Thursday, July 18, 2013

George Zimmerman Sues NBC

Kristin Tate

Last weekend George Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges after shooting and killing black teen Trayvon Martin.
But his road to freedom was long and hard. Many believe that Zimmerman racially profiled Martin, and shot the teen simply because he was black. This narrative was also played out by many in the mainstream media. Take, for instance, when NBC released an edited version of Zimmerman’s initial 9-11 call in such a way to portray him as a racist.
Now George Zimmerman is suing NBC for releasing the doctored 9-11 call.
Here is how NBC edited and showed the 9-11 call on their network:
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good… He looks black.
9-11 Operator: Did you see what he was wearing?
Zimmerman: Yeah, a dark hoodie.
But here is the actual, full 9-11 call (unedited):
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around looking about.
9-11 Operator: Okay and this guy, is he white, black or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.
9-11 Operator: Did you see what he was wearing?
Zimmerman: Yeah, a dark hoodie.
Although a few NBC employees were fired as a result of the edited call, Zimmerman and his lawyers think the network still must pay for deliberately portraying him to the public as a racist.
FOX News Legal Analyst Lis Wiehl argues that NBC firing the employees responsible for the incident is not enough. They are on the hook for defamation, a serious charge, she asserts.
It is the media’s job to relay facts to us — not to distort them. NBC must be held accountable for what it has done. But I won’t hold my breath. Your thoughts? Let us know below.   

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