging

Gun-owning Americans are growing increasingly sick and tired of being called bad people simply because they choose to protect their homes, families and communities with firearms. White gun owners are sick of being irrationally called "racist" for choosing to own guns. (Historical fact: Martin Luther King owned "an arsenal" of guns and often carried a concealed handgun.)

Southerners are sick and tired of being depicted as idiotic rednecks by the uppity liberal media and its distorted, race-baiting TV shows. And the gun owners of America have just about had enough of being blamed for the violence of one crazy, medicated young man who committed murder in Connecticut.

If you go to any gun show right now and talk to people, as I have, you'll overhear talk like:

"They're gonna have to pry this gun out of my cold, dead hands."

"If Obama orders guns to be turned in, it will set off a civil war."

"Dammit, I should have bought another AR-15 when I had the chance..."

Meanwhile, truly anti-America, seditious TV journalists and social media trolls are screaming things like, "Kill the NRA President" and "all gun owners should be shot" -- confirming that the gun-grabbing liberals are, themselves, the promoters of gun violence in America. It's the lawful gun owners who are so far remaining calm and keeping their firearms muzzled. But if it really comes to a shooting war -- and I pray it doesn't -- it's the gun grabbing zealots who are going to find out what it means to be "downrange."

And if these gun-grabbing, anti-American collectivists do actually manage to pick up a firearm during a shooting war and try to do something with it, they won't have any idea how to clear a jam, how to use the forward assist, or how to turn on the mysterious, magical red dot inside the sight. Their college PhD classes never taught them anything practical, you see. They live in the world of "theory" while people like you and I live in something called "reality."

With rifles clumsily clasped in their hands, these anti-American collectivists will have no clue how to compensate for bullet drop ("What are all these funny lines inside the scope for?") or how to estimate and compensate for a crosswind. ("Wind affects bullets? I thought they were too fast!") Nor do they know the difference between a "bullet" and a piece of "brass." ("You want to SAVE brass? Why?") They think a "primer" is a pre-calc Cliff Notes booklet, and they think "reloaded" means something to do with The Matrix.

In other words, if it actually comes down to a shooting war between gun grabbers and gun owners, the gun owners will absolutely dominate the battlefield.

Gun owners already have the real power in America, as they should

In truth, gun owners already possess the real power in America. "All political power grows out of the barrel of a gun," Mao Tse-tung famously said. And that's why Obama wants to take away all our guns... because they are tools of real power.

The only way gun owners across America can be disarmed right now is if they can be guilt-tripped, cajoled or otherwise tricked into disarming themselves. They cannot be disarmed by force. Any attempt to do so will only result in them shooting back.

If gun owners simply put their foot down, take a stand, and announce, "We will NOT give up our Second Amendment birthright!" then not even the entire federal government can force them to do otherwise.

Stand together, lawful gun owners!

Now is the time for all lawful gun owners across America to stand together, with strength and righteousness, against the unlawful tyrants, oppressors, liars and anti-American traitors who are right now attempting to crush America's liberty and destroy her Bill of Rights. This is the time for all true patriots who believe in America to SAY NO to Obama, Biden, Bloomberg, Schumer, Feinstein and all the other communist-leaning collectivists who are desperately trying to disarm the American public even while their own children, families and homes are guarded by men with guns.

It is time to say "Enough is enough!" to the lying, fear-mongering media and its laughably pathetic talking heads like Piers Morgan who has the emotional maturity of a five-year-old and the cognitive prowess of an advanced-stage Alzheimer's patient. Already wanted for questioning in Britain, Piers Morgan has denounced all Americans and said he represents "British superiority" that demands Americans be stripped of all their firearms -- just like they were during the British occupation of the colonies in 1775. (Right before our forefathers started shooting large pieces of lead through the thick skulls of British officers... see the movie "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson for a graphic depiction of how men with rifles saved America.)

Pray that Obama and Biden do not attempt to overplay their hand

In all, I can only pray that Obama and Biden do not attempt to arrogantly overplay their hand when it comes time for them to lay out their anticipated gun control "plan."

If their plan calls for any sort of gun confiscation whatsoever -- especially so-called "assault rifles" -- it will very likely cause America to erupt into a shooting war.

