Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wolfgang Halbig’s Quest for Truth 

Requests for public records under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act can result in threats of arrest under felony harassment charges. This is what former Florida State Trooper and school safety expert Wolfgang Halbig discovered after repeatedly telephoning and sending the series of emails below to Newtown, Connecticut state and U.S. federal officials demanding more information on the Sandy Hook School massacre of December 14, 2012.

All of the requests below, spanning from records on Sandy Hook’s routine asbestos inspections to the key FBI crime report on the incident, have been met with almost complete silence. The non-responses from Connecticut and federal agencies were punctuated by two residential visits from local Lake County Sheriff’s deputies threatening to lock Halbig up if he persists in his pursuit of the truth. The most recent visit from law enforcement took place on Monday, February 17, when deputies questioned Halbig on his recent remarks to American Free Press’ David Gahary that he intended to travel to Newtown on a fact-finding mission in March.-JFT
From: Wolfgang Halbig
Fri, 27 Sep 2013 09:00:43 -0500
Subject: Mike Kehoe your Police Chief should be immediately fired for Negligence
Mrs Llordra:
I find this e-mail very difficult to write but as a Former Florida State Trooper and old now find the actions of your Police Chief very disturbing.
I have dedicated my life in public service and to read about your police chief giving Lt. George Sinko only a letter of reprimand for failing to respond to the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting on Dec 14, 2012
You should ask yourself as to how a Lt. working an off-duty detail at a construction site and making overtime money can ignore 911 calls and a Newtown police dispatcher requesting help from police officers for shots fired at The Sandy Hook Elementary School.
I cannot imagine any police officer ignoring emergency help requests when children and school staff lives are being threatened.  To sit in your car and listen to all those emergency calls go over the airwaves and do nothing is negligence.
For over two hours he sits and does absolutely nothing while children and school staff are being shot and killed.
Your Police Chief states in the newspaper that he is not a first responder.  He also states that he was off duty.
I can tell you and so can any other certified law enforcement officer when working an off-duty detail that you are never off-duty especially when lives of children and school staff are at stake.
We in law enforcement are on duty 24/7 always on call.
This Lt is  24 year veteran and if he does not know his responsibilities then he should also be immediately be fired along with the Police Chief.
This is a national embarrassment that clearly demonstrates negligence by both the Police Chief for not calling him to duty that morning and for the Lt not responding to this crisis.
We are all first responders even if you are a Lt.
How embarrassing for the City of Newtown Ct having a Lt. sit for over two hours and not respond and only be given a letter of reprimand.
I know that there is more to the story and I only hope that you use common sense in handling this huge embarrassment for your City.
Wolfgang W Halbig
From: Wolfgang Halbig
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 14:11:53 -0500
To: Kathy June <>
Cc: “”  “”
Subject: Last try for Freedom of Information Act from your Interim Superintendent
Please tell your Interim School Superintendent that his response is total Horsepoop.
Hiding behind the safety of children and school staff in not releasing my information request is unprofessional if he is an educator.
I am simply asking for the Vendors name who you the school district or school hired to install the security system at Sandy Hook Elementary School with address and contact numbers
Just like Stanley Security Solutions has installed all of the security tools at the Sandy Hook replacement school.
They have donated over $100,000 thousand dollars in front door access control with CCTV CAMERA AND ACCESS BUTTON WITH CMAERA BEING A COLOR CAMERA.
What is wrong with your school district and your superintendents?  What are they afraid off?
I need the total cost of the project.
I need the date of completion.
I need the breakdown of the total cost as to what did the cameras cost? Are they color or just black and white?
I do not want to know the locations as I do know the placement of the cameras at the Sandy Hook replacement school and I promise not to ever hurt any child or staff in your school district.
Please comply with my FOIA as soon a possible since I have been waiting forever.
Wolfgang W Halbig
From: Wolfgang Halbig
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 09:12:28 -0500
To: <>
Cc: Kathy June <>, “Katersky, Aaron” <>, “”, “”
Subject: Freedom of Information Act for the State of Ct.
