Friday, April 19, 2013

Newspeak: The Fourth Estate Is Dead

Newspeak: The Fourth Estate Is Dead


Many times I have used my show as a means to present topics that I am literally trying to assess in order to find a thread of sanity in the midst of the insanity. It has been a catharsis in many ways, listening to others trying to cleanse myself from all of the inhumanity.
It is with the listeners being the media and speaking to me on the air I find salvation. It is the listener that reminds me that there are a plethora of individuals in the world that are aware, sharp and awake. I value that in my listeners. I look around and I see many people falling for what we call here ‘conspiracy bait’ that is being generated in order to make those who question the official story look like they are mentally challenged.
That is why I often caution my listeners to be careful about what you believe about an event because what the media may tell you is a terrorist attack is quite literally nothing of the sort.
I have to say that the Boston bombing is not measuring up to its hype. This is not to diminish the sadness and the tragic event, it is merely an observation that the media has over reacted, planted the seeds of terror and utilized an effective distraction that is trying to hide the fact that we now live in a despotic country, a country where the citizens demonstrate patriotism in the face of a threat, rather than using that same zeal to reveal the real demons that are persecuting us.
We can see now that the corporate media again is failing us and as a mouthpiece of the government becomes confused and hostile when the people take charge and make moves against the tyranny.
All things we see and perceive are electric stimulus and light that transmits information that we can pay attention to, and then of course there are those details that we don’t.
This is where I have spoken before about a temporal blind spot where events happen or we perceive they do and then later we are schooled on the idea that everything we have perceived is wrong, that what we think we know is not exactly what is and that somehow we reach a point where we are satisfied with our opinion and even then all that it is based on is once again nebulous stimuli that we agree to.
The process of selective perception is necessary because if we did not do this we would be transfixed by the hyper reality and sensory overload. Today our brains are being filled with all sorts of sensory overload. Think about it, we have simple perceptions of life, light, love, survival, spirituality, God, etc. Then we are exposed to media, print, Television, internet, video games, telephony, and many other things that is pushing the brain further and all of that stimulus is placed in a limited area known as the brain.
We do not know if the brain is limitless and we have learned that in old age we begin to lose memory and our perception of time.
If our model for perceiving our environment and time is limited or if we happen to perceive something while in crisis or after a traumatic experience, we run the obvious risk of missing important information that may be crucial for our well-being and survival; or conversely of hallucinating imaginary information that may be misleading or hurtful.
Think of those moments in your life where your perception of time has slowed down. Many people tell the story of missing time, or time that has slowed down just before the impact of an automobile accident or a fall.
With this in mind let us think about world events and how we all have an opinion on what is going on based on the narrative provided by the media. There have been several events in history, that have been traumatizing to the nation as a whole. So traumatizing in fact that people are confused about what really went on and rather than overload with details are satisfied to the watered down explanations provided by the media that is under the direction of corporate interest and quite frankly produces news that is sanitized by the Pentagon and in some cases the executive branch of government.
Very few average people have the discipline to check their views and beliefs with the criteria of consistency. The average person when listening to proposed authority needs to also internally decide if any claim that has been made provides verifiable documentation to your satisfaction. Do all of the pieces of information provided fit the dialogue and time line provided?
If they do not then do you reject the claim or do you investigate further? The average person will not even go that far. While the experiences of the world differ do you still decide that what you have seen in the narrative is reality?
Who in the world has the ambition to weigh everything based on what is really transpiring and not what the narrative provides or what the inner core belief you possess tends to cloud?
Problems in any of the traits I have described go ignored by the average person. They are also forgotten and are replaced by emotional belief and not on anything dealing with fact with respect to time or environment.
If there is an extreme break with the reality and the world view, there is always the consensus opinion that the mental health of the person is under suspicion. However, there has never been a consensus opinion that the breakdown of reality is happening and that people now are not exactly privy to harsh realities that are creating that blind spot in time and that selective reality that seems to be a refuge for the person in denial.
Take into account the behavior of the United States right now. How have we become so divided in such a small amount of time? How is it that when the vice president threatens that the President can use executive orders to take away guns from citizens there is really no flinch or commentary from the mainstream narrative?
