Friday, December 20, 2013

New Evidence Surfaces In Navy Yard Shooting

Friday, December 20, 2013 12:07

December 20, 2013   AFP
By Keith Johnson
Although the 12 victims of the Navy Yard massacre, which took place on September 16 in Washington, D.C., have been laid to rest, the investigation into what really happened lives on, as two late-breaking developments fuel further suspicions about a government cover-up and provide new insights into the tormented mind of shooter Aaron Alexis.
 It has now been “officially” confirmed that a heavily-armed United States Capitol Police (USCP) tactical unit was told to “stand down” rather than being allowed to intervene in the mass shooting.
On November 8, a panel of USCP Board investigators—known as the Fact Review Team—acknowledged that four highly-trained members of the USCP’s Containment and Emergency Response Team (CERT) took it upon themselves to gear up and respond to the site of the killings after hearing reports of an active shooter at the scene.
However, contrary to earlier accounts, the investigators claim that traffic conditions prevented the CERT officers from reaching their destination and were then “instructed not to enter the Navy Yard” while still en route. The investigators concluded that the decision to withdraw the team was “reasonable” due in part to “uncertainty about threats to the U.S. Capitol and absent a request for additional USCP assets.”
Outraged at the Fact Review Team’s findings, the union representing the USCP officers has called for a congressional inquiry “in an effort to determine the truth” about what really happened that day. According to a recent BBC News report, the U.S. Capitol Police Labor Committee (CPLC) has dismissed the USCP’s internal inquiry as “flawed, biased and designed to protect the department from further scrutiny and possible litigation from the victims’ families.”
One of the major discrepancies in the Fact Review Team’s report is the claim that “traffic gridlock” prevented CERT from reaching the site of the killings. This completely contradicts the official timeline of events, which places CERT at the scene a full 14 minutes before any other tactical unit arrived. As BBC pointed out: “An officer with the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), Washington D.C.’s main municipal force, told the Capitol CERT officers they were the only police on the site equipped with long guns and requested their help stopping the gunman.”
In the BBC article, CPLC Chairman Jim Konczos said that the CERT officers had “no reason to lie” about the events surrounding the mass shooting and were “disgusted” with their department’s handling of the matter.
This development certainly lends credence to those who have long suspected the Navy Yard shooting to be an orchestrated event. If the goal of the conspirators was to allow Alexis enough time to inflict mass casualties before sending in their own team to eliminate him, the unforeseen arrival of CERT would be viewed as a predicament that could only be rectified by issuing a stand-down order. As mentioned, the CERT officers were not dispatched to the scene but instead deployed on their own initiative. In other words, they weren’t part of the plan.

New Evidence Surfaces in Navy Yard Shooting

By Keith Johnson
Although the 12 victims of the Navy Yard massacre, which took place on September 16 in Washington, D.C., have been laid to rest, the investigation into what really happened lives on, as two late-breaking developments fuel further suspicions about a government cover-up and provide new insights into the tormented mind of shooter Aaron Alexis.
 It has now been “officially” confirmed that a heavily-armed United States Capitol Police (USCP) tactical unit was told to “stand down” rather than being allowed to intervene in the mass shooting.
On November 8, a panel of USCP Board investigators—known as the Fact Review Team—acknowledged that four highly-trained members of the USCP’s Containment and Emergency Response Team (CERT) took it upon themselves to gear up and respond to the site of the killings after hearing reports of an active shooter at the scene.
However, contrary to earlier accounts, the investigators claim that traffic conditions prevented the CERT officers from reaching their destination and were then “instructed not to enter the Navy Yard” while still en route. The investigators concluded that the decision to withdraw the team was “reasonable” due in part to “uncertainty about threats to the U.S. Capitol and absent a request for additional USCP assets.”
Outraged at the Fact Review Team’s findings, the union representing the USCP officers has called for a congressional inquiry “in an effort to determine the truth” about what really happened that day. According to a recent BBC News report, the U.S. Capitol Police Labor Committee (CPLC) has dismissed the USCP’s internal inquiry as “flawed, biased and designed to protect the department from further scrutiny and possible litigation from the victims’ families.”
One of the major discrepancies in the Fact Review Team’s report is the claim that “traffic gridlock” prevented CERT from reaching the site of the killings. This completely contradicts the official timeline of events, which places CERT at the scene a full 14 minutes before any other tactical unit arrived. As BBC pointed out: “An officer with the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), Washington D.C.’s main municipal force, told the Capitol CERT officers they were the only police on the site equipped with long guns and requested their help stopping the gunman.”
In the BBC article, CPLC Chairman Jim Konczos said that the CERT officers had “no reason to lie” about the events surrounding the mass shooting and were “disgusted” with their department’s handling of the matter.
This development certainly lends credence to those who have long suspected the Navy Yard shooting to be an orchestrated event. If the goal of the conspirators was to allow Alexis enough time to inflict mass casualties before sending in their own team to eliminate him, the unforeseen arrival of CERT would be viewed as a predicament that could only be rectified by issuing a stand-down order. As mentioned, the CERT officers were not dispatched to the scene but instead deployed on their own initiative. In other words, they weren’t part of the plan.
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Emails Provide Clues to Navy Yard Shooter’s Motivation

In a previous article for AFP, this reporter explained how Alexis fits the profile of a mind-control subject who may have been manipulated into participating in a scripted psychological operation. One who supports this hypothesis is Derrick Robinson, the president of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS), a group that networks with victims of organized stalking and remote electronic assaults.
“The symptoms that Alexis complained about are very common in our community,” Robinson told AFP. “The sleep deprivation, the voices in the head and the physical toll the attacks were taking on his body are all indicative of electromagnetic attacks.”
Robinson recently provided AFP with a series of emails FFCHS received from Alexis two weeks prior to the Navy Yard incident. In them, Alexis asks for assistance in dealing with “direct energy attacks” and says he believes he knows the “specific group in the military responsible for developing” the weapons.
“The ELF [extremely low frequency] weapons are part of the weapons systems of most of the modern vessels fielded by the Navy,” He wrote in one email. “I want to become part of this effort mostly for self-preservation. The voices they’ve induced into my head are tiresome. However if I can figure out how to keep them from disturbing my sleep cycles I would be most interested to find out.”
“I wrote back to Alexis and offered to put him in touch with one of our support groups in the D.C. area.” Robinson told AFP. “I also asked if he had access to the technologies being used against him.”
In his final email, Alexis wrote: “I don’t have direct access to the equipment, how ever [sic] I do have knowledge ofwhere some of the attacks might be coming from. I don’t want to call you from my phone, they record everything I’ve been saying. And because I’m under the employ of the DoD I don’t want to risk getting you or my self [sic] in trouble.”
In this age of NSA spying, it’s hard to imagine that a ticking time bomb like Alexis would have gone unnoticed. However, it was only after the massacre that federal authorities showed any interest in Alexis’ email exchanges.
On October 9, FFCHS Executive Board Member Max H. Williams received a visit from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at his home in Louisiana.
“[The FBI agent] explained that because of the notoriety of the Aaron incident, the FBI was checking out every possible angle of the shooting,” Williams wrote in a journal entry provided to AFP. “He asked me what I thought prompted Alexis to do the shooting. I told him about the voices and how, after much time, some targets could not handle them. I told him that I placed the blame for the Alexis incident squarely on the U. S. Government. I added that the Federal Government HAD to know about our targeting yet did nothing about it!”

Keith Johnson in an investigative journalist and creator of the Revolt of the Plebs.
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