once again Our Country needs U ! Our Country (Citizens) ... not the ass~moral shit spewing ass pipes in d.c. (degenerate city) & "their" "ilk" but Our Land ! needs u !
Undoubtedly, false flag attacks lie in our future as does a brutal martial law crackdown. These are the bankster weapons of mass destruction.
Anyone who doesn’t expect ex-Generals to start dropping like flies, does not understand the gangster mentality of the bankers. Ex-CIA agent, Dr. Jim Garrow, stated on The Common Sense Show, that he knows that fired military commanders are planning a guerrilla civil war against the occupation forces which will attempt to enforce a future martial law crackdown. Some of my military sources are stating the same. Based on this information. I have a question. Wouldn’t any insurgency guerrilla force be primarily comprised of the seven million veterans who are under the age of 40? It would seem prudent to believe so and I think it is clear that the banksters who have hijacked our government believe so as well.
In what will prove to be a ground-breaking interview, Doug Hagmann will be appearing on The Common Sense Show, this coming Sunday, February 23rd from 10PM-Midnight (CST) to reveal the details of what he knows about the dead bankers as well as who is behind the murders and what the end game consists of.
On December 31, 2012, when he thought nobody would be looking, President Obama signed the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The NDAA grants the President the power to abduct Americans off of the street and held indefinitely without using the required due process of law. When the NDAA was passed, this was the day the United States became a brutal dictatorship.
Pursuant to Obama’s implementation of a police state under the NDAA, thousands of veterans are receiving letters from the government declaring them to be mentally infirm. The sole basis for many of these determinations which are purporting to be diagnosing mental incompetence is solely based upon the fact that the veteran has seen combat. Further, if the veteran has been wounded or suffered a traumatic brain injury, they are considered to potentially violent, mentally infirm and therefore, ineligible to own a gun.
America, you better sit up and take notice. Our veterans are being disarmed in total and the process is emanating from executive decree through our federal bureaucracies. No judge, no jury, has declared these veterans, who received the disarmament letters, to be mentally infirm. This is a thinly veiled draconian effort to take guns out of the hands of people who know how to use them.
Veterans, no doubt, would resist the mass arrests that are coming under this criminal government. To those who think this is impossible, ask yourself for what legitimate motive could the government have passed the NDAA if they were not planning to mass arrest citizens without due process of law? Did Congress and Obama just have nothing better to do on that fateful New Year’s Eve?
Mass arrests of undesirables are a necessary prerequisite to the imposition of a tyrannical government.
Karma for the banksters
After reading this account, I would find it reasonable if there are not veterans out there who feel like the fictional character, Colonel Jessup, in the movie A Few Good Men, as he told Lieutenant Kaffey, “You want me on that wall, you need me on that wall…..” There are sociopathic bankers who need to experience a “code red” for the misery that they are bringing to the planet. I never advocate violence, but I do not weep for the fate of these animals who are responsible for so much misery.
To our veterans in these very troubled times I say, yes, we need you to be ready to be on that wall because someday, we may need you on that wall.
(Photo: Getty Images)
Attention Veterans: ‘We want you on that wall, we need you on that wall’

Bankers are dropping like flies. There is a power struggle and there is also the beginning of a war behind the scenes which has monumental implications
By Dave Hodges
(INTELLIHUB) — This is a re-enactment of the old Chicago gang-like style murders, but with far more serious implications.The world has not seen such a challenge to the authority of the banking cartel since Jesus chased these criminals from the Temple over 2000 years ago.The bankers used to run the planet from the background while mired in secrecy. Now, they are being thrown off of 33 story buildings, committing “suicide” by shooting themselves with nail guns in the head and the torso and are being drowned in their office restrooms. The bankers must feel that there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. However, do not expect these sociopathic bankers to sit back waiting to be the next victim of an insurgency force which is highly skilled and highly organized. Make no mistake about it, the “Empire Will Strike Back”, and they will do so with a vengeance.
Undoubtedly, false flag attacks lie in our future as does a brutal martial law crackdown. These are the bankster weapons of mass destruction.
Anyone who doesn’t expect ex-Generals to start dropping like flies, does not understand the gangster mentality of the bankers. Ex-CIA agent, Dr. Jim Garrow, stated on The Common Sense Show, that he knows that fired military commanders are planning a guerrilla civil war against the occupation forces which will attempt to enforce a future martial law crackdown. Some of my military sources are stating the same. Based on this information. I have a question. Wouldn’t any insurgency guerrilla force be primarily comprised of the seven million veterans who are under the age of 40? It would seem prudent to believe so and I think it is clear that the banksters who have hijacked our government believe so as well.
In what will prove to be a ground-breaking interview, Doug Hagmann will be appearing on The Common Sense Show, this coming Sunday, February 23rd from 10PM-Midnight (CST) to reveal the details of what he knows about the dead bankers as well as who is behind the murders and what the end game consists of.
