Saturday, March 1, 2014

This escort made an infographic of how she spent her time in 2013

girl in bed

If you’ve ever seen The Girlfriend Experience, you know that escorting can be just as mundane as any other job (also, that Sasha Grey has the emotional range of a teak coffee table, but that’s beside the point). To illustrate this point, professional companion Avery Moore has made an infographic (inspired by the Feltron Report) showing how she spent her time in the last year, from the number of hours she spent traveling to the emails she received to the amount of meals she shared with her “friends” (here, a euphemism for clients).
The result is a fascinating, borderline obsessive-compulsive peek into the day-to-day life of a professional escort, sort of like Secret Diary of a Call Girl meets Monk:

Via Avery Playful Blog
While most people think being a professional escort is all jet-setting to exotic locales and spooning caviar into the mouths of sheikhs and having multiple orgasms on diplomats’ private sex planes, Moore’s infographic indicates that’s only partly true. It’s true that she spends a lot of time with “company” (1,394 hours, to be exact), which involves traveling to various U.S. cities (19 in all), attending the theater (29 plays in a year), and other assorted “mystery activities.”
But she also devotes an awful lot of time to “administrative” duties, such as checking emails and catching up on blog posts. In this respect, her work life seems basically identical to that of any other profession, including, well, mine (I’m sure I’m not the only person who’s felt like they should update their job description of LinkedIn to “professional email responder”).
Another thing that’s surprising about the infographic is how much time Moore reports spending on self-beautification: 201 hours on salon visits and exercise. Given her $1,000-an-hour rate, it’s probably to be expected that a high-end escort like Moore would devote a fair amount of time to primping, but in all honestly 201 hours seems like it’s kinda on the low end of the spectrum; in the Upper East Side of New York City, there are probably non-escort housewives who spend three times as much on their nail care alone.  
On her blog, Moore says that the infographic was more for her benefit than that of her readers, but in an email to the Daily Dot, she admits that it’s also a corrective for people’s misguided beliefs about the nature of her work:
I thought it would be enlightening for other people. Everyone's always so curious about what an escort's life is ‘really like’ and there are so many incorrect assumptions. I can't speak for anyone but me, but my days often involve a lot of planes, trains, and automobiles, and fantastic getaways with wonderful people. I've been given such a fun life, I get pleasure out of giving others a glimpse into it.
So, OK, being a high-end escort is still probably more glamorous than being, say, a traveling medical sales representative. But doesn’t it make you feel better to know that even someone who’s getting $1,000 an hour has to reply to their email as much as you do?
H/T Avery Playful Blog | Photo by iamtheo/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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