Thursday, December 5, 2013

NSA Spies for Israel – Tip of the Iceberg


This is the full version of an edited piece that was published on Press TV

… by  Gordon Duff,  VT Senior Editor

Who it really guarding the hen house?
Who it really guarding the hen house?
An American company bids on a military project in Africa.  It finds its prime competitor is an Israeli company that submitted not just a superficially identical proposal but the same typographical and syntax errors as well.
The Anti-Defamation League publishes the names of Americans invited to Iran for a film festival.  Ten days later, Iran contacts the same journalists asking if they would be “interested in attending.”
The source of this information was the NSA, in this case, not just spying on Iran or American journalists but American defense contracting firms, and doing so on behalf of foreign competitors.
NSA involvement in copyright piracy or commercial espionage, though now known, has yet to be addressed.
What we have learned is that the NSA’s supercomputers with their insatiable appetite for highly encrypted data have been not just intercepting operational intelligence and highly classified policy communications but have, without consideration for the aftermath, simply released it all to Israel, without one word redacted, including White House correspondence.
The NSA Worldwide Network
Recent revelations have tied the NSA to intelligence agencies, not just in Britain, France and Germany, but around the world.  Earlier revelations covering their agreement with Israel admitted that all raw data, including that withheld from US intelligence agencies and even the White House, is regularly sent to Israel.
Information withheld from the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency or Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, information critical to American defense and foreign policy initiatives, is sent out of the country with “no questions asked.”
There are no agreements in place as to what is done with this information, whom it is sold to or how it is used.  No one has asked, no one seems to care.
Laws Mean  Nothing
Security protocols long in place restrict the distribution of such data and prohibit its distribution to any foreign entity under any circumstance.  Statute demands criminal prosecution for any violating these protocols.
However, something has been discovered even more alarming.  The NSA has been distributing, through Israel or other possible avenues, we have no way of discerning any of their activities, “work product” of other US intelligence agencies, defense and intelligence contracting firms and even the US State Department.
Documents have been found in Africa, distributed by Israeli and Chinese defense groups, not just containing “NOFORN” restricted material but actual operational intelligence documents that were still in “edit” predistribution form.
The NSA not only intercepts voice and data but has hacked tens of thousands of networks giving them full access to every document, every draft, every project folder on every American technology be it source code for commercial computer programs or video games but also things far more lethal.
The NSA and its “downline” of foreign clients are now part and parcel of every project team from Los Alamos to the Kennedy Space Center.
Is the NSA Really “American” ?
Why would a massive internal industrial espionage operation be run by the NSA? For whose benefit?
Why would a massive internal industrial espionage operation be run by the NSA? For whose benefit?
There is substantial proof that the NSA spies on US intelligence agencies, American defense contractors and research facilities and personnel working on the most sensitive projects tied to national security.
Then the NSA sends, by their own admission, every iota of that intelligence to Israel where, minimally, it is used to undermine American commercial interests.
Is it also sold to Russia and China?  The lessons learned from the real Jonathan Pollard investigation, the real reason he has spent nearly 30 years in prison yields one answer, a resounding “yes!”
For those unfamiliar with Jonathan Pollard, you can read a highly fictionalized outline of his activities from the Jewish Virtual Library:
“In 2006, Rafael Eitan (IDF Chief of Staff) said, ‘It is likely that we could have gotten the same information without him.’ He also said, however, that Pollard provided ‘information of such high quality and accuracy, so good and so important to the country’s security” that “my desire, my appetite to get more and more material overcame me.’
He added that the information might have made a difference had Israel been involved in another war. Eitan also maintained that Pollard never exposed any American agents and that another spy, Aldrich Ames, tried to blame Pollard to divert suspicion from his activities.”
Based on the version of events as outlined above, Israel has demanded the release of Pollard for over 20 years, offering him a home in Israel and a hero’s welcome.
However, the debriefing of spy Aldrich Ames, supported by other sources showed Pollard to have passed on to Israel and by them to the Soviet Union, all NATO defense plans for Europe, America’s nuclear codes and to have brought about the death of over 1000 CIA operatives and assets behind the Iron Curtain.
Based on this information, Pollard was sentenced to life in prison and has spent nearly 30 years behind bars.
Nuclear Prolifertation Fiction
