Thursday, July 25, 2013

10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin

truther July 25, 2013
Here is the way the mainstream (AKA liberal) media likes to portray Trayvon Martin, the teen who was shot and killed by George Zimmerman:
10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin
But this photo is misleading. At the time of his death, Trayvon was actually 17 years old. And he was far from the innocent-looking 12-year-old shown above. He had a history of violence, drug abuse, and suspension from school. Here is what Trayvon actually looked like at the time of his confrontation with George Zimmerman. These are the photos you will never see in the mainstream media:
130523170103-01-trayvon-0523-story-top trayvon-martin5 tm trayvon-martin-finger
PS Trayvon-file  trayvon-martin-photos.jpg.pagespeed.ce.098emgSf2k Trayvon Martin at 17

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