Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Forecast: Fatal Food

Contaminated Cuisine

The government is gearing up to exercise a calculated biological contamination of the food or water supply.  There are many contaminants, pathogens, and toxins that could herald the new age of synthetic foods with ultimate food control, but leading the pack are two historically successful candidates, anthrax and Clostridium botulism.  Both are soil- growing bacterium that have been weaponized in laboratories, allowing for plausible deniablity by those releasing the toxins into the food supply.

How Grave is the Situation?

On February 5th FEMA began reporting for the first time, Continental US (CONUS) Commodity Readiness reports.  Pay close attention to the first note at the bottom, “Catastrophic requirement based on supporting 1.75 million survivors for 3 days”.  That is not many people.  This figure does not include Hawaii or Guam.
The CDC has begun educating the public on contaminated food.  Unfortunately, most people have lost track of their agrarian roots making them prey for opportunistic agencies who would feed them dis-information all the while introducing contaminants and toxins to food causing disability and mass death.  Could the web address of an obscure CDC epidemiological journal web profiling anthrax hold the key to an imminent catastrophe?  The address contains the letters, eid.  Eid is a solemn Muslim ‘Festival of Sacrifice’.  Are we to be the sacrificial lambs?
Most people associate anthrax with livestock, and botulism with improperly cooked foods. Both anthrax and botulism are powerful toxins that can, according the Agriculture Research Service, make every day foods and beverages deadly. Anthrax is considered the number one choice for a bio-attack.
Image:  CDC
Anthrax can enter the body through the air or by way of contaminated food or drink.  Once the spores enter the body they can become ‘activated’ creating toxins that can cause severe illness and death.
On January 30th, 2014, Department of Homeland Security and Health & Human Services provided first responders with instant access to a 10-50 day supply of antibiotics citing voluntary preventative and proactive anthrax prescriptions to be used if public health officials  determine that an “actual anthrax emergency occurs”.  The medication would allow first responders to continue their jobs with little interruption.  The medication expense is to be borne by the first responders.  The dispensing of preventative medication is similar to that surrounding the events of September 11, 2001 when first responders and emergency personnel were issued prophylactic antibiotics.
Meanwhile, on January 23, 2014 the CDC issued it’s revised recommendations and guidelines for treating adults and pregnant women especially if exposed to inhalation anthraxAnthrax was prominently featured in the February 2014 issue of Journal of Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases.
  Clostridium botulism
Image:  CDC
 When someone mentions botulism, most people probably associate this nerve-damaging disease with food that was not prepared or stored correctly.  These days botulism is the weapon of choice because the toxin is easily added to everyday foods and beverages. A new test developed by the Agricultural Research Service for Homeland Security promises first responders the ability to determine if a food sample has a known botulism toxin and if there is enough toxin in the food or drink to kill (LD50).
Image:  ARS February Newsletter
Molecular biologist Robert Hnasko and colleagues devised the field-ready, surveillance tool that can provide preliminary screening for botulism in as little as 20 minutes.
According to the developer, the test “is as easy as using a home pregnancy test,” making expensive labs equipment unnecessary.
This test may not guarantee accurate results as government and academia have been diligently working on developing more lethal strains of botulism.  Information on the new weaponized strains have been silenced.  Laboratory secrecy is endangering public health.  The botulism test can detect A and B serotypes botulism.  It is not know if it can detect new strains of botulism such as the H strain.  The new surveillance tool used to identify botulism was tested by contaminating milk, apple juice and orange juice with botulism.
 Complicating Matters
The situation that we have in-hand currently is: researchers are weaponizing pathogens and toxins behind an iron curtain of secrecy; a government who admits that it will be exercising contamination of the food or water supply within the next 50 days; new tools, regulations, and guidelines recently published and marketed; an up-tick in Clostridium toxin outbreaks in both human and animal populations; and first responders given instant access to prophylactic antibiotics “in case of an anthrax attack” so that they can do their job.
Outbreaks of Anthrax and Clostridium are considered reportable diseases under the Terrestrial Animal Health Code which require standardized treatment dictated by international governing bodies.  Slipping into the Federal Register on Monday, February 10, 2014 is a proposal by the FDA seeking scientific-evidence and methods assessing the public health and economic impact of acute or chronic exposures to pathogens and chemical contaminants in food.  The FDA is seeking to justify expansion of jurisdictional power legitimizing the intrusive Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).  FSMA shifts the burden and cost of food safety regulations to farmers.  Under FSMA farmers will have to submit to internationally harmonized regulations that reduce barriers to global trade.  The proposed regulation will identify high risk foods that could become contaminated in the food supply chain and requires government tracking of large segments of the food supply.  Scorecards have been developed and algorithms are ready to scrutinize the population responses to pathogens, toxins, and contamination in each food product.  All that is needed is a high profile food contamination event to compare “background” contamination with “injected” introductions of various pathogens and contaminants into the food supply.
What do you think is going to happen?
Bioexperts withhold data on new Clostridium Strain
Pathogens and Your Right to Know

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