Monday, May 12, 2014




It seems that as of late, we have been living vicariously through the opinion polls that for some reason are being issued for the media to gobble up and report. We first gave you the poll results on how the American people are slowly pulling out of their trance and realizing that the United States Government is indifferent to our needs and that we are finally feeling the cold neglect of our leaders.
Now, I want to let you in on a little secret and speak about an opinion poll that has me realizing that along with the various polls showing we are waking up to the malfeasance in government, we are also waking up to the fact that the paranormal, and beliefs in paranormal events is the new normal.
As I have reported before when quoting Robert Anton Wilson, we have created this safety net we call reality and every once in a while we are reminded that a very real existential world exists and that the spooky actions we see are all part of some quantum theory that is not easily explained.
A Reuter’s poll of people around the world found a little more than half of the world’s population believes in God and the afterlife. U.S. polls regularly show that about half of us believe they UFOs might be piloted by Almond eyed aliens from outer space.
There are plenty of people today that try to explain away the unexplainable. In fact it used to be that a good ghost story or UFO story paid off those who made the claims with book deals, movie deals and the occasional appearance on the Phil Donahue show.
Oprah is not really into UFO’s and the like but just loved to push a new age religious dynamic that always makes her look far more righteous than she is. Now it seems the big money is being paid to skeptics that are really not skeptics but are highly paid debunkers and humiliators that believe that any claims of the paranormal step on the toes of true scientific method.
Many see it as good sport for those who use scientific hubris to make their point, however it is beginning to be a lot more difficult to try and explain away the unexplainable as more and more reports are being made and those that are armed with smart phone cameras are getting the last laugh.
Sure there will always be the armchair critic who will from the safety of his mothers basement troll a you tube channel reporting the paranormal, and unfortunately there will always be those who love to fool us with hoaxes but that most certainly does not mean the supernatural that is not supposed to happen, happens and with a great amount of frequency.
Believe it or not skepticism is slowly returning back to its rightful methods of open minded inquiry. Those who are now witnessing the phenomena are now doing so with respectful consideration.
This is important because before it was always a matter of rejecting the claim outright instead of investigating it and finding a logical explanation. When one cannot be found we are left with a mystery and it is always those burning questions that motivate thought and get you to think instead of react, either positive or negative to the anomalous activity.
As the real and the unreal merge together it is becoming more of the norm for a competent investigator to welcome the disciplines of psychology, neurology and other areas of science when confronting phantoms and monsters that seem to have no logical explanation.
It is also becoming more of the norm for investigators to understand the powers and nuances of the human mind and whether or not the head is capable of projecting such experiences or if environment can create the illusion of some unexplained experience.
This does not discredit the phenomenon, it only gives us a better understanding of what we are dealing with and whether or not the zeitgeist is moving us towards better understanding of the paranormal and whether or not the fringe is really all that fringy.
It is understandable how we can all misinterpret the “normal” and “natural” as “paranormal” and “preternatural” but our fallibility in identifying such things does not completely render us as unreliable witnesses.
With the frequency of such paranormal events happening and with the advent of amateur and professional investigators to the claims of outrageous things, people are now thinking twice, about what is happening and doubting what they once doubted about the phenomena.
For example, next week I will be in McMinnville Oregon for the 15th annual UFO festival. It has been called the second biggest gathering of UFO enthusiasts in the country. Of course the largest is in Roswell New Mexico in July. Both gatherings reflect on possible UFO events that took place that have been elevated to legendary status and while many will argue the impact of the Roswell incident, the McMinnville incident has never been authoritatively called a hoax or proven to be a fraudulent UFO sighting.
Paul and Evelyn Trent snapped some compelling photos on their farm just before sunset on May 11th, 1950. The negatives of the pictures were situated in the middle of the film roll. Upon inspection there were no practice photos indicating that the Trents had developed a hoax. The photos sat in the camera an entire month before they were developed at a drugstore. The photos were featured in Life Magazine in June of 1950.
To this day the UFO picture remains as unimpeachable evidence that something bizarre was in the skies that day.
Beyond the UFO stories are the stories of apparitions and ghosts. A few months ago there were many stories in the mainstream news about various hauntings of houses. One that most certainly got a lot of media attention was the haunting of Latoya Ammon’s Gary Indiana home.
She still “swears by her story” of demonic possession, supernatural happenings, and unexplainable phenomena in her house. The house has since been exorcised and was recently bought by Zak Bagans who is the host of ‘Ghost Adventurers’.
Exorcism traces its roots to the New Testament Gospels where Jesus frees the possessed Gadarene from a legion of demons. Recently there was a buzz in the mainstream as actress Natasha Blasick told CBS This Morning hosts Phillip Schofield and Christine Bleakley that she had been raped by a demon and that she found it to be pleasurable.