In 1975, Israel signed a concord with South Africa to build nuclear weapons. Between then and 1989, 10 nuclear devices were built with two, according to highest US intelligence sources, exploded:
  1. September 22, 1979, 18.2 kilotons detonated on Prince Edward Island, south of Capetown.
  2. May 25, 2009, 182 kilotons, detonated in North Korea.
Whenever Israel is involved - the public is never told. Why?
Whenever Israel is involved – the public is never told. Why?
Signatures as to origin of uranium and design of weapon (80 millisecond double-flash) showed identical origin.
During the 1990s, Pakistani nuclear scientists A. Q. Khan was tasked though a joint project of the ISI and CIA to offer nuclear trigger devices.
Several thermo-nuclear weapons had “gone missing” in a B 52 crash off the coast of Somalia and were believed to require both new trigger devices and, perhaps, tritium gas recharging before they could be used.
This created an “opening” where others involved in illegal proliferation operations, including part of the Israeli team from South Africa, could blame Khan while, in this case, helping Gaddafi in Libya develop nuclear weapons.
Another fictionalized account, this one from the Monterrey Institute of International Studies (2005):
South African bomb casings - the real deal
South African bomb casings – the real deal
Police transferred the 11 containers to South Africa’s nuclear research center at Pelindaba for inspection by South African police and the IAEA. It is estimated that the 200 tons of equipment for the plant was worth around $33 million. During the raid, authorities also discovered various equipment designs that had been sent from KRL. Meyer was arrested on September 2, 2004 and charged with violating the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act and the Nuclear Energy Act.
Specifically, he was charged with importing and exporting a flow forming lathe that can be used to produce centrifuge components, as well as equipment for a gas centrifuge plant.
He admitted in an official statement that he knew the parts were to be used for a manufacturing plant, but he was unaware that the final destination was Libya. Charges were later dropped against Meyer in exchange for cooperation in the ongoing investigations into the Khan network.”
Some of what is given above is true but not much.  Meyer was arrested.  However, he was broken out of jail by an Israeli special operations team and flown to Israel where he lives today.
There is no record of Meyer assisting any investigation and no record of him existing in South Africa or leaving legally.  There are no court records supporting the statements made in the paragraphs above.
Questions were submitted via Raja Mujtaba of Opinion Maker to A.Q. Khan as to any role with Meyer.  Khan indicated he never heard of Meyer.
Not Just the NSA
"Sir, your escorts are waiting."
“Sir, your escorts are waiting.”
Traditionally, there have been many within America’s military, officers to regularly travel to Israel where they are met and hosted by young IDF soldiers, carefully selected attractive young men and women, who act as personal escorts.
There is nothing new to this, nothing “Israeli.”  This is how intelligencer agencies penetrate enemy organizations by targeting key individuals using prostitutes in what is called a “honey trap.”
The US does it as do most other nations.  That the US actually encourages its military to be subjected to recruiting by foreign intelligence agencies is one of the reasons the officer corps is being cleaned out, purged by General Dempsey and those deeply concerned about who America’s real friends are.
If only Snowden had warned us.  It’s one thing with the NSA is spying for the US.  In truth, we now have proof the NSA is actually spying not just on the American people but on the Department of Defense and American defense contractors.
"Sir, we thought we would let you select your male escort...oh yes, you can pick two."
“Sir, we thought we would let you select your male escort…oh yes, you can pick two.”
When the Memorandum of Understanding between the NSA and Israeli intelligence services was published in the media months ago, showing how “raw data” was passed to Israel without any controls whatsoever, it became clear.
The NSA is actually, legally and very literally a foreign spy organization. Let’s talk about the term “NOFORN.” This is a term on sensitive documents that is supposed to mean that no foreign sources can access them, not MI 6, not the Mossad, not our NATO partners, nobody but Americans.
Israel seems to have been placed above normal protocols and functions as a defacto branch of US intelligence or is it the other way around?
What we have established, without touching on one of a dozen or more “conspiracy theories,” is that there is reason to assume that all information given to Israel is harmful to the United States.
The current adversarial position between the two nations over Syria and Iran are more than sufficient evidence.
Tenets of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) prohibiting sharing of intelligence on US nationals with foreign governments are another reason for suspicion and distrust.
With previous proven instances, not just Pollard or Muller, bringing the world so close to destruction and today’s threats, Israeli nuclear attacks on Tehran a near reality, when might reason and even issues of national survival be a consideration of American leaders?
Editing:  Jim W. Dean

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