Monday, April 29, 2013


In The Grid of the Gods,  I titled the first chapter, “Thermonuclear Theurgy,” and wrote about the strange anomalies associated with the fusion reactions and anomalous yields associated with the first hydrogen bomb tests. It may have seemed an impertinent title: after all, what does fusion have to do with something so esoteric and downright occult as theurgy? My reasoning was rather simple: in esoteric lore, the “gods” are often celestial bodies, in particular, stars. And of course, there is the ancient Egyptian cosmological belief that men are descended from the gods, i.e., from stars. In a certain sense, of course, that’s true, for in the vast furnaces – if one follows the “chained hydrogen bomb” model of stars – the elements are created. We are, in a sense, stardust.
With that in mind, this article was shared with me by Mr. P.T., and it’s definitely newsworthy:
One giant leap for mankind: £13bn Iter project makes breakthrough in quest for nuclear fusion, a solution to climate change and an age of clean, unlimited energy
There is so much here one doesn’t really know where to begin, but let’s begin here:
“’It is the largest scientific collaboration in the world. In fact, the project is so complex we even had to invent our own currency – known as the Iter Unit of Account – to decide how each country pays its share,’ says Carlos Alejaldre, Iter’s deputy director responsible for safety.” (Emphasis added)
The development of “units of account” dates back, of course, to the Renaissance and the northern Italian City-states – Venice, Padua, Florence, and Genoa in particular – where bankers and corporations had to deal on a daily basis with all manner of currency in order to conduct their international trade and business, and as a result, they developed special “currencies” that were purely accounting abstractions on the corporate ledgers, and never circulating monies.
But there’s more going on here, for if fusion is commercially viable, then it will lead to a realignment of money and monetary value: the petrodollar, or for that matter, petroleum per se, will gradually decline in value; money after all is ultimately a measure of productivity, productivity is in turn a measure of work, and work, of course, is fundamentally a physics conception, intimately tied to energy. Money, economics, and physics have always been, and will always be, intimately intertwined in a complex relationship that is not easily understood. It is, nonetheless, a fundamental fact of “socio-cosmology,” if I may be permitted to coin a term.
At a second level, it is intriguing to posit the political implications of this project, a truly international  ”Manhattan project”. If successful, then it will call into existence new corporations, and a new global bureaucracy and could potentially lead to a new government of global extent to “apportion” the energy technology, with a commensurate monetary reform.
There’s more of course, but that will have to wait tomorrow’s foray into a bit of high octane speculation, and a bit of science fiction.

- Giza Death Star Community

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