Thursday, February 21, 2013

Drowning In Real Horror

Drowning In Real Horror


I was recently reading through my new copy of Paranoia magazine and a story about mysticism used for the purpose of espionage got my attention. The magazine article was a very interesting read because it confirmed some of the suspicions I have been having about contemporary sorcery and how it appears that it is being used on the critical mass to get them to accept certain philosophies that they would not even dream of entertaining.
Yet it is happening and what is really strange is how we are now living in a world where all that we thought was mere science fiction is becoming reality. Stories appearing in science periodicals are all about the brain these days and how it seem that there are deeper channels within the brain that science can unlock. When these channels are unlocked, human behavior changes dramatically and soon we start see behaviors and philosophies that we once thought are immoral become normal.
We begin to see art and literature reflect some of these attitudes. The media encourages a more blood thirsty attitude towards a “phantom other” that in the court of public opinion is hanged in the public square without due process.
Aleister Crowley, the man they called the great “beast 666”, once commented that moralities are determined by social status and that the ordinary person abides by an ordinary morality while the elite practice a different form of it. Crowley states “Modern morality and manners suppress all natural instincts, keep people ignorant of the facts of nature and make them fighting drunk on bogey tales. Ordinary morality is only for ordinary people.
I interpret his statements as meaning that morality suppresses our natural instincts to be like animals. However, our animalistic attitudes are slowly being embraced and attitudes about death, and who should die are always becoming a topic that we only speak about among those that share in attitudes of vengeance and blood justice.
I was recently shown a very disturbing commercial that showed horror movie characters drowning in a large pool of water. The commercial was actually for an herbal tea. The commercial showed the evil clown “Pennywise” from Stephen King’s movie “IT”, Leatherface from the movie “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and the grim reaper drowning and struggling to get to the surface. While you think you are watching a horror film, the characters die and sink to the bottom of the pool out of sight. Then we see the words “Drown Your Fears – Herbaria Tea”.

Herbaria "Fears" (DC)

Gone are the days of peaceful country sides, pastures and meadows. There is no peaceful music or two older people walking, no dog playing fetch only the images of dying horror icons. This commercial of course has stirred a little controversy as people are complaining to have panic attacks when they see it. Some have vowed to boycott the herbal tea because of the horrifying images. However I remember not too long ago that there was an advertisement for a video game Call of Duty Black ops where average people were being featured shooting other people. I expressly remembered the face of a chubby girl with glasses in a normal purple blouse and how she had the look of satisfaction being part of a group of desperate people with guns shooting it out in the homeland. The commercial ends with a man in a daze with two hand guns just firing at random and then dropping the guns walking towards the screen. The ad ends with the idea that “There is a soldier in all of us.” There was also another advertisement asking “What’s your body count today?”
These commercials were aired long before the Aurora, Sandy Hook shootings and long before the cop killer Chris Dorner was eluding police officers and winding up burned up in a cabin by police. The scenes of urban warfare are everywhere and the blood bath and body count is on the rise. It is blood that seems to be put into play here and then it is all seared with a baptism by fire.
We take this all in as acceptable. The attitudes of the consensus is that people have fire and blood coming if they decide to be a revolutionary. The very attitude Mao Tse Tung had when he stated that if you want to be a revolutionary, you will die a criminal. Mao also had the attitude that no change comes unless there is a lot of blood.
In any war, in any form of mystical warfare blood and fore are all part of the alchemical process of change. We are seeing plenty of blood and the meme of fire is ever present in our contemporary lives.
This is not conspiracy theory, this is fact. What we once termed Fortean anomaly, or the future of the damned has now become the norm. The irony is that what is certain is that which is uncertain, and that which is uncanny has now become a bizarre courting with the filth and irreverent things that come from the abyss. The nightmare we find ourselves in is a death pool that people are drowning in. They are in awash in diabolical attitudes that when pressed are more than happy to take part in an execution of the innocent in the court of public opinion.
Is it at all surprising that it has been reported that police agencies can now purchase for a mere .99 cents targets for shooting practice that show pictures of pregnant women with guns and children pointing guns as well?
The marketing team at Law Enforcement Targets, Inc. is offering what are called ‘No Hesitation” targets to law enforcement and in their statement explain why they provided these images as targets:
The subjects in NMH targets were chosen in order to give officers the experience of dealing with deadly force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during training. I found while speaking with officers and trainers in the law enforcement community that there is a hesitation on the part of cops when deadly force is required on subjects with atypical age, frailty or condition (one officer explaining that he enlarged photos of his own kids to use as targets so that he would not be caught off guard with such a drastically new experience while on duty). This hesitation time may be only seconds but that is not acceptable when officers are losing their lives in these same situations. The goal of NMH is to break that stereotype on the range, regardless of how slim the chances are of encountering a real life scenario that involves a child, pregnant woman, etc. If that initial hesitation time can be cut down due to range experience, the officer and community are better served.
The intent is to break the stereotype of who or what is the threat. The threat now can be anything.
Everyone is not above suspicion.
The series contains seven targets in all, titled Pregnant Woman, Older Man 1, Older Man 2, Older Woman, Young Mother, Young Girl, and Little Brother. Each of the depicted subjects is armed.

