Saturday, January 25, 2014

ObamaCare costs will soar in this country because not nearly enough people have wanted to enroll. ObamaCare, and President Obama, are rife with inconsistencies

ObamaCare Lies

By Alan Joel (Bio and Archives)  Saturday, January 25, 2014
Obama has lied to this country. Most recently and most memorably, he lied too when he said,  “you can keep your health plan” and “you can keep your doctor”. But charging that someone “lied” implies that they knew it was untrue when they said it, so how can anyone be sure?
Records dating back to 2010 discussed the fallout from ObamaCare implementation that would render most plans obsolete and doctor choices restricted. If Obama truly believed that individuals could keep their health plan and doctor under ObamaCare, this belief had to come from being lied to or intentionally misled by one or more advisors.
However, if he was lied to or misled by his advisor(s), the individual(s) responsible would have been immediately fired by President Obama. The President of the United States can never tolerate the Office having its integrity undermined by lesser staff.
Therefore there are no explanations for the President not firing a lying advisor on the spot other than 1)  these individuals had information regarding what the President knew and when he knew it, which would be exposed if they were fired; or 2) in fact, the truth had been conveyed to the President (and the President lied to us anyway).
On the other hand, you can contrast Obama’s behavior with Chris Christie. Say what you will about him, but consider this: upon learning that he had been misled in the George Washington Bridge lane closing matter, immediately fired the several individuals involved. He did not tolerate his office being denigrated by staffers who were not forthcoming to their governor.
How could it be, then, that President Obama did not have the necessity or integrity to fire anybody for lying about ObamaCare? Because they probably didn’t lie.
It is not a new thing for our President to intentionally misrepresent the truth on many issues regarding ObamaCare—he does so on almost a daily basis now because ObamaCare was his signature legislation and it is an unmitigated disaster.
One of the most oft-repeated distortions is his recurring theme that ObamaCare will result in a net reduction in the federal debt. At a Clinton Global Initiative recently, the President said “It is a net reduction of our deficit. The irony of those who are talking about repealing Obamacare because of, it’s so wildly expensive, is if they actually repealed the law, it would add to the deficit.” What a joke.
Everyone full well knows that the original concept of reducing the deficit was based on underestimating costs and overstating revenues. On top of that, fiscal changes made both by Congress (such as repealing the 1099 initiative) and the President (implementation delays) have guaranteed that ObamaCare will seriously add to the National Debt.
What’s worse, the pathetic, anemic enrollment numbers (yet another item being played with loose and fast by the Administration) means that ObamaCare costs will soar in this country because not nearly enough people have wanted to enroll. ObamaCare, and President Obama, are rife with inconsistencies.
And the President certainly knows it.

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