Why Johnny Really Can't Read
An analysis of the current crisis in the American Educational System, via reviews of The Leipzig Connection: Sabotage of the US Educational System by Paolo Lionni and Educating for the New World Order, by B. K. Eakman
By Jerry E. Smith
Paolo Lionni, then Headmaster of the Delphian School of Sheridan, Oregon, wrote a marvelous little book called The Leipzig Connection: Sabotage of the US Educational System
(Heron Books; ISBN: 0897390016 (January 1993)) in which he documents
how the Rockefellers virtually took over control of the American
educational system. Why would the Rockefellers, perhaps the greatest of
all the American "Robber Barons" want to control how or what American's
are taught?
civilization has had slavery as an essential element of its economy
--including our own. Have you attained the "American Dream" by making
payments on our own home? But who owns your home really? If you're still
making payments, who owns your car? Washer/dryer? Refrigerator/freezer?
Big screen TV? Just stop making payments and see what happens. Let's
say you have paid off your car, paid off your home. What happens if you
don't pay property taxes on time, or pay car insurance? What if you
suddenly take ill? Ever hear of indentured servitude? Before the Civil
War, free men who needed money could sell themselves into slavery for a
period of time, usually seven years. Most Americans are way over their
heads in debt. Daily they sell themselves into slavery --in forty hour
weeks, eight hour shifts, if they can find them."
-- Jim Keith
Preface to Secret And Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History
honest appraisal of human history will reveal the shocking truth that
every civilization that has ever existed has run on slave labor
--including, as Mr. Keith points out, this one. The only real change
since the Renaissance has been better quarters for the slaves. Credit
cards and mortgages and the baubles they buy (and fear of losing our
pensions and privileges) are the new chains of slavery. How much more
convenient for the masters! Now the slaves happily enslave themselves.
"Wage Slave" is not a hollow joke, but an exact statement of the
condition of the working class around the world.
if the slaves could be kept ignorant of all but the most basic
knowledge necessary to do their jobs, how much easier would it be to
keep them under control? toiling their lives away for table scraps while
their owners become billionaires?
the Rockefellers, in particular, would want to control the way we were
taught is open to speculation. The fact that they have spent millions
this century to accomplish it is a sobering fact. The Rockefellers,
however, are not the only players in this game of academic mind control.
First, I will give you the "Leipzig Connection" as outlined by Mr.
Leonni, then the Carnegie Foundation-Behavior Modification Psychology
"conspiracy" as revealed by B. K. Eakmen in her book, Educating for the
New World Order.
the turn of the century the Rockefellers were probably the richest
family in America. The Rockefeller oil empire spanned the globe and
unquestionably led them into "global thinking." It could be argued that
they were among the first of McLuhan's "global villagers." As neighbors,
however, Mr. Rogers they aren't. Perhaps they decided that only through
controlling the commoners could they effectively, and profitably,
control the natural wealth of the many nations that they had acquired.
the turn of the century they founded the Rockefeller Foundation and
participated in the setting up of many other charitable and "societal
control" organizations. Since that time they have been, among many other
activities, at the forefront of the world eugenics and population
control movement(s), apparently believing that excess population would
destabilize governments under their sway and lead to lost revenue. (For a
detailed analysis of this one of their many dirty dealings read Jim
Keith's Mind Control and Ufo's: Casebook on Alternative 3 (originally titled: Casebook on Alternative 3: UFOs, Secret Societies and World Control.
Illuminet Press; ISBN: 1881532178 (Updated edition, June 1, 1999)).
Another of their brainchildren was the founding of the Model School at
Columbia University, which, as the premiere teacher's college, has since
become one of the dominant paradigms in mainstream educational thinking
in America.
have all heard of the Austrian doctor and drug addict Sigmund Freud,
who, at the turn of the century, was developing psychoanalysis as an
individualized application of the fledgling (pseudo)science of
Psychology. At the same time Wilhelm Wundt, a Professor at the
University of Leipzig in Poland, was working up a version for
controlling masses of people called, today, Social Psychology.
Wundt's theories I believe the Rockefellers saw a solution to their
problem of, what could be called, effective slave control. Wundt's
opinion was that man was just a hunk of meat: that there was no such
thing as a "soul." According to Wundt (and his successors), the "psyche"
(Greek for "soul") that psychology was supposed to be studying
("-ology" for "study of") did not exist (kinda blows their reason for
existing, as psyche-ologists anyway, doesn't it?).
believed that all human actions could be defined in terms of reactions;
i.e., you are not aware, you just think you are, and everything you do
is a preprogrammed reaction to the environment controlled by various
factors known only to science (e.g. blood/brain chemistry, educational
conditioning, etc.). Pavlov with his famous dogs was working in that
same field. Today this field is called Behavior Modification, or
BehavMod, and is dominated by the late B. F. Skinner and his followers.
applied these principles to society as a whole, developing techniques
for controlling whole populations. A belief that people are merely
stimulus-response robots allows you to do just about anything you want
to them. The Nazi death camp psychological experimenters and today's
Industrial Psychologists hold this same view of people.
