Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Bill O’Reilly Goes Off On Obama & The Race Problem In America (Epic Video)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013 6:10

Though not a big fan of Bill O’Reilly nor Fox News, this commentary is epic, and Bill says what needs to be said. Did you know that young black men commit 10x the number of homicides as young white men and Hispanic men combined, and largely upon their own race and in their own communities? What are ‘enlightened’ black men saying about this O’Reilly commentary? 

I’m African, not African American, and I don’t like Bill O’Reilly. HOWEVER, there comes a time when an uncomfortable truth can only be highlighted by those you disagree with. The African American Community needs to acknowledge this fundamental problem and tackle it head on AGGRESSIVELY! Otherwise, they will see the Irish, Italians, Asians and now Hispanic communities thrive while they decline.      

Race In America! - President Obama & The Race Problem! - O'Reilly Talking Point 

Bill and I both hope that Barack Obama is listening to his commentary, because it is truly time that Mr. Obama step up to the plate and lead, rather than stirring up more racial division as he has been.

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