Thursday, March 20, 2014


Posted by George Freund on March 20, 2014

Map: Four aircraft have been sent to the area, pictured, where the objects were spotted

Narrowed the search: Investigators have halved the scope of the search for missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 to an area roughly the size of Arizona, off the coast of Australia

The beauty of being a student of the methods of crime for the better part of my life is I see through the smoke and mirrors of deception the perpetrators create to deflect any evidence from sticking to their shoes. The micro has all the aplomb of the macro just on a much greater scale. If Clint Eastwood's 'PUNK' steals a car, what does he do with it when it is of no further use? He ditches it. The reason is obvious. It is evidence that ties him to the crime. It is specific undeniable evidence that leaves no way out of the certainty of conviction. It is no different with a jumbo jet. It is specific evidence that everyone in the world is aware of. It has to be gotten rid of. It is a liability of enormous proportions.

Two pieces of wreckage that are possibly from the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 - one estimated to be 78ft in size - have been found to the west of Australia, it was announced today. Pictured: Satellite pictures released by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority of the object thought to be related to the search for MH370

The problem we face in this matter is that it appears nation states are involved in the crime. They have had and concealed evidence that would be commonly known to exist. The main example would be military radar. It took many days to pry that detail loose. A fly cannot hide from the surveillance grid that exists today. They can follow migrating birds or whales in real time for research projects. Our leaders try to pawn off a hopeless, helpless set of circumstance to pacify persons with the IQ of a child as if the technological abilities still parallel the 1930's when Amelia Earhart disappeared. How we play our roles as the fools to accept these lies. I mean LOOK at the date stamp on the image the Australian government released today the 20th of March. It is dated March 16th. They have known the whereabouts of the plane for FOUR DAYS. They have probably known for longer because they knew where to look. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is evidence their evidence that shows gross negligence or worse. I lobby for worse COMPLICITY! In four days search vessels would have covered a lot of sea to reach the wreckage. My submission is that this has been a well orchestrated plot on the behalf of numerous countries, their militaries, intelligence agencies and the corporate vassals we call a media.

The debris was spotted on satellite imagery and a total of four aircraft have been sent to investigate the sighting, some 1553 miles off the coast of Perth

This Google Earth map shows just how remote the search area is

The above image gives you an indication of how remote this area is. It is even amazing satellites are even monitoring the area. That is another bizarre twist to the evolution of the story matrix. The Malacca Strait is one of the busiest sea lanes in the world yet they had no evidence to offer as to the movements of Flight MH370. Yet in the remotest corner of the Earth, we just happened to be scanning the ocean. As Maxwell Smart always said I find that hard to believe. Of course the million dollar question was WHY? All I can offer is it had to be GOOD. It had to be a destiny changing attempt at altering the timeline of the planet. The world was heading to a major east west confrontation with the Russian army massing and drilling to invade Europe. They were testing their abilities at an all our FIRST STRIKE! The Chinese were reported to be ready for an all out nuclear first strike against Japan. Flight MH370 was carrying some top scientists at the cutting edge of systems development. They were bound for Beijing. They never made it.

Thai military yesterday said they picked up an unidentified aircraft on radar bearing off the flight path, heading left over Malaysia and towards the Strait of Malacca

So now that the mission or crime is a fait accompli the suspect vehicle a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 can be reported found four days after it was found. I still surmise the plane was diverted to Diego Garcia. Some people may have been put in the ultimate rendition operation. The rest may have been left on the aircraft for its last flight to give credibility to the cover story. Aviation experts are already on record stating there is NO WAY the aircraft could have gotten to the crash point without human intervention. I would tend to agree. The plane was under control from the moment it changed course. However, that might very well have been remote control. As in 9/11 the planes were flown at the behest of something called The Flight Termination System that allows aircraft to be controlled from on the ground or in flight. I would suspect that can be done via satellite as well. The pilots never had a chance. Whoever or whatever was removed at Diego Garcia made possession of the plane redundant. In fact it became a great liability.

If I had to speculate, it was launched on a one way remote controlled flight across the Indian Ocean to the remotest part of the world where it crashed after running out of fuel. I would suspect alternative media's dogged prosecution of the known facts made the operation TOO HOT to handle further. We as a people have tasted TRUTHS. We will never accept the packs of lies from the traitorous SCUM that control nations. militaries, and intelligence agencies. Like spring water in comparison to sewer water, we can tell the difference. Deceit mandarins take notice your days of control are ebbing. There will come a day when your system will end. At that time true justice will be applied. Your cells or your scaffolds will be the reward for your evil deeds. To God we give our troth. Do you feel lucky PUNK?

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