Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Freedom’s Requiem

Freedom's Requiem


There are many times where I have read articles and insider reports that really indicate that Americans are so unaware of what awaits them. They are also unaware of what they are in the middle of and how the idea of the American illusion is more of a reality now than ever before.
I need to share with you a very important truth right now and this is not something I go into expecting to be debated or challenged and yet I know the true believers will tune out or fill my e-mail bin with their anger over how I twist or exaggerate real world occurrences.
I can assure you that I am being honest when I reveal to you that what is happening now in our country is so absurd and overwhelming that they are even more outrageous than the content of the most dystopic stories that have been provided by imaginative science fiction writers and social science alarmists.
If you are someone who says that they are awake, I think it is time to jack you up with knowledge that will eliminate any chances for you to sleep through the truth ever again.
People who make the bold claim that they are awake or that they are a ‘truther‘ are very active in pointing out that the dystopian New World Order is coming. It is always being forecast in a future tense that someday it will all be obvious.
Some people are more than willing to simplify in their own minds exactly how it all is going to go down. I have heard all kinds of people give me the scenario that sounds like it is taken right out of the pages of another “Red Dawn” remake.
There are of course others that have an idea that it will all be obvious in the sense that we will all be like superficial drones going to work under a fascist dictatorship. We will all be forced to wear gun metal gray jumpsuits like in Fritz Lang’s epic film ‘Metropolis‘, or the many versions of Orwell’s ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four‘ that have graced the big and small screen.
I know that there are others out there that are waiting for the announcement of martial law or that there is some sort of starting gun that will fire indicating that the fascists are here and that they have taken over.
I want to tell you that none of this is going to happen in America.
stormtrooper_obvious_fascismThe reasons I say this is because I want everyone to realize that what you have seen in the movies is nothing like the real, cold edge of tyranny. In fact, you may go through your entire day not even realizing that your freedom is eroding.
Chris Hedges is a journalist that has wiped away the soot and grime from the window that peers into the American illusion.
Hedges has declared openly that a corporate totalitarian fascist state actually feeds on fiction of democracy and freedom. If you are to peel away at the fascist onion that has been grown by the American ruling elite you will find at its core, a totalitarian state that no American would recognize. The reason why they won’t recognize it is because it does not appear as the drab and unlivable conditions that exist in Orwell’s ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four‘.
However, the powers that be have been so clever in disguising their actions and outsourcing their acts of torture and human rights violations.
We want so badly to believe that, as the Olympics are being held in Sochi, that the competition and the hard work is what it is all about. What we don’t want to believe is that we make the athletes vulnerable and victimize them by saying that whatever they do as athletes and goodwill ambassadors is done with the ever constant threat of terrorism.
This terrorism is purely an excuse to ramp up world security. It is a selling point for the surveillance state, for the militarizing of the world, and the use of drones and outsourced torture to secret internment camps and gulags.
I want to emphasize that there are too many Americans that think that we have reached a point where we have outgrown or somehow dodged the bullet of tyranny. We get caught up in the worry of partisan sour grapes when we criticize the administration.
I want to be clear that the entire package must be analyzed and that we need to stop thinking that we have somehow inherited some immunity from being a fascist country whose aims are no longer moral.
I want for you to understand that all of the “image and action” parameters that have been given to us in the movies are misleading and that real tyranny has an invisible package and in order for it to be successful; it needs to be somewhat invisible to the average person.
We can no longer pretend that we are too sophisticated not to fall for it, because we already have fallen for it. Some more than others see it and – even while we know it has arrived – we are powerless to change the course that has been set for our future.
I want you all to know this, the problem that faces us is not the outward face of tyranny. It is the subtle indicators that we overlook time after time. The things we believe don’t apply to us because of religious, or political affiliation. In the totalitarian age, you may think that you are safe because of your skin color, or your religious beliefs or even your political standing.
Wake up now, your delusions are getting in the way of your survival in the New World Order.
We see the obvious indicators that there is a path being laid towards pathocracy however the success of tyranny is not based in the threat of rights being taken away, violence or being imprisoned in FEMA detainment camps.
We have shown that all of these things are no longer being hidden. The biggest obstacle is getting beyond the smiles, waves and shiny medals of those we think are all about preserving America.
Subtlety has been part of the success of tyranny and people ignore it because it is not obvious to them.
The conspiracy of bringing down the United States is not a secret conspiracy but an ‘open conspiracy‘. Tyranny succeeds because the victims become “willing executioners” in the absence of better choices. Those who are not aware of what is happening are literally participating in the success of the tyrannical oligarchy.
The psychopaths that are in charge of the fascist takeover have done so well at marketing to you the pros of adapting without questioning. They hide behind freedom and democracy propaganda and have taken the nod from Aldous Huxley the idea that it is reasonable to understand that the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit.
Huxley also said that freedom and democracy would be used to justify the revocation of human rights. This would mean that all people with political ambition in a fascist and tyrannical state would use terms like democracy and freedom in a non-literal sense in order to push tyranny as business as usual.
There have been a number of stories recently that have once again have a hardened my resolve about how the mythos of the Unites States has all but been erased, and that we must realize that we now answer to a new ideology. It is an ideology that we as real Americans should not tolerate.
Documents from an Ohio National Guard training drill conducted last January reveal the details of a mock disaster where Second Amendment supporters with “anti-government” opinions were portrayed as domestic terrorists. A WSAZ Channel 3 news report quoted the local police Chief Bill Raisin in saying that the drill was the “reality of the world we live in.” (Download PDF of documents)
The so-called reality he is speaking of is the mock scenario where, “Two school employees who are disgruntled over the government’s interpretation of the Second Amendment, plot to use chemical, biological and radiological agents against members of the local community.
Raisin who seems to be a little too credulous says “Don’t forget there is such a thing as domestic terrorism. This helps us all be prepared.
I suppose it does, it also breeds the idea that we are vulnerable and that there are crazy people out there – namely constitutionalists – that are hell bent on killing a number of people to make a point about gun control.
Well, I have another dose of reality, most of the gun-toting shooters that we have been hearing about lately have carried out their massacres because they want to demonstrate why we should abolish the Second Amendment, not the other way around.
Police Chief Bill Raisin and the Ohio National Guard need to be schooled in what reality is. They also need an education in how the government is now picking their “targets” for drone strikes. The NSA is picking their targets based on unreliable and bad metadata.
According to a Techdirt article, Michigan representative Mike Rogers has been whining about how the government now has to actually be careful to try to not indiscriminately kill innocent civilians with drones.
Last year, President Obama put in place some weak guidelines for how and when drones could be used to kill people. The guidelines were hollow because the intelligence community resisted them.
Our intelligence community seemed to have this acquired taste for killing people by drone. Before then, there were really no guidelines and drones were used in very questionable circumstances.
Mike Rogers has been infuriated with these guidelines and has stated that restrictions and guidelines on how drones are to be used just makes us all vulnerable and that we will all dies as the result.
How insane do you have to be before someone can fit him with a straight jacket and let him know that he has some very psychopathic ideas as to how justice is to be served?
Once again, it is another example of how warmongers will tell you that if you don’t give them the power they want, then they will see to it that you will be less safe in the future.
Ever wonder why people wonder about inside job terrorism and how it fills a need for power hungry psychopaths like Rogers to get their kill fill? I think that we should keep an eye on crazed maniacal politicians like Rogers who believe in the idea of criminalizing journalism and bloodthirsty endorsements of drone violence.
It is a sick and twisted proposal to merely accept the fact that whatever the government says about data gathered on a drone target, or a human being that happens to be an American citizen, is the absolute truth, when we now know that they are making their decisions based on unreliable metadata.

