Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Obama Family Goes on a Much-Needed Vacation…Again

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The Obama Family Goes on a Much-Needed Vacation…Again

truther July 23, 2013 

Kimberly Paxton
The Obama family needs a vacation. After all, it’s been almost a month since they returned from the $100 million taxpayer-funded African safari. (Yep, that’s right – ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS.)
The Obama Family Goes on a Much-Needed Vacation…Again
Since then, the President has been busy trying to browbeat other countries into turning over Ed Snowden and spending a great deal of time involving himself in the case of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. It’s hard work being the driving force behind an assault on privacy while also maintaining a position as the Race-Baiter-in-Chief.
The First Lady must also be exhausted. After all, she threw a joint party on the 4th of July for her daughter’s birthday and for Independence Day. The entertaining duties didn’t stop there, as she threw a “Kids’ State Dinner” after she selected the winner of a healthy recipe contest that the kids had participating.
So, after that whirlwind…it’s off to the posh island retreat of Martha’s Vineyard. In the past the Obama’s stayed at Blue Heron Farm, where the rental of the house itself was $50,000 per week.
Don’t forget that the Secret Service must also be paid, housed, and fed, bringing the tab for their getaway into the millions of dollars. A few years ago, US News and World Report explained how the bill got so high.
His 11-day stay will require the Coast Guard to keep ships floating near Obama’s farm, a presidential helicopter and jet at the ready and security agents on 24-hour duty. Armored SUVs dubbed “war wagons” have been flown in to carry the presidential family around the island.
The real issue here, however, is that the Obamas are off enjoying a luxurious vacation while…
It’s hard to imagine how they can sleep on their soft, fluffy, very expensive pillows, while much of America tosses and turns, kept awake by unsolvable financial worries. It’s hard to imagine how they can enjoy their fine cuisine and expensive drinks while Americans root through the garbage, or simply go without eating a meal or so per day. And yet, the Obama family seems cheerfully oblivious to the plight of the working poor in their country.
Although this kind of elitist behavior seemed to end poorly in France for Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI, it seems that once again, the First Family is flipping the bird to the working class in much the same “let them eat cake” manner.
Kimberly Paxton, a staff writer for the Daily Sheeple, where this article first appeared,



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