The Persecution of America’s Defenders of Liberty
For sometime, veterans have been receiving letters from the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) which are telling them that they have been deemed, without a mental status examination, to have a physical or mental condition due to their combat experience, which has rendered them to be ineligible to possess a firearm. Further, under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, and the United States Code 924(a)(2), if a veteran possesses a firearm and purchases and transports a firearm, they may be fined and/or imprisoned. The intent of this action is clear as this is a decided move designed to disarm our veterans in preparation for an anticipated coming martial law and/or a civil war.On December 31, 2012, when he thought nobody would be looking, President Obama signed the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The NDAA grants the President the power to abduct Americans off of the street and held indefinitely without using the required due process of law. When the NDAA was passed, this was the day the United States became a brutal dictatorship.
Pursuant to Obama’s implementation of a police state under the NDAA, thousands of veterans are receiving letters from the government declaring them to be mentally infirm. The sole basis for many of these determinations which are purporting to be diagnosing mental incompetence is solely based upon the fact that the veteran has seen combat. Further, if the veteran has been wounded or suffered a traumatic brain injury, they are considered to potentially violent, mentally infirm and therefore, ineligible to own a gun.
America, you better sit up and take notice. Our veterans are being disarmed in total and the process is emanating from executive decree through our federal bureaucracies. No judge, no jury, has declared these veterans, who received the disarmament letters, to be mentally infirm. This is a thinly veiled draconian effort to take guns out of the hands of people who know how to use them.
There can only be one reason the government is hell-bent on disarming veterans. Armed veterans would form the vanguard of any resistance movement. The bankers who have hijacked our government are attempting to take away America’s front line of civil defense by disarming the veterans.In a civil war which arises from attempted mass incarcerations and/or mass executions carried out by the globalist forces, this event would certainly be contested by armed veterans. Groups of veterans would organize the local citizenry into thousands of guerrilla units in this country in response to the tyranny being imposed by our would-be slave masters. Veterans would be capable of organizing groups capable of hit and run tactics against, for example, the UN occupation forces. They would teach the rest of us in the civilian population how to use the weapons at our disposal. Veterans would no doubt employ the principles of asymmetrical warfare such as the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) which became famous during the last Iraq War. To prevent this from happening, the globalists must psychotropically drug the veterans, and to continue to keep creating such a hellish life for veterans that our brave warriors will continue to commit suicide at the rate of 22 per day. From the globalist perspective, veterans cannot be allowed to become our 21st century version of the minutemen. Don’t you think the globalists did not learn the lessons of the British defeat at Lexington and Concord as they were attempting to disarm the colonists?
The Coming Civilian Purge
Globalist forces, operating under the unconstitutional authority of the NDAA, will begin to disappear dissenters and others deemed not to be able to be re-educated as prescribed by Obama’s early political handlers, the criminal and Communist leadership of the Weathermen Underground, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorne.Veterans, no doubt, would resist the mass arrests that are coming under this criminal government. To those who think this is impossible, ask yourself for what legitimate motive could the government have passed the NDAA if they were not planning to mass arrest citizens without due process of law? Did Congress and Obama just have nothing better to do on that fateful New Year’s Eve?
Mass arrests of undesirables are a necessary prerequisite to the imposition of a tyrannical government.
Historically, What Happens When Veterans Give Up Their Guns?
The disarming of veterans has happened before in the annals of history. I hearken back to the infamous Red Revolution. Recently, a Russian bloggerwrote the following about the history of his own country, with regard to the Red Revolution, in an attempt to get Americans to realize that veterans should never give up their guns under any circumstances.“Moscow fell, for example, not from a lack of weapons to defend it, but from the lying guile of the Reds. Ten thousand Reds took Moscow and were opposed only by some few hundreds of officer cadets and their instructors. Even then the battle was fierce and losses high. However, in the city alone, at that time, lived over 30,000 military officers (both active and retired), all with their own issued weapons and ammunition, plus tens of thousands of other citizens who were armed. The Soviets promised to leave them all alone if they did not intervene. They did not and for that were asked afterwards to come register themselves and their weapons: where they were promptly shot.”And thus, one of the most ruthless empires in the history of mankind was born. This is what is being brought to our country. The best predictor of future actions is past behavior. If you want to know what is coming to America, investigate three historical events: (1) The (Japanese) Rape of Nanking in WWII; (2) The practices of the Russian secret police who had their own version of the NDAA; and, (3) the practices of the Markus Wolf’s East German Stasi forces, who set up the organizational structure of the Department of Homeland Security.
Veterans Do Not Comply
Veterans, America needs you. You must, under no circumstances, give up your guns. Do not comply with these illegal, non-judicial orders from the federal government. You are America’s last line of defense. And for everybody else, given the evidence presented here, I dare you to come up with a plausible and alternative explanation on why we should allow our veterans to be disarmed.Karma for the banksters
After reading this account, I would find it reasonable if there are not veterans out there who feel like the fictional character, Colonel Jessup, in the movie A Few Good Men, as he told Lieutenant Kaffey, “You want me on that wall, you need me on that wall…..” There are sociopathic bankers who need to experience a “code red” for the misery that they are bringing to the planet. I never advocate violence, but I do not weep for the fate of these animals who are responsible for so much misery.
To our veterans in these very troubled times I say, yes, we need you to be ready to be on that wall because someday, we may need you on that wall.
(Photo: Getty Images)
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