U.S. might kill American terror suspectReport: Terrorism Suspected In Killing Of 2 American Soldiers

A recent article written by David Kravets in Wired magazine once again demonstrates that, when our government is in error, they will use the threat of terrorism as a reason why they will not release information on unlawful search, seizure and detainment.
The article entitled “How Obama Officials Cried Terrorism to Cover Up a Paperwork Error” illustrates perfectly the need for accountability by all administrations when they decide that American rights are to be suspended for their own witch hunts.

Student fights to get her name off terror watch list

To quote the article: “After seven years of litigation, two trips to a federal appeals court and $3.8 million worth of lawyer time, the public has finally learned why a wheelchair-bound Stanford University scholar was cuffed, detained and denied a flight from San Francisco to Hawaii: FBI human error.
FBI agent Kevin Kelley was investigating Muslims in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2004 when he checked the wrong box on a terrorism form, erroneously placing Rahinah Ibrahim on the no-fly list.
What happened next was the real shame. Instead of admitting to the error, high-ranking President Barack Obama administration officials spent years covering it up.
Attorney General Eric Holder, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and a litany of other government officials claimed repeatedly that disclosing the reason Ibrahim was detained, or even acknowledging that she’d been placed on a watch list, would cause serious damage to the U.S. national security.
Again and again they asserted the so-called “state secrets privilege” to block the 48-year-old woman’s lawsuit, which sought only to clear her name…
Holder went so far as to tell the judge presiding over the case that this assertion of the state secrets privilege was fully in keeping with Obama’s 2009 executive branch reforms of the privilege, which stated the administration would invoke state secrets sparingly.
Are we completely numb to the idea that our government now can use terrorism as the all encompassing excuse to be tyrants?
It looks like this is the case.

Dept. of Homeland Security puts witness in "no-fly list" trial on "no-fly"list

It should now be clear and should be labeled as absolute that this country is ruled by wealthy psychopaths who use their positions of power to steer the trajectory of our society towards a lawless and predatory end.

Kroll Show: Drones

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