Captain Rios:
Please provide me with copies of the contracts  and costs for the Crime Scene Cleanup in Decontaminating and Sanitizing the Sandy Hook Elementary School after Dec 14, 2012 .
The School Districts was considering allowing children and school staff to return to the school and now they have decided just to tear it down.
Who was the company that you the police allowed in the school providing me with the start date and end date of removing all of the Bio-Hazard materials.
Copy of the licenses that the company provided to you for transporting Medical Waste.
They would have to remove all the blood, bodily fluids, brain matter, skull fragments and around 45-60 gallons of blood based on the number of children and school staff shot and killed that day.
I am the Chief Investigator for the Children’s Safety Institute and a School safety Expert which now requires this information to be made available since it has been 11 month and you have not even provided a simple police or incident report.
If you do not have that information then please direct me to the agency that would have been responsible for decontaminating the crime scene and Sanitizing it since you allowed them into the school to remove furniture.
My address is [address]
Wolfgang W halbig
From: Wolfgang Halbig
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 11:00:41 -0500
To: Boston <>
Subject: Re: Do I need to get arrested to show the FBI’s negligence in Sandy Hook?
Boston FBI Offices;You get things done.Boston Marathon Bombing and spectators killed and seriously  injured and you the Boston FBI in three days solve this heinous crime.Millions of people watching and with a President stating in a National Press Conference that he will use every resource in his office in solving this horrendous crime just as he stated during the Sandy Hook Press Conference.You are good and now I am being told that the FBI has NO jurisdiction in the Sandy Hook Elemenatry School Shooting. That only the CT State Troopers and the Dansbury State Attorney control this event yet I am told that you the FBI in New Haven are being told to retract your official report and that is why it is taking so long.I call this Bullshit.  Sorry for the profanity.I know the FBI since I worked with you guys in Miami, Florida as a Florida State Trooper and will never for get April 11, 1986 when two of your Agents were killed and five others were serioulsy injured.>We are law enforcment partners for life and after having to seen that crime scene my request for information and help should not be that difficult.I understand crime scenes and how we collect evidence but after 11 months and the failure of disclosing the truth has caused National Panic and Fear in all schools across this country and I can take you guys on a field trip and show it.Panic and fear should not drive school safety especially when we have not heard the truth.You act accordingly when knowing all the facts. Please help and I know it is New haven but they refuse to respond.
Wolfgang W halbig
From: Wolfgang Halbig
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 17:17:45 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Do I need to get arrested to make my point?
Newhaven FBI Field Offices:
In major crimes such at Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting multiple agencies work closely together is trying to solve a crime as quickly as possible so rummors don’t fly around and create panic and fear as it now has now at sandy Hook.
You are part of this huge problem because I know that President has the report on the Sandy Hook supposed incident.
I know that the Attorney General Eric Holder has the report of the supposed incident at Sandy Hook.  Why not the National Media and put this ever occurring Sandy Hook terms to bed.
Boston; FBI replied and this was my response back to them.
>You make things happen.
You get things done.
Boston Marathon Bombing in which spectators were killed and seriously  injured and you the Boston FBI in three days solve this heinous crime.
Millions of people watching and with a President stating in a National Press Conference that he will use every resource in his office in solving this horrendous crime just as he stated during the Sandy Hook Press Conference.
You are good and now I am being told that the FBI has NO jurisdiction in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting. That only the CT State Troopers and the Dansbury State Attorney control this event yet I am told that you the FBI in New Haven are being told to retract your official report and that is why it is taking so long.
I call this Bullshit.  Sorry for the profanity.
I know the FBI since I worked with you guys in Miami, Florida as a Florida State Trooper and will never for get April 11, 1986 when two of your Agents were killed and five others were serioulsy injured.
We are law enforcment partners for life and after having to seen that crime scene my request for information and help should not be that difficult.
