Thursday, March 6, 2014

Shocking Evidence Man and Dinosaurs Coexisted!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014
Sign reads: Human and dinosaur footprints found together. There are human footprints from all over the world that date back to, and before the dinosaurs according to evolutionary geology. The evidence is so overwhelming and the science done with the tracks is so convincing as to leave little or no doubt that humans and dinosaurs coexisted.Sign that reads: Dinosaur and Human footprints together? See the evidence and decide for yourself!

I posted an article earlier reporting that a pyramid was found in Ukraine that dates back to the Jurrasic Period, and one of the comments from that article got me thinking…did dinosaurs and humans coexist?!

Either they didn’t, or we’ve been lied to all along. After writing this article, I’m starting to think (as I’ve always suspected) that we’re all being lied to, and if anyone attempts to re-write history, they are quickly pushed aside and labeled a fanatic or conspiracy theorist. Thank God for places like BeforeItsNews, where sometimes a seed of truth sees the light of day. Sometimes.

Anyways, the very idea that men and dinosaurs co-existed at any given time in ancient history is surely a preposterous one is it not?

Because, as we were taught (programmed might be a better word): ”Dinosaurs died out roughly 64,000,000 years ago, and humans didn’t totally evolve until less than half a million years ago. There’s a time difference of about 63,500,000 years there.”

How do we know this? Carbon dating, that’s how? Is Carbon dating a reliable measurement? Well, many respected scientists are beginning to question the accuracy of Carbon dating, particularly as there are serious fluctuations in the decay rate of Carbon 14 and the system in itself is flawed because it is based on a linear relase of Carbon into the atmosphere over extensive time periods and that certainly hasn’t been the case. That is indisputable!

Shocking Evidence Man and Dinosaurs Coexisted!

On the other hand, there is a copious repository of evidence suggesting human/dinosaur interaction. Most of it has been ridiculed, because yet again, “It can’t be true, therefore it obviously isn’t”. No need to investigate further, the facts are well known and cannot be challenged! However, there is evidence which is harder to dispute, such as the footprints of dinosuars and men captured side-by-side together in rock, mud, or dried-up riverbeds and then there are mythologies from different cultures which often point directly at just such a co-existence.

First though, let’s tackle the dating issue. The main problem is that layers of strata are given defined dates.

Cretaceous rock is the layer of rock that many geologists say dinosaurs are found in. But they don’t have any accurate way of telling how old a layer of rock is. It can’t be carbon dated. They say it is Cretaceous rock only because dinosaur remains are found in it. So if a layer of rock has dinosaurs in it then they say it must be 165 million years old. However, if human remains are found in it, they say it is less than 1 million years old. So, this system of dating is centred on a commonly held belief rather than actual evidence. In this way, scientists are similar to Christians, in that they fully accept the teachings of their holy books and anything contrary is to be scorned.

Then, there are problems with the way the strata is deposited. Layers are supposedly formed over thousands or millions of years. Scientists would be strongly advised to avoid any recent research, such as in areas hit by flash floods, where multiple layers of strata have been deposited within days. And guess, what? The scientists were completely fooled by it. They were shown, that their data, their measurements and their chronologies were worthless. Of course, they reacted negatively to this. They are pompous asses after all. The scientists who demonstrated the truth, what about them? Marginalised, ridiculed, smeared, you name it. That’s what happens when you challenge academic dogma! Those with a vested interest in a perpetuated lie have a duty to destroy any conflicting truth, or face being rendered obsolete themselves!

If the tracks of men and dinosaurs were found solidifed in rock or mud, together, then they would have to be fake. That’s what the experts would say anyway. However, they would say that just from looking at the photos. They wouldn’t examine them because they couldn’t be real. What’s more, to examine them would be to suggest that they were open to the possibility that they were real and they would be ridiculed. There’s nothing worse than ridicule to an expert, besides loss of funding, never being published again and being shunned completely by your peers. Unfortunately, both scenarios have already been played out. A British geologist wrote of a site in Mexico as faked without even going for a look. It has to be fake, therefore it is. These guys are uncompromising. It’s their way or the highway. They’re right, everyone who disagrees is wrong and so any evidence to contradict them must either be fake or have formed accidentally.

The most well known and extensive set of side-by-side human and dinosaur tracks are those at Paluxy River, Glen Rose, Texas, but these are not the only ones that have been found. Zapata in New Mexico, Tuba City in Arizona, a site in Australia, and a particularly fantastic site in Turkmenistan, have also been found. It is no surprise that the majority of purported sites are found in hot stable localities. The likelihood of them having been preserved for so long is slim indeed. The conditions have to be just right. So, let’s take a look at some of these sites, starting with the most well know one, the Paluxy River:

Paluxy River site

This dinosaur footprint in cretaceous limestone on the banks of the Paluxy River is approximately 30 cm (one foot) across, and located with similar tracks. Early excavations in this area revealed human footprints inside the dinosaur tracks leading to rumors that the human prints had claws–later excavations uncovered human footprints up to 64 cm long (25 inches) next to the dinosaur prints—this discounted the doubters. A human handprint was also found. This confirms that dinosaurs occupied the arbitrary and spurious “cretaceous” period of geological history. Human prints contemporary with dinosaurs contradict modern evolution theories because mankind was not to evolve for another 75 to 100 million years.