On the other hand, if Obama and Biden limit their actions to things most gun owners would consider "reasonable," then they can prevent any further escalation. What will gun owners consider to be "reasonable?" NOT gun registration, I can assure you. Everybody knows gun registration was Hitler's first step preceding confiscation and then genocide.

NOT another "assault weapons" ban, either. The Clinton ban didn't keep assault rifles out of the hands of psychopathic killers. Why would an Obama ban work any better?

NOT a ban on semi-automatic firearms. This would be seen as total disarmament of gun owners, as most firearms owned today are semi-autos. (Very few are full-auto. They are extremely rare and ridiculously expensive.)

NOT an artificial limit on standard magazine capacity. Restricting 30-round magazines would also be seen as the disarmament of gun owners. As the purpose of the Second Amendment was to allow the People to be their own standing army against enemies of the nation -- including domestic tyrants -- any such restriction would be blatantly unconstitutional and wholly ineffective.

Gun control restrictions that might fly

Here are some things that might be considered reasonable among gun owners and therefore not result in a huge national backlash (or even a shooting war).

I'm not saying I agree or disagree with all these; they're just things that are more likely to succeed and not meet huge resistance if proposed by the Obama administration (which is widely hated by nearly all gun owners, including the police and military):

• Mandatory waiting periods for all firearms purchases, nationwide. A 3-day waiting period would not be considered particularly restrictive or unconstitutional.

• Increased restrictions on firearms purchases by those who are on psychiatric medications. (This is not likely to even be suggested, as the Obama administration is totally in bed with Big Pharma.)

• Strict federal laws requiring firearms to be secured (locked) in any home where teenagers or children have frequent access. (There is already a federal law on this regarding children under 18, but this could be tightened to cover young adults up to age 20, for example.)

• Banning of very large 100-round capacity magazines. These drum magazines all suck anyway, as they frequently jam. This is what happened in Aurora. We should only HOPE that all psychopathic killers have 100-round drum magazines... they would kill no one!

• Mandatory federal background checks for guns sold at gun shows. (This is already required for all commercial dealers. But private transactions are currently exempted from this requirement. This is very likely to be targeted by Obama and Biden, so expect gun shows to be severely restricted in some way.)

In addition, the Obama administration is very likely to attempt to limit importations on certain types of firearms manufactured outside the United States. This might include bottom-feeding shotguns such as the Saiga-12, which the ATF attempted to restrict two years ago. Kiss your AK supply line goodbye...

Stand still... I'm reloading!

If these restrictions are not enough for the hysterically irrational gun grabbers who want to completely disarm law-abiding citizens across the country, then as one gun owner told me recently, "Sure, I'll give 'em all my ammo and guns, bullets first."

That attitude pretty much sums up the topic in real America; not the fabricated delusional America portrayed and distorted by the mainstream media. The media is to real events as GMOs are to real food: It's all engineered, and every bite delivers a little bit of poison.

In real America, people everywhere demand to keep their handguns, rifles, shotguns and 30-round magazines. They inherently know that a disarmed population has historically been enslaved by a corrupt, criminal government. They do not trust Obama -- and nobody trusts the mentally unstable Biden! -- and they absolutely will not give up their guns to a lying liberal gun-grabbing President.

If someone like Clint Eastwood called for everybody to give up their guns, that would be different. But not a lying, birth-certificate-fabricating, lawbreaking President whose greatest achievement has been expanding the number of Americans on welfare and food stamps.

Obama will have no real success trying to grab guns. If he's smart, he'll push for some marginal restrictions and declare it a success to his own screaming liberal supporters, most of whom are too uneducated to understand the details of any gun control restrictions in the first place. (Half of 'em can't even READ!)

Gun control IS racism

By the way, the very first gun control laws in America were put in place by the KKK. Gun control is racism. Gun freedom is equality. A gun in the hands of a free black man makes him an equal to a free white man, according to the laws of physics. This is why the Second Amendment first benefits African-Americans, and secondly everyone else.

If more African-Americans truly understood history, they would be screaming to defend the Second Amendment and make sure guns remain legal in the hands of citizens. History has shown, after all, that any concentration of firepower in the hands of the few ALWAYS gets turned against the innocent.

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