Folks About to Riot: Twitter Explodes With Outrage Over Electronic Food Stamp Shutdown
Saturday, October 12, 2013 20:07
With EBT card/food stamp programs shutting down nationwide on Saturday, the collapse of America suddenly got much closer for millions of Americans who are dependent upon the government to survive. ONE single day without the EBT card and Twitter has exploded with outrage over the shutdown. Imagine what an extended period of time without government assistance might look like if this is indeed the beginning of the collapse that many Americans have been waiting for. How quickly things can suddenly spin out of control. Are Barack Obama and the NWO attempting to bring Americans to their knees as shared in the 1st video below? Is this our 72-hour notice of impending martial law as shared in the 2nd?
Amid major problems reported Saturday all across America with the Electronic Benefits Transfer System (i.e., electronic food stamp debit cards), leaving consumers stuck with no way to pay at registers, many people took to Twitter to express concern.
(Warning: Some rough language ahead…)

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