Natasha Blasick Admit 'Sex With Ghost' Was "Really, Really Pleasurable" On This Morning

Believe it or not this phenomenon has happened enough that the condition has a name it is called spectrophilia, which is “a syndrome affecting people who derive sexual pleasure from spirits.”
There have been a lot of confessions provided by nurses that provide hospice care of crisis apparitions that appear when a patient dies. Hospice nurses describe paranormal events surrounding the deaths of patients. These testimonies preclude natural explanations.
However some critics are saying that many of these stories give the impression of “universalism” where everyone in their moment of dying sees heaven. There have also been a number of TV shows and movies promoting this Idea.
One such television show is ABC’s “Resurrection” which is a series about dead people who come to life. The eerie premise has captured the imaginations of viewers as the show has picked up a second season. Some are saying that it may be the series to replace “Lost” as a supernatural mystery.
One of the less paranormal movies and more of a faith promoting film is “Heaven is For Real.” Heaven Is for Real is the true story of a four-year old son of a small town Nebraska pastor who experienced heaven during emergency surgery. He talks about looking down to see the doctor operating and his dad praying in the waiting room. While the film is similar to the laundry list of stories that were provided for the movie and book “Life after Life” there are many people that see the film as a breakthrough for engendering faith in an afterlife.
Meanwhile despite the softer topics of heaven and universalist apparitions there are many stories that are now indicating that the abyss is also active and that the darkness seems to be wreaking havoc on innocent human beings in the real world.

Hospice Nurses Share Their Spiritual Experiences with Dying Patients

The story of Mr. Entity is another creepy haunting account given by Deborah Moffitt who claims that the entity that haunted them from 1987 to 1991 was truly a demonic presence. His presence was first known during 1986, when paranormal activity started to occur in a house that Bill Moffitt was renting out in Rancho Cucamonga. When the Moffitt’s moved away from the area later that same year, the entity followed them into their new residence.
Mr. Entity was a prescience that would write on walls and mirrors. While he would scratch satanic symbols into wood he also was an entity that new something about powerful sigils as he would leave behind a tag that looked like the alchemical triangle with a tail. A sigil that represents the triangle within the Ouroboros, made famous by German mystic Jakob Boeme.
Cris Putnam, who has been a guest several times on Ground Zero calls what is happening a “Paranormal Paradigm shift” in his new book titled “Supernatural Worldview.”
Cris Putnam is saying that the Paranormal is the new normal as it has literally taken on an identity of its own as we now are bombarded with paranormal conditioning with media that now indulges in the paranormal.
The paranormal has literally penetrated our lives. It would have been unheard of 20 years ago to have a reality show where investigators hunt down and produce evidence of ghostly activity.
Close to 250, million Americans say that they believe that the paranormal is the new normal. The fringe is no longer fringe and our minds are now opening up to the esoteric world.
In a twisted way, some people are saying that these figures most certainly indicate that the majority certainly have faith in not only a heaven and a hell, but a supernatural world that is under the control of a creator.
However Putnam believes that even though it may indicate faith, it is a faith that has been misdirected. He believes that the increase of paranormal events in the world indicate that prophecy is being fulfilled regarding the apocalyptic scriptures dealing with the tribulation and the idea of Satan being released or thrown down to earth to do his profane handiwork.
Times are changing as news reports have given us brutal murders where the killers have shown superhuman strength or cannibalistic behavior. There have also been Satanic sects that openly are demanding equal time with regard to public displays of religious icons.
Recently the design of a statue of Baphomet has been revealed showing children gathered around the goat headed statue that represents Satan. The statue has been finished and is now being prepared for display on the grounds at the Oklahoma capitol.
On Monday May 12th, there will be a satanic “black mass” that is set to take place at Harvard University.
“In a recent statement, Pope Francis warned of the danger of being naive about or underestimating the power of Satan, whose evil is too often tragically present in our midst. We call upon all believers and people of good will to join us in prayer for those who are involved in this event, that they may come to appreciate the gravity of their actions, and in asking Harvard to disassociate itself from this activity.”
The black mass, reenacted by members of a New York-based group known as Satanic Temple, is being hosted by the Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club. On its web site, the club called the reenactment educational and said it is not meant to “denigrate any religion or faith.” The club said a piece of bread is used in the reenactment but it won’t include a “consecrated host.”
At first the satanic temple had stated that they would use the consecrated host for desecration in the mass. LaVeyan Satanists do not typically perform Black Mass as a regular ritual and do not desecrate the consecrated host.
Some believe that if mass is performed grave danger may happen to Boston and the students of Harvard.
The cause and effect of such practices and the literal conditioning of paranormal activity and acceptance of the part of the paranormal that is destructive can be attributed to the strange apotheosis we have created for government and religion. The mixture of the state and religion for the sake of state religion gives way to a more hermetic state of affairs. It is taken as a fact that the state religion will be Christianity and yet we are seeing that many of the practices of both the religious and the political are corrupt and immoral and literally set the standard for a satanic dynamic with regard to the supernatural when it should be seen as neutral. The sympathies of the people have been and will continue to be manipulated. The paranormal activity on the planet is powerful proof that our existence has more to it than just what we experience in this dimension.
The supernatural can be made to offer us a glimpse into heaven, if we are worthy and yet we waste our supernatural world view on matters of hell and damnation.
The United States is about to be brought to ruin in a controlled paranormal demolition. Ritualistic warfare that will devalue everything that we once thought was sacred. We are seeing the beginnings of a well controlled demolition of religion and Government, only to be replaced by a leadership that is empowered by the dark forces of the underworld, possessed by the demonic and destructive dynamic.

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