Sunday, December 8, 2013

TIME CATALYST: General Sir Ian Hamilton

Posted by George Freund on December 7, 2013

The are flux points in time that act as catalysts of power in future eras beyond any understanding of those focused on the here and now or to us the then and there. However, though marginalized with passing events and loss of interest in the things past, they determine the lives and futures of those in the present era. Governments have risen or fallen from the progeny of the players yet uninformed we remain. As a case in point who remembers General Sir Ian Hamilton commander of the allied forces in World War I at Gallipoli.

It was a fiendish battle waged in a mass assault style that resulted in extremely high casualties. The forces included the Australian and the New Zealanders as the ANZACS were known. Like most of the cannon fodder, they were the finest men their respective nations had to offer. They died in droves in futile struggles.

The censorship the military imposed on the press was the envy of any dictator. An unauthorized photograph was the sentence of the firing squad. The British passed a law called the Defence of the Realm Act. Many of the horrendous losses were never reported truthfully until after the Armistice. Men died under the leadership of the incompetent by the hundreds of thousands if not millions. The slightest slivers of truth would have instantly forced governments to change leaders in the field or maybe come to terms to cease hostilities and still they flocked to be recruited.

Sir Keith Murdoch

Gallipoli was no different. The few reporters were held hostage by the military. No attempt was to be made to report any truth from the battlefield. Then an unexpected thing happened. A man named Keith Murdoch of Australia passed through. He was forced to sign an agreement with the military to reveal no unauthorized information. He was to become aware of the great slaughter of his countrymen. More and more were lined up to be killed. He would have none of it.

Correspondent Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett of the Daily Telegraph briefed him on the incompetence of the struggle. They decided to do something about it. Murdoch was in transit to London and Ashmead-Bartlett had the knowledge. He wrote a piece of truth for Murdoch to deliver to his editor. En route Murdoch was arrested and searched in Marseilles. The document was seized. After his release Murdoch wrote a letter based on his memory of the contents of Ashmead-Bartlett's report and delivered it to the Australian High Commission in London. The letter was addressed to Australian Prime Minister Andrew FisherDavid Lloyd George read the letter and urged a copy be sent to Prime Minister Asquith. The effects were immediate and overwhelming. Hamilton and his deputy were recalled and Gallipoli ceased to be a major goal of the allies. It was evacuated.

The letter is an historic treasure in Australia

So we see the effect of yesterday. Keith Murduch, General Hamilton and Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett changed the course of history. It is speculated that Hamilton was informed of the correspondence leaving the theatre of conflict and had Murdoch arrested. The event destroyed his active military career. It set in play a newspaper icon Murdoch. His progeny have controlled the printed word and thought for generations. His son Rupert Murdoch has kept his quill sharp and shaped British governments. His influence has extended to a virtual global opinion cartel. It all really started at Gallipoli. Mel Gibson earned his spurs in the movie version of the battle in 1981 almost a lifetime ago now.


The struggle as always concerned competing facets striving for a New World Order they can control. If we ever knew the truth, we would never answer the call to sacrifice. That is why truth is and always will be the first casualty. We must realise this principle above all as a means of species survival. There will be no alternative in the nuclear era. We are all brothers in spite of the programming to seperate us. We are fools to join the slaughter. As the generations advance does anyone remember what we fought over? The official documents are still State secrets in many cases. For if we knew, the soldiers on all sides would join together and say we don't want your stinking New World Order.

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