I understand crime scenes and how we collect evidence but after 11 months and the failure of disclosing the truth has caused National Panic and Fear in all schools across this country and I can take you guys on a field trip and show it.
Panic and fear should not drive school safety especially when we have not heard the truth.
You act accordingly when knowing all the facts.
Please help and I know it is New haven but they refuse to respond.
Wolfgang W Halbig
From: Wolfgang Halbig
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 08:18:58 -0500
To: Kathy June <>
Subject: CT Freedom of Information Request again
You don’t return my phone calls and now I am requesting again the following which has nothing to do with the criminal investigation or places children and school staff at risk.
Please provide quickly.
Please provide me with copies of the contracts  and costs for the Crime Scene Cleanup in Decontaminating and Sanitizing the Sandy Hook Elementary School after Dec 14, 2012 .
The School Districts was considering allowing children and school staff to return to the school and now they have decided just to tear it down.
Who was the company that you the police allowed in the school providing me with the start date and end date of removing all of the Bio-Hazard materials.
Copy of the licenses that the company provided to you for transporting Medical Waste.
They would have to remove all the blood, bodily fluids, brain matter, skull fragments and around 45-60 gallons of blood based on the number of children and school staff shot and killed that day.
I am the Chief Investigator for the Children’s Safety Institute and a School safety Expert which now requires this information to be made available since it has been 11 month and you have not even provided a simple police or incident report.
If you do not have that information then please direct me to the agency that would have been responsible for decontaminating the crime scene and Sanitizing it since you allowed them into the school to remove furniture.
My address is [address]
Wolfgang W halbig
From: Wolfgang Halbig
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 20:22:37 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Re: Criminal Investigation is now closed so please provide my FOIA request now.
You need to be fired and actually if it turns out to be a conspiracy you need to go to jail and loose your pension like so many others in this heinous crime.
You guys should be ashamed of what you have done.
Your Lt stay on an off-duty construction site detail for over two hours and you justify it by saying he is not a first responder. I hope when you do your speaking engagements you share that will all our other law enforcement police chiefs and officers so they can have a great laugh.
You and vance are at the head of the line and you know it.  The truth will get out sooner or later.
Hope you sleep well you coward.
From: “Kehoe, Michael”
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:39:28 -0500
To: Wolfgang Halbig
Subject: Fwd: Criminal Investigation is now closed so please provide my FOIA request now.
The items you seek under FOIA are exempt from disclosure under the same law.
Thank you!!
Chief Michael Kehoe
Newtown Police Department
3 Main Street
Newtown, CT 06470
From: Wolfgang Halbig
Date: Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 3:28 PM
Subject: Criminal Investigation is now closed so please provide my FOIA request now.
I need you and your school superintendent to honor my CT State FOIA request that have been requested three months ago.
I requesting again under the CT State FOIA request protocols the following;
Contractors name and business address and contact numbers who was hired by the Sandy Hook Elementary School or the Newtown School District in installing the security system at the old Sandy Hook Elementary School.
The cost of the total project
The cost broken down by line item such as door locks at the front door, camera system to monitor people at the door and the recording system costs.
The cost of CCTV cameras for the school and the recording device purchased.
I do not want to know the locations of those cameras for school safety reason,
You were provided a complete and free security system by Stanley Security K-12 which included card readers for school staff, front door access controal with video monitoring and color CCTV cameras throughout the school.
I even know were they are located but I do not care about that just provide the information for the old Sandy Hook School.
Second Request under the Ct State FOIA request procedures;
1.The company that you the Newtown School Board and the Director of Facilities contracted to decontaminate and Santize the Sandy Hook Elementary School of all Bio-Hazards rsulting from the Dec 14, 2012 school killings.
2. The start date of the project in removing all Bio-Hazards such as Blood, Bodily Fluids, brain matter, skull  fragments, blood stained carpets in room 8 and room 10, blood splatter on desks and walls and windows etc.