of Wundt's most famous students was John Dewey. Dewey had a number of
impressive accomplishments in his lifetime. He was a Socialist and a
card-carrying Founding Member of the American Communist Party. He was
the senior editor of the first modern English language translation of
the Holy Bible (!). And, as the prophet of Progressive Education,
founded the Model School at Columbia University in 1902 with Rockefeller
Model School's purpose was to demonstrate application of Wundt's
theories of social psychology, via Dewey's Progressive Education
concept, in a school setting. Since that time, nearly every American
educator has either been trained at the Model School, or has been
trained by someone who was. Additionally, the Rockefeller Foundation
became a primary supplier of school texts. By 1950 it was nearly
impossible to find a schoolbook in America that had not been published
by the Foundation, a subsidiary of the Foundation, or written by someone
trained and/or funded by the Foundation.
inability to read was no accident. American students are being taught
not to read. At the time of the founding of the Model School Americans
were among the most literate people in the history of the world.
Literate not just in the sense of being able to read, but literate in
actually having read, and thought about, and discussed important ideas.
In 1902 an awful lot of Americans could actually think. Thinking slaves
are dangerous slaves. The Rockefellers, in the guise of a charitable
organization, together with the Carnegies, as we shall see in a moment,
took care of that problem.
were we taught not to read? Here's one way: words have precise
meanings. If I were to say to you, "Hand me the thing-a-ma-bob," unless I
were pointing at it, you would have no idea what I was talking about.
How about this one: "During the crepuscule the children were less
active..." What the heck does that mean, you ask? Now, if I were to add
"...than they had been earlier, before sunset," you might try to figure
out what "crepuscule" meant from context, as you were taught to do in
school. Except... you would never actually know that "crepuscule" means
twilight, you would never be able to use the word. It would have become
just another "thing-a-ma-bob" bumping around in your head. My point is:
teaching children not to look up words in a dictionary, but to try to
guess what they might mean from context, is not just lazy, it's
criminal. It makes you stupid. It fills your mind with a lot of wrong
definitions, vague ideas and mysteries.
technique for fouling children's minds is embodied in the Dick and Jane
readers. Once upon a time phonics was the only reading method taught in
schools. That was because it worked. Then came our aristocratically
funded school reformers. They instituted a new way to learn reading, by
learning to recognize individual words, called "sight reading" or "whole
word." All those "See Spot. See Spot run." books were from this crew.
The trouble is, "whole word" doesn't work with a language based on an
alphabet (it's fine for languages composed of ideograms, like Chinese or
Japanese, though). It is a great deal easier to learn the few dozen
sounds in the English language than it is to learn to recognize the
several hundred thousand (common) words! Why would we teach a technique
for reading Chinese to students learning English? The end result of this
sort of "education" is the creation of non-readers. Just what this
"conspiracy" wants! And none of the teachers lose their jobs, as it at
least looks like they're working.
George Orwell's 1984 one of EngSoc's three "truths" was "Ignorance Is
Strength." Have you ever noticed how ignorant people have a great deal
of strength in their convictions? Not being able to think is, at least
subconsciously, terrifying. Unable to arrive at ideas and understandings
on one's own, every idea must be held onto like a life preserver in the
sea beside a sinking ship. Every idea is as important as every other
idea because there is no mechanism to judge between them.
(the Church-School-State Establishment) is strengthened by ignorance as
well. The ignorant must rely on Authority for opinions. This keeps
Authority on top. The "conspiracy" has a vested interest in maintaining
this druggie-like dependence on Authority. It is a very short
"hokey-pokey" little step from authoritarianism to totalitarianism.
program to reduce mental competency is accelerating. In the last few
decades new educational ideas have been sweeping the country under the
lofty sounding names of "Goals 2000" and "outcome based education." I
warn you, you will be shocked if you examine them. "Whole word," for
example, has been replaced by "whole language." In phonics a child is
taught to recognize letters and sounds as the basic building blocks of
language; in "whole word" children are drilled in recognizing whole
words (leaving them unable to "sound out" words that are new to them).
In "whole language" this nonsense has been taken to its illogical
conclusion and paragraphs are taught as if they were letters in phonics!
This is totally insane. I wish I were making this up; they really are
trying to get school systems to switch over to "whole language"
education. And you think Johnny has trouble now!
new educational methodologies high-end on social programming (becoming
good little "politically correct" worker-robots) and involves precious
little real learning. They have abandoned grading, for example, saying
it puts too much pressure on the children; so there is no way to
determine if the kids are learning anything (this, I think, is really a
way to "hide the bodies").
actually discourage some basic learning; for example, the children are
deliberately being "taught" to misspell words! These new "outcome based"
educators say misspelling is a form of creativity! Yes, this
"education" is "outcome based" all right, but the outcome is one chosen
by the social engineers in the employ of the conspiracy.
Lionni wrote: "Wundt established the new psychology as a study of the
brain and the central nervous system. From Wundt's work, it was only a
short step to the later redefining of the meaning of education.