This 140-pound stone was recovered in July 2000 from the bank of a creek that feeds the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, 53 miles south of Fort Worth, Texas. The impressions show the dinosaur passed along the track after the human, indicating man and dinosaur co-existed. The fossil may be viewed in Dr. Carl Baugh’s Creation Evidence Museum. This giant footprint contemporary with dinosaurs was also found in Dinosaur Park at Glen Rose. Pictured with my foot, it exceeds 45 cm (18 inches) in length. The cross-sectional cuts determined by compression studies that it was a woman’s footprint. Estimates indicate her stature approximately 305 cm (10 feet) and 454 kg (1,000 lbs). Several strata of human prints with dinosaur prints have been excavated in this park. According to Dr. Carl Baugh, the archeologist who coordinated the excavations, these strata were laid down during the first few days of Noah’s flood when water levels were low enough to allow daily tidal changes to form layers of mud so fleeing creatures could seek higher ground—the upper strata showed no prints.

Obviously the people who lived contemporary with dinosaurs were intelligent, and the footprints indicate that they were quite human, as the large toe on primates is located close to the heel to facilitate clinging to branches.

Have you ever wondered how those giant life forms could have survived in the past? In West Texas, a fossilized flying reptile, known as a pterodactyl, has been found, with a wingspan of 52 feet. There is no way such a creature could have flown with today’s atmospheric pressure, which is 14.7 pounds per square inch at sea level. However, it would have had no difficulty with and atmospheric pressure of around 32 pounds per square inch. The firmament above the earth would have greatly increased the atmospheric pressure saturating the blood with oxygen, which the fossil record found to be 30% compared with 20% today.

Dr. Baugh said: “We’ve been doing extensive research into the ancient atmosphere found in the fossil record. Research indicates that essentially everything was larger in the past. For instance, the club mosses which today reach 16 to 18 inches often approach 200 feet in the fossil record. “The great dinosaurs, with their relatively small lung capacity, reached tremendous stature. Seismosaurus could reach his head almost 70 feet in the air. Something has to explain this anomaly in terms of today’s atmosphere. If we had those conditions today, we could run 200 miles without fatigue”.

Dr. Hilton Hinderliter of Apollo Campus Pennsylvania. State University, studied the evidence presented at the Glen Rose, who excavations stated: “I would have to say that the belief in evolution is in a state of terminal illness but its death will only be admitted by a new generation of scientists whose minds have not been prejudiced by the type of education now prevalent in the nation’s public schools, an education which starts with the belief that evolution has happened, which interprets all evidence according to that faith and simply discards any evidence which cannot be fitted into the evolutionary framework” (Quoted from “Dinosaurs” by Dr. Carl E. Baugh, 1987. Promise Publishing Co., Orange, CA 92667)

Turkmenistan site

Human footprints lie alongside thousands of dinosaur prints on a Turkmenian plateau, a Russian newspaper has reported.

Journalist Alexander Bushev reported in the 31 January 1995 edition of Komsomolskaya Pravda (one of the most popular newspapers of the former USSR) that he had journeyed to the plateau near the village of Khodga-Pil in Turkmenistan, and had seen the fossilized prints of dinosaurs and humans together.

According to evolutionary theory, dinosaurs had become extinct long before humans first appeared on earth.

Bushev said that every metre of the half-kilometre-wide rock surface is covered by three-toed footprints ‘made by giant dinosaurs making their morning or evening promenade along the ancient sea-shore’. The Turkmenian plateau contains more than 3,000 footprints.

Bushev said that Turkmenian scientist Kurban Amanniyazov considers this Jurassic plateau to be at least 200 million years old.

‘But the most mysterious fact’, Bushev added, ‘is that among the footprints of dinosaurs, footprints of bare human feet were found!’ He suggested that, because ‘we know’ that humans appeared much later than dinosaurs, there was an extraterrestrial ‘who walked in his swimming suit along the sea-side’.

This report about dinosaur and human footprints on Kughitang-Tau Plateau is not the first. The news was reported to readers of the English version of Moscow News in 1983 (No. 24, p. 10). This was during a period when communists strictly controlled the ideological aspect of all publications, so an article of that kind could be published only with official commentary from a representative of official State science.

The commentary they gave at that time was this:

‘Who knows, but maybe our very far removed ancestors did mingle with dinosaurs?

‘“Science might possibly answer that in the affirmative some time in the future”, said Professor Kurban Amanniyazov, head of the expedition. “However, at present we don’t have enough grounds to say this. We’ve imprints resembling human footprints, but to date have failed to determine, with any scientific veracity, whom they belong to, after all.

‘“If we could prove that they do belong to a humanoid, then it would create a revolution in the science of man. Humanity would ‘grow older’ thirty-fold and its history would be at least 150 million years long?”’

