Originally published January 28 2014
Most Obamacare enrollees already had insurance; the uninsured refuse to sign up
by L.J. Devon, Staff Writer(NaturalNews) A large number of uninsured citizens continue to refuse health insurance plans designated by the Affordable Care Act. People just aren't signing up as big government intended. As a matter of fact, only 15 percent of those expected to sign up actually have.
The Obamacare individual mandate just isn't working as planned. Plan B for big government all along has been to tax those who don't sign up - more and more each year until big government can recover enough to level it all out. According to the law, the uninsured will now have to face a new tax penalty on their 2014 income tax returns. The taxes will affect citizens starting at age 27 and will be relatively small in the first year but will increase as the years pass.
The taxes imposed on those who don't want this product or who can't afford it, include:
- $95 per person per year or 1% of income, in 2014.
- $325 per person per year or 2% of income, in 2015.
- $695 per person per year or 2.5% of income, in 2016.
Apparently, big government now decides what people are supposed to buy. For example, certain controversial procedures like flu shots will be dubbed free by the government now as they dictate what is healthcare and what is not healthcare. How compassionate - free mercury injections for everyone!
Four general groups of uninsured people who will face government opposition:
Those uninsured people who choose to pay cash for their healthcare services will have more of their income taken from them in the years ahead, making it harder for them to be responsible and pay as they go.Those uninsured people who choose alternative healthcare, like naturopathic and holistic medicine, will also have their pocketbooks stolen from, making it harder for them to afford purity in food and healthcare going forward.
Those uninsured people whose plans were dropped under the ACA and who don't want new government-sanctioned plans will now be taxed while simultaneously receiving no insurance until they comply.
Those uninsured people who have always wanted insurance but still can't afford the rising costs of it under the ACA will be worse off than before, paying fines for coverage they don't get.
The individual mandate is a disaster, a perfect example of government coercion and force failing. It's now obvious that more liberty is the answer, but with thousands of pages of health insurance law already on the books, it's hard to imagine that the monster will shrink. Instead, it will grow with more force and more teeth, as history repeats.
90 percent of new Obamacare signups are people who were kicked off their existing plan
The forceful jaws of Obamacare simply can't ignore the fact that people are being booted from their existing insurances policies.Most of the new signups consist primarily of those who were knocked off of their existing plans (thanks to the new law). The Wall Street Journal reports that 65 to 90 percent of the 2.2 million who bought insurance on the new Obamacare exchanges in 2013 were actually people who already had insurance!
So the law is essentially taking over the bad design of what was and stamping a new name on it. The premiums will continue to rise under this bad design as smart people stay out of the fiasco, opting instead to disobey this new atrocity of a law and find healthcare elsewhere.
Of those expected to enroll, only 15 percent have actually enrolled
The Congressional Budget Office projected that 7 million new people would sign up through the Obamacare exchanges in the first year. Hoping to sign up 5 million of the previously uninsured, Obamacare was expected to coerce young, healthy people to bail out insurance companies to help pay for sick people, victimized under the current, flawed system of medicine.But even at most, the exchanges have only signed up 15 percent of the uninsured that they were expected to enroll. Big government coercion is not working.
Now, as the current medical paradigm collapses, expect some people to start reverting back to individual responsibility, nutrition or holistic approaches. The healing arts of other cultures may grow in popularity, like Ayurvedic medicine, Native American and tribal herbs, Amish healthcare principles etc. Keeping oneself healthy from the ground up will be increasingly important in the years ahead as the current system falters both financially and philosophically.
You just can't expect to force people to pay for a system so bloated and offering so little.
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