Originally, education meant the drawing out of a person's innate talents
and abilities by imparting the knowledge of languages, scientific
reasoning, history, literature, rhetoric, etc. - the channels through
which those abilities would flourish and serve. To the experimental
psychologist, however, education became the process of exposing the
student to "meaningful" experiences so as to ensure desired reactions:
...Learning is the result of modifiability in the paths of neural
conduction... The situation-response formula is adequate to cover
learning of any sort, and the really influential factors in learning are
readiness of the neurons, sequence in time, belongingness, and
satisfying consequences.'
one assumes (as did Wundt) that there is nothing there to begin with
but a body, a brain, and a nervous system, then one must try to educate
by inducing sensations in that nervous system. Through these
experiences, the individual will learn to respond to any given stimulus,
with the "correct" response."
thesis laid the philosophical basis for the principles of conditioning
later developed by Pavlov (who studied physiology in Leipzig, in 1884,
five years after Wundt had inaugurated his laboratory there) and
American behavioral psychologists such as Watson and Skinner; for
lobotomies and electro-convulsive therapy; for schools more oriented
toward the socialization of the child than toward the development of
intellect; and for the emergence of a society more and more blatantly
devoted to the gratification of sensory desires at the expense of
responsibility and achievement."
conspiratorial relationship between psychology and philanthropy may be a
case of the tail wagging the dog. I cannot honestly say for sure whose
plan it was. Perhaps the conspiracy hired the BehavMod folks to do their
dirty work, or perhaps the psychs evolved a brilliant strategy to use
the elite to further their own purposes -- or more likely, it's a bit of
both. Either way, my research conclusively shows (at least for me) that
the destruction of our educational system can be laid squarely in the
lap of the psychs and the foundations that fund them.
This is where we segue into another major, and slightly earlier, book on this subject: Educating for the New World Order,
by B. K. Eakman (published by Halcyon House, a division of Educational
Research Associates, Portland, Oregon; ISBN: 0894202782 (June 1991)).
want you to read Mrs. Eakman's book, so I don't want to give too much
of it away here. Briefly, what she discovered is that the Wundtian
BehavMod folks are working several fronts against us: through government
at federal, state and local levels, as well as through charitable
institutions and academia.
the practitioners of Behavior Modification Psychology believe
themselves to be the sole repository of an understanding of what sanity
really is. It would seem that they believe that this society, its
parents and institutions, are not sane; and that they consider
themselves alone to be capable of shouldering the heavy burden of
bringing sanity to future generations. Since we, the parents, are crazy,
in their estimation, we cannot be trusted with the rearing or education
of our young -- only (the alleged science of) Behavior Modification can
be entrusted to do that. The BehavMod freaks know that if we found out
what they were doing, we would string 'em up, so they have evolved a
clandestine plan for "saving" the human race (from itself).
federal law, the federal government cannot set curriculum for local
schools (yet, that is; they're working on it). However, that has not, in
practice, prevented them from doing it. The mechanism is federal
funding. For a local school district to get (badly wanted, even if not
badly needed) federal funds the schools have to be accredited.
is a process whereby a federal board examines the curricula of a school
to see if it meets certain federal guidelines. If it does then the feds
release the funds. The trouble is, education experts, largely the
BehavMods who have come to dominate the field, write the federal
guidelines after testimony. Further, the members of this accreditation
board are themselves BehavMod psychs or fellow travelers. The
accreditation board, perhaps not unnaturally, accredits only schools
that implement curriculums written by their pals, also BehavMods.
"approved" curricular material is supplied to the nation's schools from
a very few sources, primarily from ones funded by the Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (CFAT), which is, you guessed
it, up to its eyeballs in BehavMods. CFAT has created and continues to
fund a vast complex of organizations, boards, commissions, lobbies, and
much more that affect most aspects of education in America. Those
experts who testify before Congress, as well as the educators who sit on
the plethora of municipal, state, and federal boards and commissions
are almost exclusively provided by CFAT and/or organizations under its
organizations that create, administer, evaluate and database the
nation's major academic tests (such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test
(SAT) and the National Teacher's Examination) were also created and
funded by CFAT and its BehavMod psychs. These tests do not measure what a
child has actually learned; instead, they are used to determine the
progress of the behavior modification program. Results are used to fine
tune future curricular releases. They are not "educating" children; they
are "socializing" them. This explains why so many "educators" have
endorsed a recently floated plan to drop scholastic achievement tests
(that actually measure what a student has learned) for college entrance
exams and replace them with these murky aptitude tests that measure the
degree the "socializing" program has succeeded with that student).
direct and indirect control of American education via CFAT dominated
organizations effectively puts the Carnegie and Rockefeller funded
BehavMods in control of a very neat, self-perpetuating circle where
every key base is covered by a behavior modification psychologist, from
Capitol Hill to the classroom.
I say
that there is a conspiracy here, in our educational system turning out,
not thinkers and artists, but ignorant dolts and robotized workers, but
maybe there isn't. Maybe it's just a random series of unrelated events,
an embarrassing coincidence that the Rockefellers and the Carnegies
accidentally funded theories that destroyed American education and
several generations of children. Rotten luck. It just worked out that
way... Yeah, right. http://www.jerryesmith.com/index.php/54
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