is there ANY doubt you's dummycocks ..will vote this douche bag in ? ...just look at the "transparent" "ain't " trailer park trash you's crazy fucks "voted" in ... twice !! :o & don't laugh you's goofy republipube fucks ...125 yrs of you crazy zealot kooks .... r turn~in U.S. into an moon scape :O .. ah oh yea ! it's the indy's fault ....right lol .... god spoke 2 me & told me 2 tell u ..2 vote fer me & send yer $$$ in ? ( i in~doors this msg ...cockhead ? ) LMMFAO
Prominent Democrats who endorsed Barack Obama
or remained neutral in the 2008 Democratic presidential race may find
themselves in a place they don’t want to be — on Hillary Clinton enemies
Aides who worked on Clinton’s unsuccessful 2008 campaign kept a running hit list of Democrats who they believe betrayed their boss, according to allegations made in a new book, HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton:
Allegations of the Clintons’ vindictiveness are not new — they’ve been around for as long as they’ve been on the political scene, dating
back to their days in Arkansas and, later, the White House. But the Clintons and those around them seems to revel in it, even laughing at the demise of those whom they perceive as their political foes:
Remember, this is an age in which the IRS singled out ideological opponents of President Obama for extra scrutiny and Gov. Chris Christie’s top aides apparently orchestrated a bridge closure to cause problems for the mayor of a town who didn’t endorse their boss. That’s almost certainly just a tip of the iceberg when it comes to political retribution.
Lord Acton, a 19th Century British politician, said it best: “Power
corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” While that sentiment
can be applied to the whole of today’s the Washington political
establishment, it’s even more an accurate assessment of Hillary Clinton.
Monday, January 13, 2014

Aides who worked on Clinton’s unsuccessful 2008 campaign kept a running hit list of Democrats who they believe betrayed their boss, according to allegations made in a new book, HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton:
Inside a cramped third-floor office of Hillary Clinton’s once-bustling presidential campaign headquarters in the Ballston neighborhood of Arlington, Virginia, Kris Balderston and Adrienne Elrod put the finishing touches on a political hit list.It’s also worth noting that this book wasn’t written by conservative opponents of the Clintons. No, folks, HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton — which is slated for release next month — was written by two mainstream journalists, Amie Parnes of The Hill and Jonathan Allen of Politico.
Almost six years later most Clinton aides can still rattle off the names of traitors and the favors that had been done for them, then provide details of just how each of the guilty had gone on to betray the Clintons—as if it all had happened just a few hours before. The data project ensured that the acts of the sinners and saints would never be forgotten.
There was a special circle of Clinton hell reserved for people who had endorsed Obama or stayed on the fence after Bill and Hillary had raised money for them, appointed them to a political post, or written a recommendation to ice their kid’s application to an elite school. On one early draft of the hit list, each Democratic member of Congress was assigned a numerical grade from 1 to 7, with the most helpful to Hillary earning 1s and the most treacherous drawing 7s. The set of 7s included Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), as well as Reps. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Baron Hill (D-Ind.) and Rob Andrews (D-N.J.).
Yet even a 7 didn’t seem strong enough to quantify the betrayal of some onetime allies.
When the Clintons sat in judgment, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) got the seat closest to the fire. Bill and Hillary had gone all out for her when she ran for Senate in 2006, as had Obama. But McCaskill seemed to forget that favor when NBC’s Tim Russert asked her whether Bill had been a great president, during a Meet the Press debate against then-Sen. Jim Talent (R-Mo.) in October 2006. “He’s been a great leader,” McCaskill said of Bill, “but I don’t want my daughter near him.”
Allegations of the Clintons’ vindictiveness are not new — they’ve been around for as long as they’ve been on the political scene, dating

The book makes clear the depth of the wounds inflicted during the primary struggle.Unfortunately, this sort of vindicative attitude is all too familiar in politics — not just in Washington, but anywhere where there are politicians. But, at the same time, this sort of behavior should unnerve Americans, especially given Clinton’s presumed status as the frontrunner for the 2016 presidential nomination.
“Years later,” Parnes and Allen write, Clinton aides “would joke about the fates of folks who they felt had betrayed them. ‘Bill Richardson: investigated; John Edwards: disgraced by scandal; Chris Dodd: stepped down,’ one said to another. ‘Ted Kennedy,’ the aide continued, lowering his voice to a whisper for the punch line, ‘dead.’”
Remember, this is an age in which the IRS singled out ideological opponents of President Obama for extra scrutiny and Gov. Chris Christie’s top aides apparently orchestrated a bridge closure to cause problems for the mayor of a town who didn’t endorse their boss. That’s almost certainly just a tip of the iceberg when it comes to political retribution.
Lord Acton, a 19th Century British politician, said it best: “Power

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