Retired Cop and Educator Threatened for Questioning Sandy Hook Investigation
The correspondence below was sent by Wolfgang Halbig to Connecticut State Police Lieutenant J. Paul Vance and Newtown Police Chief Michael Kehoe on January 22, 2014. A retired Florida State Trooper, US Customs Inspector, school administrator, security consultant and entrepreneur, Mr. Halbig has independently researched the Sandy Hook Massacre for over one year.
Understanding what procedures are common during such an event, he attempted with to consult state and federal law enforcement authorities in charge of the investigation only to be rebuffed. His numerous public records requests with Connecticut officials to obtain materials related to the inquiry have similarly been met with silence. Just prior to the Christmas 2013 holiday Halbig explains how he was threatened by Connecticut State Police via the Lake County Florida Sheriff’s Deputies with arrest on felony charges of harassment if he continued to investigate the event.
An audio file is embedded of Halbig’s January 24, 2014 appearance on Prof. Jim Fetzer’s The Real Deal internet radio program.
From: Wolfgang Halbig
To: Vance and Kehoe
January 22, 2014
Subject: Why would one of you send Homicide Detectives to my home and Threatened me with Felony Arrest by CT State Police?
[Lieutenant J. Paul] Vance and [Newtown Police Chief Michael] Kehoe;
I do not know which one you of you had the idea that by having the Lake County, Florida Sheriffs Homicide Detectives show up at my house and threatened me with Felony arrest by the CT State Police if I did not stop asking questions about Sandy Hook Shooting.
You want me to stop asking questions in light of the fact that you both have yet to respond to any of my Ct Freedom of Information Act requests for the past 9 months, you both should be arrested for failing to comply with CT State Laws.
I have served honorably in the Military during Vietnam, I served as a Florida State Trooper in Miami, Fl, I worked as United States Customs Inspector at both International Airports and Seaports.
I graduated at the top of my class at the Florida Highway Patrol Academy and that is why my class elected me as their class president to speak at our graduation.
Listen to or download Prof. Jim Fetzer’s January 24, 2014 interview with Wolfgang Halbig.
- You stated that there was just one suspect and he shot himself in the classroom. Is that correct?
- He shot 20 children and six school staff members. Is that correct?
- He fired 153 rounds using both handguns and a .223 Bushmaster rifle as you stated. Is that correct?
- He shot his way through the front glass door. Is that correct?
- He parked his black Honda civic in the front parent drop off area with all four car doors wide open as Barbara Sibley a parent witness observed. Is that correct?
- He left a 12 gauge Ithaca shotgun in the front seat of the black Honda Civic. Is that correct?
- He took approximately 11 minutes inside the school to kill 20 children and 6 school staff members. Is that correct?
- Why NO Life Star Trauma Helicopter on Dec 14, 2012 since you use them in every active shooter drill when the news media covers your stories. WHY?
- Why did you not allow the Paramedics and EMT’S inside the school after 11 minutes?
- Who was the person who declared all 20 children and six school staff members legally dead? Who?
- Why did it take over an hour to transport someone to the hospital?
- Why do you have a 50 to 60 year old women being transported by ambulance as Natalie Hammond when Natalie Hammond is only 40 years old? Why pretend?
- Why have 26 small Christmas trees behind the Sandy Hook Volunteer fire house on Dec 14, 2012 and then decorate them on Dec 15, 2012 after the shooting? Why?
- Why have a Lt. of the Newtown Police Department with 24 years not leave his off duty job where he is controlling traffic at a construction work site until two hours after the shooting started? This is the best one of all. Why?
- Why have a Licensed Registered Nurse who works at Sandy Hook Elementary School that Nancy Lan[z]a the mother of Adam Lan[z]a is a great and wonderful Kindergarten teacher at her school? Why does she lie on National News?
- Why have a Police Chief State in the Newspaper article that his Lt. is not a first responder? Does anyone belief that for one-second especially when you have two Ct State troopers escorting a prisoner to the Danbury courthouse when hearing the active shooter call and respond to Sandy Hook. Why them and not the Lt.?
Wolfgang W Halbig
*Formerly the Executive Director of the National Institute for School and Workplace Safety, Wolfgang Halbig has recently formed a new safety and security company, Children’s Safety Institute. Previous to founding NISWS, Mr. Halbig worked in public education as a teacher, dean, and assistant principal, principal, principal of an alternative school and as the Director for School Safety and Security of the Seminole County Public Schools, a school district of approximately 65,000 students.
Mr. Halbig also has law enforcement experience as a former Florida State Trooper in Miami, Florida, and as a United States Customs Inspector. As a result of his unique background in both law enforcement and education, Mr. Halbig was invited by the United States Department of Justice to train over 3500 school police officers, school superintendents and school principals.
He traveled the country by providing presentations and keynotes to a variety of audiences, including the National Education Law Conference, the National School Board Association, the Oklahoma School Board Association, the Illinois School Board Association, the New York State School Board Association and the Florida School Board Association.
A nationally recognized school safety and security expert and consultant, he has provided safety training and school assessments for more than 4,000 school districts nationwide. Mr. Halbig has also been featured on Dateline (NBC) and Good Morning America (ABC). He earned his B.S. from Abilene Christian University, Abilene TX, and his M.S. from Nova University in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. //
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