Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fact Finding of a Crime 

By Wolfgang W Halbig*//
“A thinking person will question what he hears; examine what he sees; and evaluate what others would have him believe.”-Nathan M. Bickel
Have you ever tried to put a puzzle together? If you have then this puzzle will blow your socks off because no matter how hard you try to make these pieces fit they just won’t.
The Sandy Hook Elementary School and its entire school campus is the crime scene puzzle.
So lets get started.
 Listen to Wolfgang’s most recent interview with AFP Editor David Gahary here.
December 14, 2012
CLASSROOM 8 and 10 are the rooms that children and school staffs have been shot to death.
Adam Lanza shot himself in the head in classroom 10
First Piece
09:35:21 am first 911 calls comes in to Newtown Police Dispatch
Second Piece
09:35:52 am Newtown Police Dispatcher makes an all hands on deck call even for all off-duty officers to respond to the Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Third Piece
09:37:42 am Police Dispatcher to all units I am on the phone with a 911 caller who still hears shots fired inside the school.
Fourth Piece
09:38:14 am dispatcher to all police units responding to Sandy Hook at this time, the shooting appears to have stopped.
Fifth Piece
09:39:00 am First Newtown police officer arrives behind SHES on Crestwood Dr.
What is that about parking a ¼ of a mile from the front entrance of the school?
Why Crestwood Dr.?  What ever happened in responding to the front of the school by law enforcement?
09:39:05 am dispatcher to all units teacher reports that they saw two shadows running past the gym.
Sixth Piece
09:39:21 am police officer with heavy breathing calls into dispatch reporting that they “WE’VE GOT EM”.
What ever happened to neutralizing the threat first as the highest priority by law enforcement?
Seventh Piece
09:40:28 am police to dispatcher reporting that shooter is still shooting inside the school.
Eighth Piece
09:42:28 am police is requesting through dispatch a car tag check on a black Honda civic 872-YEO when it comes back to a RODIO not LANZA.
Why run a tag check before entering the Sandy Hook school in neutralizing the threat?
Ninth Piece
09:45:20 am Newtown Lt. Vanghele while inside the school tells a female child to get back into classroom (room 8) as she comes out in the north hallway.
09:45:20 am first sign that they law enforcement are inside the school.
Why would anyone especially a police officer order a child back into classroom 8 knowing that dead children and school staff are inside that classroom.  I am sure he must have looked inside the classroom in making sure that the classroom was safe?
How many shots did those children hear in classroom 8 hear?
Tenth Piece
09:51:31 am CSP Lt (MSGT) Davis, CSP Sgt Cario, Officer Chapman and Officer Smith enter room 10:  Newtown Radio
Officer Smith: “92” Officer Smith finds a child the name is redacted hiding in the bathroom of room 10.  He tells them to stay and that he will be back for them when it is safe. Is it one or many?
How many shots did those children hear in that classroom 10?
Why would any police officer after finding a child or them in a classroom with bodies of other children and school staff leave them and tells them that he will be back when it is safe?
That is a long time for those children to be left alone with dead bodies.
Is this a new police protocol?
09:55:31 am police officer calls into dispatch to report multiple weapons rifle and shotgun in the classroom.
Adam Lanza shot and killed himself in room 10 as stated by the CT State Police.
What happened to the Shotgun?
Only ten simple pieces of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting puzzle to put together before we go to the next 10 pieces in our puzzle, which will look at Why No Trauma Helicopters?
Who declared all those children and school staff dead within the first 11 minutes?
Why did the CT State Police not allow Paramedics and EMT’S inside the school?
Why did the Newton FBI field offices classify the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting that went to Pres. Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and the former director of the FBI Robert Mueller?
How is it possible that a trained SWAT team or many SWAT teams that day not find the Registered Nurse and a Secretary who made a 911 call from the nurse’s office in a closet for over 4 hours?
I have never ever heard of a police officer telling a Registered Nurse to close her eyes so she won’t see the blood.
Is that a new police protocol?
Why have 26 small Christmas Trees behind the Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire Department on Dec 14, 2012 and decorated on Dec 15, 2012?
They do not have 60 or 100 hundred trees because if the did they would be having a Christmas tree sale. We see that they have just 26 small trees all by themselves.
There are so many of you who have dedicated so much time and effort in seeking the truth which the CT State Police and the Danbury State Attorney refuses to share reminds me of Nazi Germany and East Berlin were many of my family members lived and died.
My father spend four years in a Nazi prison camp so I know personally that if you or we ever stop asking questions and stop challenging those in power we the people are no longer free and will no longer be safe.
 This article is dedicated to every person or persons who had the courage to question and hold those in power accountable in this horrendous and supposed heinous crime at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec 14, 2012.
*Formerly the Executive Director of the National Institute for School and Workplace Safety, Wolfgang Halbig has recently formed a new safety and security company, Children’s Safety Institute. Prior to founding NISWS, Mr. Halbig worked in public education as a teacher, dean, and assistant principal, principal, principal of an alternative school and as the Director for School Safety and Security of the Seminole County Public Schools, a school district of approximately 65,000 students.
Mr. Halbig also has law enforcement experience as a former Florida State Trooper in Miami, Florida, and as a United States Customs Inspector. Given his unique background in both law enforcement and education, Mr. Halbig was invited by the United States Department of Justice to train over 3,500 school police officers, school superintendents and school principals.
He traveled the country by providing presentations and keynotes to a variety of audiences, including the National Education Law Conference, the National School Board Association, the Oklahoma School Board Association, the Illinois School Board Association, the New York State School Board Association and the Florida School Board Association.
A nationally recognized school safety and security expert and consultant, Halbig has provided safety training and school assessments for more than 4,000 school districts nationwide. He has also been featured on Dateline (NBC) and Good Morning America (ABC). He earned his B.S. from Abilene Christian University, Abilene Texas, and his M.S. from Nova University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

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