Wednesday, February 12, 2014

D.U.M.B. & Nephilim are Real – Leaker Reveals!

just 1 Q'...r "these" the "probers" :O  ..fucking rat~bastards

Tuesday, February 11, 2014
The masses have been trained to call the Nephilim of Genesis chapter six by another new name, “aliens.” These so called “aliens” have been involved with mankind since day one. They are not from another planet, rather they are interdimensional beings and per the Bible, are the satanic offspring of Fallen Watcher Angels and humans.
“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them.” Genesis 6:4
“And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.” Numbers 13:33
Considering the Nephilim are still alive and active today, this leads me to believe that many inhabit underground cities. Over time various whistleblowers have surfaced exposing not only these hidden underground cities, known as DUMBS, but also the “alien life-forms” that exist within—better known as Nephilim.
But before we go any further, lets first dive into the evidence of D.U.M.B.’s (Deep Underground Military Bases)
Eye witness testimonies reveal that DUMBS range from 10 – 30 miles across and some are as deep as four miles down. There is approximately 140 DUMBS and they have allegedly been under construction since the 1940s. Most of the tunneling activity is beneath military installations and all information is highly restricted; making it near impossible to verify, but some evidence has managed to surface over the years.
Whistleblowers like James Casbolt, Tim Weiner, Fletcher Prouty, and Philip Schneider, have talked publicly about substantial underground installations located under US Air force bases, Navy Bases, Army Bases, FEMA Military Training Camps, DHS control centers, Area 51, the Northrop facility in Antelope Valley, and the Lockheed installation near Edwards, California. Ex-employees have additionally claimed that these deep “underground cities” have tunnels that are connected by high-speed magnetic-levitation trains with speeds of up to 1500 MPH. (I question where they got that technology)
The video below, by SagaciousNewsNetwork, contains countless photos of DUMBS across the US. It also contains footage of the train system that connects them. I believe you’ll find it fascinating…. 

D U M B s Deep Underground Military Bases


Taking into account all the pictures and footage found in the video above, how could one doubt the existence of underground bases? Norway, Turkey, Russia, Israel, China, and Iran all have openly admitted to underground cities, why do we think it will be any different here in America? The only difference is our government keeps it under wraps, why? Now that is the question.
Philip Schneider, one of the most famous whistleblowers of DUMBS, gave a public lecture in 1995 on his discoveries. He was an ex-government structural engineer who was privy to building these underground military bases. He not only exposed the DUMBS themselves but he further claimed they were inhabited by UFO, better known as Nephilim. Because of his claims he was targeted by the elite and on January 17th, 1996 he was found murdered in his apartment with a piano wire wrapped around his neck. Someone didn’t want his testimony to go any further then it already had.
Below is a short clip of his interview; if you want it in its entirety click here.
(Keep in mind “alien” are Nephilim and Please bear with the audio, it’s a recording from 1995)

UFO Phil Schnieder Whistle blower of Secret tunnels Greys

Not only did Philip Schneider reveal information about the UFO/Nephilim in these underground DUMBS but a former Canadian military officer, who went by the name “Timothy” because he didn’t want to be discovered, also shared his experience. Timothy served as a junior officer in the Canadian Armed Forces in the aerospace engineering branch, and he worked at one of the top-secret deep underground military base at Cold Lake Canada.
He states:
“I am not about to use my name and risk incarceration since I would be in violation of our country’s State Secrets Act. More than 3,000 people have been killed for trying to talk about what goes on in these underground bases. It’s basically a death sentence…”
He further explained that the network of DUMBS housed ‘non-human life forms’ who openly shared their ‘alien technology’ with the US government (read more about his testimony here).
James Casbolt, a former MI6 agent who worked in ‘Black Ops’ in London between 1995-1999,  was another leaker who saw “living aliens” in these underground cities. He further explained that the size of these cities was about the size of a medium sized city (click here to hear his full story).
If we take into consideration the whistleblowers testimonies, the photo evidence of DUMBS, and the Biblical information on the Nephilim; then one can only assume that it is possible that the Nephilim are in these undergrounds DUMBS. Furthermore, the Bible is clear that the Nephilim would be alive and active today….
 “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them.” Genesis 6:4
Notice the words, “and also afterwards.”  That means even after the flood of Noah, Nephilim invaded the earth. In these latter days, the Bible says it will be a time of mass hybridization and corruption of human DNA like never before. Which is why we see an uptick in UFO/Nephilim abduction and sightings. God told us that it would be like the days of Noah, ”But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matthew 24:37.  During Noah’s time there was an invasion of Nephilim and so it will be in our generation.
In Conclusion
What if these whistleblowers are telling the truth? What if a hidden, secret network of underground cities and tunnels really does exist? What if Nephilim are real?
If so then why are the elite hiding them and why did they murder the whistleblower?
Are they expecting a global disaster? An apocalypse? The rise of the Nephilim race or an  “alien” Antichrist? A nuclear war? Some other catastrophic “depopulating” event? Or all of the above?
Time will tell!

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