Obama WANTS you to know Big Government is Watching You
![]() | By Judi McLeod (Bio and Archives) Tuesday, June 18, 2013 http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/55975 |
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In a perfect world the Truth Meter would have a capacity something like the smart meter, now telling well-paid municipal bureaucrats who are no better than spies, who is in the house, how much electricity they are using, whether they are sleeping or active, watching the boob tube or tuned into Rush on the radio.
But lost in all the white noise average citizens are up against it in discerning who are the liars; who are the ‘bad guys’ or ‘good guys’ in the challenging playing field called life.
The talking heads of television trot out the same panels, who continue to state the obvious and to tediously tell folk what they already know. Radio talk show hosts are more than ever screaming out their frustrations at callers who are just trying to come in out of the storm and have someone listen momentarily to their worries and woes.
New technology would now allow cable companies to peer directly into television watchers’ homes and monitor viewing habits and reactions to product advertisements, warns the Washington Times.
“Mass. Democratic Rep. Michael Capuano has introduced a bill, the We Are Watching You Act, to prohibit the technology on boxes and collection of information absent consumer permission. The bill would also require companies that do use the data to show “we are watching you” messages on the screen and to explain just what kinds of information is being captured for and what reasons, AdWeek reported.” (Washington Times, June 18, 2013)
As if flashing messages warning “we are watching you” is going to help.
Watch it go down without a peep from cable television networks.
And we’re worried about the National Security Agency (NSA) and both sides fighting for and against it, dragging each other into the mud?
In a world where nothing is ever set right, (Benghazi, IRS, DHS and now NSA dragged out onto the front lines) along comes ‘super spy’ and ‘hero’ Edward Snowden.
To be clear NOTHING is ever done to stop the ongoing rape and pillage of individual rights in Obama’s Amerika.
Things were bound to get worse when almost the entire, so-called ‘New Media’ joined the jabbering MSM to paint a self-described ‘patriot’, who just wanted the best for the people of his own country, as a martyr/hero.
Snowden is no hero unless we have changed the definition of hero. Heroes are those who put their lives and limbs at risk defending the folk back home; those who run into burning buildings rather than fleeing them; those with real skin in the game.
Patriots and heroes are those who defend their own principles, putting them over their own personal safety, in striving to do some good for others.
It is my belief that Snowden and his interviewer/Svengali Glenn Greenwald knew ahead of time that they would easily slip the noose of blame before they outed classified documents from the NSA.
If the IRS got away with discriminating against Tea party groups; the DHS gets away with identifying decent, law-abiding Americans, including returning war vets, as domestic terrorists, why wouldn’t Snowden be able to thumb his nose at the country he cut and ran from and grab headlines as a credible replacement for Double O Seven to boot?
If Nidal Malik Hasan, who slaughtered 13 innocents at Fort Hood has yet to be brought to justice four years later; if Obama can seriously contemplate the release of 166 dozen suspected terrorists from Guantanamo Bay, and on and on, why would Snowden, lionized by both the MSM and the New Media, sincerely worry about being extradited from China back to the U.S., or pay a price of any kind for releasing documents from his unsuspecting employer?
Both the Guardian and the Washington Post are left-wing members of the mainstream media. When is the last time you saw the MSM do anything noble for the ‘little guy’ in the reading public?
“We are Watching You” is the new mantra of the day. It is what the government wants you to think.
Where is President Barack Obama when the privacy of private citizens is being raped and plundered? Playing the rich playboy in Ireland, with his wife searching for their “Irish roots” on their way to a $100-million South African trip that bests the Queen of England for most money spent on any single trip.
Deliberate Marxist misery wants you to know that Big Government is watching you.
Does it look to anyone else like Edward Snowden is the agent sent out to deliver Obama’s message?
Copyright © Canada Free Press
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