The new report proves that nothing has changed. Indoctrinated by evolutionary dogma, people can either sarcastically deny existing facts that don’t match their beloved theory, or surrender to gullibility in something like an extraterrestrial or 150 million years of the history of mankind that left no evidence.

Such fiction seems to them more credible than the evident conclusion that the ‘millions of years’ time-scale does not match the facts and needs a revision. THE DATES ARE INCORRECT!!!

“The Truth Is Out There” as they used to say in the X-Files and also to quote Jesus, which believe me, I don’t do very often… “Those Who Have Eyes Shall See”! Because the evidence is right there, often in plain sight. You just don’t recognise it for what it is, or as is typical with mythology, you have been convinced at a young age, that it is all a bunch of fairy stories. Luckily, Heinrich Schliemann and Arthur Evans took the stories seriously or we would never have known that the stories of Troy and King Minos’ Palace were based on real events. Just because a story seems far-fetched, doesn’t make it fantasy.

So, which myths point out a human interaction withn dinosaurs in ancient times. Well, pretty much anything that mentions dragons for starters. That’s right, Eastern Mythology, Celtic Mythology… if anything approaching a dragon ever existed, it was surely a dinosaur of some sort. I don’t want to delve too far into dragon lore though, since there is far moore plausible evidence of human/dinosaur interaction to be found in ancient art and where the dragon/dinosaur connection might seem improbale to you, then there can be no doubting what is contained within these images.





Relief carving of a Stegosaurus from Ta Prohm temple at Angkor Wat in Cambodia – circa 1100 A.D.


Yes, this is impossible and it is definitely not a fake. The carving shows exactly the same weathering as all of the images that make up that panel and adjacent panels. This is 100% contemporary with the original carvings. It is inexplicable in terms of what we currently hold true about dinosaurs, so rather than assume it must be fake, perhaps we should reconsider what we’ve been told as being highly inaccurate.


Ethiopian Humters on the banks of the Nile – from a 2nd Century mosaic


North American Anasazi Indians Rock Art of a Brontosaurus from Utah – circa 500 A.D.


Very Ancient image found in the Amazon shows 9 hunters surrounding a dinosaur


Tapestry Depiction

A tapestry showing dinosaurs from the Church of St. Louis of the French in Rome – circa 1580


Now, in light of the above images, experts would say that these images were artistic interpretations based on the discovery of skeletons at the time. This is their stock answer which falls apart pretty quickly, as it is only very recently that we have been able to construct what we would consider realisitic images of dinosaurs and much more than skeletal remains or fossils is required to be able to achieve that.


So, finally we come to conclusive evidence, but evidence which has been greatly subject to ridicule owing to the fact that we have clear images of dinosaurs and also of humans playing with, working and fighting with dinosaurs. This is proper Flintstones stuff. The experts will never accept this as anything other than fake. As I stated at the outset, their motto is “If it can’t be real, then it must be fake!” They, like us have been brainwashed into believing absolutely in a defined set of beliefs, which are irrefutable truths. To break their beliefs would be anathema to them. Science and an open-mind are incompatible. This is why it is always amateur scientists who bring compelling evidence to light and are then ridiculed on account of their amateur credentials. You need look no further than the case of Robert Schoch when he came out in support of John Anthony West and Graham Hancock regarding the Sphinx and Yonaguni. Boy did he back-track quickly when the establishment muttered their disapproval!


Anyway, here are some samples from the Acambaro figurines (Mexico) and the Ica Stones (Peru). There is no point in me debating their authenticity. You probably have decided one way or the other already. Let’s just say that in both cases the pool was muddied by fakes in order to cash in. This was used to discredit the whole lot and their are lots! However, the relative age can easily be established by pattina etc. Not that it matters to the experts. They were able to discredit and thereby ridicule the finds and therafter refuse to acknowledge them at all.


Acambaro Figurines








Carbon 14 tests have shown the Acambaro figurines to have an average age of 5,000 years old.


The Ica Stones







 Regarding the age of the Ica Stones:

“The etching reveals a lighter color than the original dark varnish of age, yet the etched grooves also bear traces of this varnish, indicating that the carving was done in ancient times. They are a form of Andesite, a gray to black volcanic rock, and a very hard mineral that would make etching quite difficult with primitive tools, a local river rock, covered with a patina of natural oxidation. Laboratories in Germany have authenticated the incisions that make up the carvings as extremely ancient. Nearby fossil finds indicate the area to be replete in bone fragments millions of years old.


Unlike clay figurines that have organic material (i.e. straw) in their composition, there are no organic materials in plain old rock that will tell anything of its age. Traditional radiocarbon dating techniques rely upon organic material (that was once alive) to determine age. The surface of these rocks, however, has a varnish that is the result of bacteria and minute organisms which have adhered to them. A good black varnish or patina will take thousands of years to discolor and coat each stone. Etching these rocks would have removed the existing varnish, revealing the bare rock. Since these rocks have developed additional varnish in the grooves, it seems likely that they have were carved a long time ago.

That about wraps it up for tonight,…if you enjoyed this or any of my past articles, please give me a recommendation and share this article with your friends. Much obliged!


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