Vice President Biden told White House allies in the gun control fight that President Obama will be announcing new executive actions on gun violence in the days after the Senate voted down a gun violence bill. Gun control measures failed in the Democratic-controlled Senate. Harry Reid pulled the bill and Barack Obama showed his anger saying that gun advocates were liars instead of realizing that the people have spoken and that the majority of Americans do not want infringement on the second amendment.
Perhaps it would be wise at this point to indicate that while a lot of Americans would see this as a failure to reduce violence, it is a success in demonstrating how many Americans including the democratic house are sick and tired of what can be called constant semantic deception provided by those who govern us by those who report to us what they say is the real news, and unfortunately claiming to deliver the truth that is either without spin or “fair and balanced.”
These trite little slogans are doing nothing to convince us that we are receiving any semblance of truth in the media.
The highly paid talking heads are doing nothing to relay information that helps; it is only relaying information that is homogenized with the government and corporate seal of approval.
We are still hung up on the idea that violent crime has disappeared, and that organized crime within the country has been dissolved only to be replaced by a dark skinned terrorist.
I have been told that not all things are a conspiracy. Well, now I have a reason to say that not all attacks on the United States are Islamic terrorism. We are now acting in a manner in which we were warned a long time ago would occur and that is fighting a method of violence has a broad meaning.
Terrorism is a tactic of asymmetrical warfare used to achieve a political goal. Now I would like to ask the question, “What political goal does the bombing of the Boston Marathon produce?” What group no matter how fringe is benefiting from a bombing killing 3 people and injuring hundreds?
Not one person in all of the finger pointing and in all of the “Where’s Waldo” video snapshots has produced any kind of a motive or political benefit for a group like Al Qaeda or Saudi nationals to bomb the marathon.
When Pearl Harbor was surprise attacked in 1941, Franklin Roosevelt declared war on the Japanese. He did not declare war on the method in which the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. If he did then World War II would have been a war on “surprise attacks” and not on who was responsible.
This is why the idea of calling the Boston bombing a terrorist attack immediately throws all of the focus on who we consider terrorists and who we can draw from as possible culprits. This is why we are suspicious of Saudi nationals, or Presidential meetings with the Saudi Foreign Minister or the deportation of the suspected Saudi national.
The media and several conservative media outlets have now become conspiracy theorists and quite frankly are not very good at it. During Sandy Hook they would take to task people like Alex Jones for his correct stance on gun control and now they are embracing the idea of forming theories based on circumstantial evidence. Purely for the cause of distraction and for their own expedient need for a story or a scoop. In the process they are demonstrating a method of Newspeak, exactly what Orwell wrote about in the book ‘1984‘.
We are told that the Boston Marathon bombing will define how we now deal with the “long and sustaining” war on terror.
So far the track record for results, for lack of a better euphemism is very poor and the consensus reaction being triggered by an irresponsible fourth estate is embarrassing and nauseating.
We have been told since the Bush administration that we are in the middle of an open-ended war. We were also told that the war on terror was actually losing ground when Obama became president and yet two bombs go off in a major city and immediately we are screaming that it is a false flag and the government struggles to pin blame, police can’t find a suspect and the only group that is speculating on suspects is the media.
Each media outlet, depending on its political leanings, is creating hypothetical news.
For conservative media the suspect is either an illegal alien, or an Islamic hater of America and American values. For the liberal media the suspect is a right wing extremist, white supremacist, tax protestor, gun enthusiast, veteran and hater of the government and Obama’s vision for America.
This is how a government that is in the business of divide and conquer can create a division in the people, so that the frustrated and angry can go about carrying out copy cat bombings and shootings to harden the resolve of the police state.
Once again I will stress that we are preoccupied with “who did the act” rather than accepting and realizing that there is always a component that has a hand in all of it.
Clearly exposed, that component is a government who – with the aid of an open-ended war and a buzzword like “terrorism” – can create “false flags” where they no longer have to produce a patsy because the people will produce one or just eat itself to death. We are now in a paradox and, as many science fiction stories have pointed out, nature will not allow for a paradox to remain.
When conflict is never meant to end and we realize that laws aren’t enough to stop things like bombings. We are told that surveillance is not enough; due process is not enough, law enforcement is unable to find the culprits, the result will be a civil conflict that also will be open ended. An open-ended war without end in your own country, this is civil war. A civil war that seems to be growing in thought, eventually in action and process.
It is inevitable because government can keep adding people to its enemies list, just like we can keep pointing fingers at people with back packs, dark skins, and suspicious stares at public gatherings.