3. The ending date of the project and total cost for decontaminationg the Sandy Hook Elementary School since you were considering opening the school again.
4. A copy of the contractors certification that he is approved in conducting crime scene decontamination of all Bio-Hazards in the State of Ct.
Your secretary took my other request of the FOIA dealing with the Life Insurance that the school board had to pay to six school satff members beneficiaries when they were killed in the line of duty.
Also the workers Compensation death benefits paid by the school board to the school  staff members beneficiaries who were killed in the line of duty by the school district.
This is my research project for my Doctorate so please provide this information.
Wolfgang W halbig
From: Wolfgang Halbig
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 09:06:02 -0500
To: Kathy June <>
Subject: Ct Freedom of Information Act Request
This FOIA request is for the the name and all contact numbers of the Newtown School Districts licensed School Asbestos Inspector.
This request is also for all copies of all reinspections required every three years starting in 1997 through the demolition of the Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2013.
Please provide copies of written notification for each of the years listed to parents, school staff and employees organizations on an annual basis regarding the availability of the Sandy Hook Asbestos Management Plan.
Please provide training verification for your custodial Staff at Sandy Hook of the 14 hours of training and the two hours of training within the first 60 days of hire.
I hope that is not exempt as you always respond exempt.
Also do not make the Police Chief respond to my Newtown School District FOIA requests it is your responsibility.
I have forwarded my complaints to the Freedom of Information Commission for a response of your stone walling my requests.
Please mail all information requested to [address]
Wolfgang w halbig
From: Wolfgang Halbig
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 08:43:53 -0500
To: Sally Cox <>
Subject: SHS Parent Contact
I am a trainer for the US Justice Department COPS IN SCHOOL PROGRAM.
Are you a registered Nurse?
Why in the closet for four hours?
Why close your eyes when you have seen blood before you are a nurse?
Wolfgang W halbig
From: Wolfgang Halbig
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 10:51:52 -0500
To: “Vance, Paul” <>
Cc: “Kehoe, Michael” <>, “Ross, Brian E.” “” “Tom Winter (Personal)”
Subject: CT Freedom of Information Act request again
Lt. Vance;
You are great at ignoring CT Freedom of Information requests which being a law enforcement officer makes you intentionally reposnible since you threatened others for posting false information.
You threatened people with arrest and yet you fail to comply with the laws of CT.
I am requesting againg the Flight log of Ct Trooper One Helicopter for Dec 13, 2012 and Dec 14, 2012 starting each day at 6:00 am and ending each of those days at 6:00 pm.
I am requesting the helicopter manifest as to who was on board and all copies of video that was shot and recorded for both days that are dated and time stamped for accuracy.
I am also requesting the company that was contracted to clean up all Bio-Hazards such as all the blood, brain matters, bone fragments, stained carpet with blood.  Bookbags and furniture that was contaminated and had to be sanitized.
These are simple questions that even you should understand and have this request processed urgently
The case is closed and I believe the information is not exempt form public records.
Please act accordingly as someone who is a PIO for the CT State Police.
Wolfgang W halbig
From: Wolfgang Halbig
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 09:25:05 -0500
To: Kathy June <>
Cc: “Ross, Brian E.” <>, “”
Subject: Asbestos in the Sandy Hook School
I am requesting under the CT Freedom of Information Act the Tri-annual Asbestos Inspection reports from a private individual certified in conducting this required inspections.
I want the name of the company ans contact numbers.
I need copies of the reports starting in 2002 through 2011.
I need copies of letetrs sent to parents and teachers informaing them of all of the Asbestos inside the Sandy Hook Elemenatry School.
There is NO doubt that Asbestos was present since I am providing you a picture of a company demolishing the scvhool and not using the proerr Asbestos removal protocol which is a serious federal violation.
Please provide this quickly since I have tried over and over again with NO return phone calls or repsonses to my Ct of Information Act requests.
Thanks again
Wolfgang W Halbig

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