McAfee Drops Obamacare Bombshell – Hackers Will Be Able To Empty Bank Accounts Of Enrollees
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Computer genius John McAfee has dropped a bombshell on Obamacare enrollees warning Fox News in the video below that Obamacare websites have no way at all to protect those who enroll from hackers robbing their bank accounts blind. With Obamacare now floundering helplessly in the water with problems being reported across the nation, will this latest bombshell from computer security expert McAfee be the bomb that sinks the Obamacare sinking ship? Will YOU enroll in it knowing this?
Obamacare websites have “no safeguards” to protect Americans who enroll in the health insurance exchanges from hackers who will “empty your bank account,” according to internet security pioneer John McAfee.
McAfee said he could create a fake Obamacare exchange website for “a couple hundred dollars” and expect a big return on the scam.
“I’ll ask you your social security, your date of birth, [so] an hour later I can empty your bank account,” he told Fox News’ Gretchen Carlson.
“And this is going to happen, it’s going to happen soon. Nothing in the Obamacare system safeguards against this,” he said.

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