MUST SEE: Law Enforcement "Requested" Shooting Targets Of Pregnant Women

I feel sometimes that the world is living in some sort of rejected script from Resident Evil or They Live. The police are armed for anything because there is a monster everywhere, killers are everywhere ready to go off and the Vice President is on television talking double speak about guns. Guns are bad and then in another day or two we hear him say that in order to protect yourself “You must buy a shot gun.” When I saw that moment I shook my head and thought that the whole segment reminded me of the part in “Night of the Living dead” where Sherriff McClelland is telling people how they can protect themselves against the Zombies. “You have to shoot them, Beat ‘em or burn ‘em. They go up pretty easy.

Night of the Living Dead (Original Soundtrack) #13-Beat 'Em or Burn 'Em / Final Advance

Haven’t we seen this attitude lately with police and criminals? At the beginning of the week I was able to speak with actors Bruce Campbell and Michael Rooker about how their roles have been gun-toting zombie shooters. Both conceited that their characters were merely extreme characters living in times of extremes. Their reactions are probably warranted when pitted against a zombie or a vampire in a film; however, it seems that in the “real life” gallery of potential targets we can’t take for granted that grandma hasn’t died and turned into a puss and maggot filled zombie or that our big brother hasn’t been bitten by a vampire and will turn into a blood sucker in the middle of the night.
Of course, I am speaking in metaphor, right?
According to a recent article and quoted on several credible news sources doctors in Turkey have described what they claim to be a real-life vampire with multiple personalities and an addiction to drinking blood.

News 2/12/13 - Benefits to Gay and Lesbian Couples, Flying Squid,Vampires in Turkey

