Saturday, December 21, 2013


Every so often one has to pause and reflect on those curious ironies, and this is one of those times. There’s an interesting article that a regular here, Ms. P.H., shared with me, and it’s worth passing on, since I have commented numerous times on this site about the lack of common sense that was displayed concerning the development of genetically modified crops, and the tactics by which they have been promoted by Mon(ster)santo and other “agribusiness” companies. Indeed, as most readers here are aware, these companies would often send out corporate spies – royalty enforcement police really – to spy out farmers’ fields that were growing a plant or two of their genetically modified crops, and sue said farmers for unpaid license and royalty fees. It didn’t matter whether said farmers protested that their GMO crops were carried into their fields by natural means or not.
Over the course of occasionally following the GMO story, I have also suggested that the growing unpopularity of GMOs would present the BRICSA nations with a golden opportunity: make non-GMO seeds available to third world and second world farmers and go toe-to-toe in competition with the American agribusiness giants and their unscrupulous and immoral practices. More recently, I also have pointed out the tilt of Israel toward the BRICSA nations.
Now, with all that context in mind, there comes this:
Home Business Israeli agritech firm boosts crop yields without genetic modification
Note the central core issue here:
“The future of growing sturdier, sustainable crops for an increasingly hungry world is represented in their rice fields. Most plants evolve via a process called genome doubling, where over time, two species become one with a single genome comprising the strongest features of each parents. The weakest genes fall way and the result is a plant with more robust genetic characteristics.
“But in nature this duplication takes thousands of years.
“Kaiima’s CEO, Doron Gal says his company has been able to accelerate the process and apply it to agriculture.”
In other words, the Kaiima company has allegedly found a method to speed up the normal evolutionary processes at work in agronomical methods of increasing specific characteristics in plants. This is not the same as the genetic modifications – if true – that is being practised and utilized in the creation of GMO crops, and if true, promises to be a technology well worth watching. After all, and this is the irony, how could most GMO crops, in the spirit of things, be considered kosher?
But the article raises also some unanswered questions. “Kaiima,” it states,  ”has raised more than $65 million dollars from international investors for its research.” The question is, do any of those dollars come from the American agribusiness giants? Will they have access to this technology? And if so, will they allow it into the open, or will they suppress it as a direct competitor to their own?
For this reason too, folks, this is a story to watch.

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