Thursday, July 25, 2013

Obama Decries Media Focusing On “Phony Scandals,” Says “This Needs To Stop”

hehe fucker needs another vacation...he's overworked  Lol  what the fucks another couple 100's of millions $$$   America .....he's working hards fer his $$$        holy fuck!  & you 'elected'    THIS    America  !   even the fucking demons in hell R looking up wit 'their' jaws on the floor  in wonder ~ment  at the American People  ...ET looks down at U.S.   & turn to each other & say ....THAT'S  !!!      why 'we' probe um up the ass !         dude ?

Obama Decries Media Focusing On “Phony Scandals,” Says “This Needs To Stop”

truther July 25, 2013

Kristin Tate

President Obama is NOT happy about the countless scandals that have engulfed his White House this year.
During an important speech on Wednesday, Obama said Washington is “taking its eye off the ball” by focusing on “phony scandals.”
PHONY scandals?! Give me a break.
“I am here to say this needs to stop,” he pronounced.
Obama Decries Media Focusing On “Phony Scandals,” Says “This Needs To Stop”
Then, in his usual fashion, the president blamed the Republicans for all of the problems in Washington. He said, “If you ask some of these Republicans about their economic agenda, or how they’d strengthen the middle class, they’ll shift the topic to ‘out-of-control’ government spending despite the fact that we have cut the deficit by nearly half as a share of the economy since I took office.”
Then he complained about Republicans putting down Obamacare, “despite the fact that our businesses have created nearly twice as many jobs in this recovery as they had at the same point in the last recovery, when there was no Obamacare.”
He then called for the end of the “endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals.” He was referring, of course, to the countless scandals like the Benghazi attacks, the IRS targeting conservatives, and the DOJ spying on reporters (just to name a few).
It seems like new scandals are surfacing every day in Washington. Instead of calling them “phony” President Obama should own up to what his administration has done. Still, I won’t hold my breath.      .. pic ~A scene from “The Big Lebowski” (Gramercy Pictures)

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