The 23-year-old married man apparently started out slicing his own arms, chest and belly with razor blades, letting the blood drip into a cup so he could drink it. But when he experienced compulsions todrink blood “as urgent as breathing,” he started turning to other sources, the doctors said. The man, whose name and hometown were not revealed in the report, was arrested several times after stabbing and biting others to collect and drink their blood. He apparently even got his father to get him bags of the ghastly drink from blood banks, according to the report released by the Journal of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. The case study was published last fall.
The doctors said they found traumatic events in the man’s life leading up to his two-year bloodsucking phase. His 4-month-old daughter became ill and died; he witnessed the murder of his uncle; and he saw another violent killing in which “one of his friends cut off the victim’s head and penis,” the researchers write in the journal article, The 9 Most Bizarre Medical Conditions”
The man had been seen talking to himself,” and he claimed to be tormented by an “imaginary companion” who forced him to carry out violent acts and attempt suicide. He also had memory gaps in his daily life and reported instances of being in a new place without any idea of how he got there.
“Possibly due to ‘switching’ to another personality state, he was losing track during the ‘bloody’ events, did not care who the victim was anymore, and remained amnesic to this part of his act,” the report said.
The doctors, led by Direnc Sakarya, of Denizli Military Hospital in southwestern Turkey, ultimately diagnosed the man with dissociative identity disorder (DID), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), chronic depression and alcohol abuse. To their knowledge, the man is the first patient with “vampirism” and DID.
We are beginning to see our human spirit gradually being taken from us. A cunning, chaotic and invisible force has seized the souls of men. I believe that this hijacking of the consciousness is the beginning of the unseen threat that has been talked about by the so-called the fringe groups for decades.
People somehow think I am losing my mind when I speak of Zombies and vampires as real entities; however it is becoming apparent that someone or some secret group sees us all as potential zombies, cannibals and vampires.
The paranormal has now entered every facet of our society. The demons have entered through the gates of the temples, mosques and synagogues. They all have names, but the new age love and light brigade have failed to identify them.
The war and mystical espionage is being waged.
It forces Popes to resign in fear from these demons, and some religious and political figures have even learned to embrace them because they empower their lust for greed and dominion over the weak-minded.
Playing on the political chess board becomes an overwhelming exercise in hypocrisy, wearing our nerves to the point of being threadbare.
It weakens the morale of many people. Many seem so gullible and so willing to follow leaders who act as if they are possessed by some dark and chaotic force. In the political spectrum we are seeing men and women who seem to be corded to some dark force, their unity consummated through acts of bloodshed and sex magic. They demand that certain morality be practiced by the people, yet the elite adhere to a different morality, a peculiar one that shares the same characteristics as the vampire.
The word vampire, of course, conjures up Hollywood images of Bela Lugosi or Christopher Lee. However, there are many types of vampires, and not all are limited to being blood-sucking predators. The vampires are archetypes that have been muddled with all sorts of clichés. But their origins are ancient, and they have symbolized disease, death and decay for millennia. The eaters of the flesh, the drinkers of the blood and those who seize or possess the spirit were very much a part of the mythologies and histories of ancient civilizations.
The philosophical Zombie or the Vampire in training is among the sheep. He is the wolf in sheep’s clothing and is ready to unleash more unspeakable terror.
What we are seeing now are ritualistic crimes that have a major significance and carry a creepy form of theological weight in the mystical circles that exist in the highest places of authority on this planet.
We realize subconsciously that the elite exploit and control us, but our culture does not encourage an open or conscious acknowledgement of this fact. We don’t see it exposed in the media, nor do we see religious figures openly denouncing the control mechanisms. In fact, they encourage slavery and obedience to the treachery of rage and conflict.
Our culture tends to marginalize those who express any ideas that indicate a mass brainwashing or manipulation is taking place. A secret stronghold that pays no mind to the peaceful teachings that are found in religion and spirituality has molded culture over the centuries.
We dismiss all of the blood rituals as barbarism. We are all still holding on to the archaic idea of an eye for an eye and fail to comprehend the significance of what is released into the ethosphere when scores of Middle Eastern dead are left to be buried in mass graves, or children are killed accidentally by drones. We have realized the impact of our own children dying at the hand of killers.
The sad thing is, we are selectively forming opinions about how authority is supposed to behave. We are now accepting behaviors and rules of engagement based on the court of public opinion and the agendas that the media feeds us. Slowly but surely we begin to accept age old ritualistic “witch hunts” as admirable behaviors.
We fail to comprehend the significance of a shell of human flesh burnt to a crisp and sitting in the same position as it did when it had life. The most frightening part of all of this war and bloodshed is the religious imperative to murder and to shed the blood ritualistically. After the blood has fallen to the ground a ritual of fire should seal it.
The authorities know this, and the meme is very powerful. It is so powerful it replicates, over and over because it is alchemy with the cameras rolling, and the public cheering it on like the barbaric witnesses to gladiator fights, crucifixions, hangings and witch burnings.
It was done during the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was done on September 11th, 2001, it was done at Waco, and the latest cabin burning where Chris Dorner was killed.
The use of fire unleashes a psychic power into and around the earth. When scores of souls are released in a violent ritualistic manner with fire, it is believed that the energy activates a number of demonic or chaotic elements.
The images of violent murder that we see on television create a sense of hysteria in the collective consciousness. It cripples our psychological well-being and leaves us open for suggestion.
We do not account for the possibility that all of this ritual murder is being done to trigger the base instincts of humans. Their fight-or-flight mechanisms are toyed with and we begin to understand why we see an increase of cannibalism, ritual murder, and even ritualistic executions of citizens without due process.
It forces the idea that human potential can be whittled away and leaves people with no choice but to become “hemophagic psychovores.”

Biden Shotgun Video: Vice President Offers Self-Defense Advice

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