G.I. Joe Predicts Monsanto Frankenfood

Agricultural science is now in the hands of large chemical conglomerates such as Monsanto and their genetically altered seeds, designed for their chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The producers of these fertilizers and pesticides have become enchanted by economic profit; not caring or understanding that their products are poisoning the soil and water and turning earth into a moonscape. They have become enchanted in the matter of economic profit, and the power derived from it.

Monsanto is using bribery, the law, intimidation and any other means available to it to start to control the world food supply with it’s genetically modified and patented seeds.
If the only way a farmer can grow a crop is by paying monsanto, and using their seeds which cannot be reused even a year later, then Monsanto is the only game in town – the absolute and ultimate arbiter of who eats, how much they eat, and what they pay for that. Because of the natural processes which allow plants to cross pollinate, such as wind, birds, insects, it is close to inevitable that sooner or later, every crop is a monsanto crop, whether farmers choose to use them or not.
The most obvious hypothesis is that these corporations see in Svalbard an opportunity to gain further control of the world’s plant genetics — being able to utilize the seed bank as a resource for germplasm that can be used for creating patentable hybrid or genetically engineered seed varieties.