Can’t you see what we are doing? We are participating in their open ended war, and we are all looking at each other saying that we know who the real killer are, instead of looking at the gate keepers that have allowed the wolves to pounce and kill the innocent.
Who is benefiting politically with their open ended war on terror. Stop me if you have an idea because I am at a point where I really don’t understand how we have not learned from history.
With the Boston bombing we didn’t even absorb the first blow, or even the second blow before websites were saying that a couple of Facebook pages were praying for the dead days before the attack. The dead had not even been identified and yet there were websites showing a little girl running with a declaration that she was killed in the bombing. The purpose of the picture was merely a way to get more likes on a Facebook page. The bodies were not even cold and I was getting e-mails from people saying that a woman who died in the Sandy Hook shootings was being shown as a victim in the Boston marathon.
When I told people that I believe that these pictures are hoaxes I immediately was told that I was working for THEM and that I have now been compromised. Do the research; what is being done here is exactly what is wanted.
There is actually a guy in the realm of the fringe named Dallas Goldbug who has taken pictures of me and Jack Blood and has spread around the web that he and I are the same person and that we are part of COINTELPRO.
There needs to be a way for the government to “bait” the conspiracy theorist who wants to be FIRST and not RIGHT. There has to be an argument in semantics in order for Newspeak to succeed and the Orwellian nightmare to grow.
The Obama Administration is now redefining terrorism in their own image. The terror we are seeing now looks more like good old fashioned Mob massacres rather than Middle Eastern attacks. Think of terms like “kill lists” or “indefinite detention” and how they are associated with the Commander in Chief. Think of how our government has to review the criteria for which Americans deserved to be visited and surgically removed by a drone and yet we are looking high and low for that dark skinned Muslim that may be a person of interest in the Boston bombing.
They call us the shining city on a hill; however, this so-called shining city has decided that destructive behaviors, infighting and civil discord. Obama speaks the rhetoric on the rubble of the Boston bombing speaking of cherished freedoms, justice, and yet he is the guy that has the power to kill Americans on US soil without due process.
I can only assume that most Americans are sure that when the authorities have their person of interest that they will be sure of who they have as the real killer, and we will forget just how many times they have gotten it wrong without accountability or transparency. Of course, the mainstream media will continue to feed us with the facts and use all of the buzzwords to remind us that we are in an open ended war against terror and forget that enemies are constantly being added to that list of potential threats.
These are freedoms? We cherish these things?
We cherish the nullification of ‘innocent until proven guilty’? Do we cherish the erosion of morality and the proposal of dictatorial authority for the so called guarantee of safety?
We are seeing what can be called the first indication of a totalitarian and despotic state. All because someone is demanding that we call what has happened terrorism. Well, it has now been deemed such and wit the federal hand has given a license to demand more surveillance, more police powers and more harassment.
It gives us license to obliterate the 5th and 6th amendments, forgotten about because the 2nd amendment was in danger of being erased. Well, now the fight is not over, we are seeing dangers to the 5th and 6th amendments now, where is the vocal group willing to save your right to due process.
In 1984, the Orwellian nightmare, Winston was told that in the totalitarian state, accusation is guilt. Without the 5th and 6th amendments that notion will ring true. In fact, it already seems to be the way we think as pictures of dark-skinned “suspects” appear on the Internet and immediately we say “That’s the killer” without a trial or due process.
It keeps on repeating over and over again and it doesn’t look like it is going to correct itself.
The idea of the elimination of core liberties is later discussed in the media and is presented in a diagrammed power point by some British or Canadian newscaster that has no problem demanding that the statistics show that the American way of life is not accepted in the New World Order.
Orwell has also stated that when we wage war and when it is a continuous war, we begin to see those tactics of war showing up in our own back yard. It eventually becomes the very thread that keeps the tapestry of society intact. The media will see to it that the dialogue will always be geared towards creating heroes in government, condemning some “person of interest” and inserting an agenda that the people believe is the only solution to the problem of terror and open ended war.
The internal dynamic that is being presented in the media is that anyone who questions their Newspeak, any outspoken independent reporter or activist is a target that should be maligned and viewed as a tinfoil hat wearing crank.
Anyone who participates in the ritualistic sacrifice of the fourth estate for the sake of their own immoral, xenophobic, unrealistic, unconstitutional agenda is on the high road to becoming my enemy.          

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