Wednesday, April 24, 2013


This one is so bizarre any way one approaches it, that it’s not even funny. Indeed, I don’t even know where to begin. That something is rotten in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts concerning the Boston marathon bombing seems evident to most thinking people, listening to the media report now this, now that “fact”.  We have been witness to the almost pathological glee of certain talk show hosts, itching to blame it on the “radical right” (meaning all the “gun-toatin’ Republicans and militia people and yellow-dog Democrats in the “red” states”), two poison letters, one to a senator, another to the president, may make it possible for the story to evolve along whatever the most convenient path the “story” (still in progress) needs to take.
Well, we can fairly guess the direction “they” want it to take if we turn to this story (again, coming from RT):
Israeli police head to US to aid in Boston Marathon bombing investigation
Now, if you’re like me, you’re probably wondering, “What the (O*&*#&^*!^%@!@Q!?”
First off, after all the security cameras, patriot acts, Heimatsicherheitsdienst, TSA, electronic eavesdropping and all the other wonderful “security” we’re getting for the increasingly high taxes our misrepresentative bilk from us, how did this even happen? Secondly, why hasn’t senator Feinstein spackled on some make-up and demanded Federal background checks on people buying pressure cookers, nails, ball bearings, bb’s, and so on? I mean, if we’re to be logically consistent…oh yea, I forgot, it’s not about the constitution, it’s about using opportunity for increasing your power. Sorry Diane, now I understand.
But now, thirdly, after all the money we lavish on the alphabet soup agencies – CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA, ONI and all the others – how and why in the same of sense do we need help from anyone.
And fourthly, if we call on people to “help” us if we suspect this is terrorism, why not the Russians? (They have some experience with it as I recall). Oops. I forgot. You cannot trust the Ruskies. Well, why not the British? They have bomb experts and bomb-sniffing dogs too. But, well, you know the British, they take any such opportunity to spy on everyone else. Besides, we spy on everyone else so much better. Well, the Germans then? they have bomb experts and dogs too… but they probably wouldn’t come even if we did invite them, which we won’t, because then they’ll say “Sure. Give us our gold first.”
So why of all people Israel? Why do we need any help at all? What, in the final analysis, has all the money for security given us? Has it made us “safer”? No. Did the security cameras and bomb sniffing dogs stop it? No. Did the eavesdropping and spying? No.
But hey, it sure made a big dent in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

- Giza Death Star Community

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