January 11, 2014 By /
of you have been continuing to watch the story of Germany’s attempts to
repatriate its significant gold reserves at the NY Federal Reserve and
other central banks (chiefly, the Bank of France and the Old Lady of
Theadneedle Street, the Bank of England). And just when we all thought
it couldn’t possibly get any worse, or become more pathetically comical,
it did. It’s a story that now involved not only leasing out of
Germany’s gold reserves, but now melting them down, and recasting them,
and central banks trying to buy up gold to return it to Germany, for not
returning it would be a huge mistake. As my French grandmother put it
(with all the perspicacity of Cardinal Richelieu) when I was a boy, “For
God’s sake don’t piss off the Germans.”Well, they’re not quite pissed off, but there’s a number of them that are asking some pretty probing questions about just what the heck is going on with their country’s gold reserves, reportedly the second largest in the world after the USA’s (and that ought to tell you something). Here, for example, is Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge once again:
Germany’s NY and London Gold All Gone?
Now, note, that Germany has one Peter Boehringer, who founded a “Repatriate our Gold” campaign. And note the delicate questions he’s asking:
The public is still waiting for answers to crucial questions like these:It is the issue of transparency here that raises all the necessary questions about national, international security, and the whole structure of postwar Western finance. As I’ve pointed out before in numerous blogs on this site, the exact amount of gold in existence is a deliberately obfuscated figure, since gold reserves do constitute a strategic national asset. More importantly, gold, silver, and other commodities looted by the Axis constituted the basic foundation for a vast system of postwar covert finance for black operations and black research.
“– What kind of gold bars were melted? Original material from the 1950s and ’60s?
– How can the Bundesbank hint in its press release that some of the old bars already met the LGD specifications when those specifications were not defined and made a standard for central bank bars until 1979?
Why has the Bundesbank not published a bar number list of the old bars?
How can there be security concerns about bars that no longer exist?
Why has the Bundesbank not published a bar number list of the newly cast
– Who exactly melted the bars? Where exactly was this melting performed? Is there a smelter at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York?
– Who witnessed the melting and recasting of the bars?
– Are there any reports on this in writing with a valid signature? By whom?
– And especially: Why was it deemed necessary to perform this action in the United States as opposed to Frankfurt or nearby Hanau, where there are some of the best facilities in the world for metal probing, melting, and recasting? Had these actions been performed in Germany in a fully transparent manner, it would have been so easy for the Bundesbank to dismiss all questions from ‘paranoid gold conspiracy theorists.’“(Emphasis added)
One cannot ponder this point long enough, for as former Assistant Secretary of HUD, Catherine Austin Fitts as observed, if it be true that not to consider the American black budget, its sheer size, or its dominant role in financial and budgetary processes in Washington constitutes a material omission in financial planning, then it is equally if not “more true” that not to consider the implications of the role of Axis loot and plunder in the establishment also constitutes an egregious material omission. The one omits the role and impact of hidden factors in financial planning, and the other omits the role and impact of history in the formation of those factors.
This brings us to the curious reticence of the Bundesbank and the German government to “come clean” on what is happening to the country’s gold, and why Germans are rightfully concerned, for I submit that one factor being ignored by Zero Hedge and other analysts is precisely the political and financial implications of providing such facts and figures, for these in turn would perhaps document a hidden history involving that Axis loot, and the role it played in the formation of the postwar American national security state, in the development of off the books technologies, in the role it played in postwar politics, particularly in Europe (think the 1948 Italian elections here). When this context is considered, then the italicized questions in the quotation above begin to answer themselves: it was performed in the USA because those postwar hidden alliances, so starkly represented by the presence of the Rockefeller and Rothschild interests, and of the Nazi elite as represented by Prince Bernhard and Dr. Herman Josef Abs, then Deutschebank CEO at early Bilderberg meetings, are beginning to be exposed and are under the strain of increasing public scrutiny. To ask the questions Herr Boehringer is asking would, I suggest, begin to pull on Ariadne’s thread, and untangle the connections that lead straight to the beast in the heart of the labyrinth, and to the families supporting it. It would lead to powerful people and families at the top of the pyramids in Frankfurt, London, Paris, Berlin, and Washington.
I would lead, I suspect, even to an answer first posed in 1928 by then Reichsbank president Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht(the name says it all!) on his visit to the New York Federal Reserve. Taken into the vaults to see Germany’s gold reserves, Schacht recorded – doubtless with his tongue firmly planted in his cheek – that the bank’s leader, Ben Strong, could not find Germany’s gold. Schacht wryly recorded that he told Mr. Strong “Don’t worry, I know you’re good for it.”
The Zero Hedge article gets close to the historical heart of the mystery here:
The Bundesbank is just the custodian of Germany’s national gold, which is worth more than $125 billion. The Bundesbank owes the public full transparency in all these gold matters. That is, physical audits, independently verified storage reports, and a publication of the full bar lists of all its gold in all national or international vaults. Despite having now had the excellent opportunity of this partial repatriation, the Bundesbank has again failed to produce any proof or indication that at least 37 tonnes (out of 1,500 tonnes of German gold at the New York Fed) still existed through 2013 in their original 1950s-’60s bar form. Instead, Germany is now owner of almost 3,000 LGD-compliant standard bars, which proves nothing and dismisses no allegations of decade-long manipulation of the gold price.And there it is: re-hypothecation performed over decades. On this score, Zero Hedge is correct, and on the score of decades of this behavior, it is also correct. But the historical raison d’etre for the whole scheme, the shocking expansion of credit and debt during World War One, the havoc wrought on the gold standard as it existed prior to the war, the crazy scramble to establish international financial institutions like the BIS, the Young and Dawes plans, Schacht’s observations about Germany’s gold(which, again, please note, is in 1928 and is exactly the same problem as exists today), Schacht’s strangely “light” sentence at Nuremberg and the persistent rumors that he threatened to expose something, and most importantly, that postwar deal with the Axis devils in Berlin and Tokyo that funded the postwar boom and American national security state.
“It is still possible and even probable that the old German bars were lent into the market long ago or that they have multiple owners or are backing multiple gold exchange-traded fund derivatives.”
Pulling on this golden Ariadne’s thread leads to those elites, to their slush fund, covert operations, and black budget technologies. The sooner this is understood, the sooner the rational financial planning and decisions can be made by citizens in various western countries, and the sooner the current geopolitical reaction against that system will be understood, for their are deep reasons for those reactions. Russia is the mortar in the BRICS, and they know this financial history very well in the Kremlin.
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