Monday, May 27, 2013

Woolwich Attacks – Video Mirrors Exact Same Ending as Video of Boston Bombings Shootout

by Scott Creighton
UPDATE: Someone asked about the layout of the location in relation to the cameras filming the scene so I put this together.      
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Second suspect named – The man wearing the light brown coat seen talking to the cub scout leader has been identified as 22 year-old Michael Oluwatobi Adebowale. Again, another supposed convert to Islam.
Two new videos of the shooting of the suspects have emerged.
 New videosThe first one is less dramatic but still it may tell us a lot. The second is of the actual shooting itself showing the two suspects making a “bum rush” for the police cars and getting shot in the street 20 yards or so from where they were waiting for the cops to show up for 20 minutes.
In some ways the videos conflict with each other a bit. One was taken from a bird’s-eye view in the building beside where the attacks took place, the other from street level (first one) but that one didn’t capture the action sequence, only the sounds of the shooting and the aftermath. The bird’s eye view video is almost like a Hollywood movie scene showing the suspect’s mad rush at the cops and you couldn’t get a better vantage point for the video if you had a camera on a crane.
But here’s something I just realized… this is the exact same script as the Boston Bombing shootout with the suspects on that Thursday night.  It’s the same ending with a few minor adjustments. From waiting around when they could easily have gotten away to the rushing toward the cops so they could be shot, to the camera high above to video it all from the best possible vantage point. It’s the same script.  And judging from the way it looks and the reactions from the players, it was completely staged for effect.

The two guys, not really cornered at all, the Boston Bombing suspects as I have shown in an earlier article, could easily have simply driven away in their cars (two?) straight down the street to a 4 way intersection and gotten away, but they didn’t just like these two suspects stood around making small talk with people on the street for 20 minutes before the cops finally showed up.
In Boston, there was a dramatic gunfight which was reported to be between the cops and two guys with 3 handguns and an assault rifle, but ended up being between the cops and just one guy with one handgun (Tamerlan) with his younger brother unarmed. In the end, Tamerlan rushes the cops (“He’s comin right for us!” and is shot while the whole thing is recorded from an elevated position inside a building which just happens to be in the perfect positioning to capture the “terrorists” at work and the dramatic charge at the cops. One suspect gets away while the other is taken into custody (or run over, but the video does not show that for some reason) and ends up dying. None of the cops were injured (turns out one of them was injured by “friendly fire” or so we are told)
In the ending scene of the Woolwich attacks psyop, you have the same thing. Almost the exact same thing.
The two suspects wait around when they could easily have left. When the cops finally get there, they make a mad dash right at the cops, both this time, and only one of them is armed with a gun. As expected, the cops shoot them down, fully justified (just look at the video) and rather than throwing these supposed monsters a beating (as most cops would in this situation), the IMMEDIATELY start to administer first aid, ONE OF THE COPS SITTING SO CLOSE TO THE YOUNGER WOUNDED SUSPECT, HIS SIDE ARM IS RIGHT BESIDE HIM, EASILY WITHIN REACH.
It’s as if it’s scripted to portray the cops in the best light possible. Remember the young man shot multiple times on the subway while he was lying on the ground? That guy had done nothing. These guys supposedly decapitated a soldier and rushed the cops with a gun and a knife, and the first thing the cops do is administer first aid sitting so close to the suspect that he could easily have grabbed the officer’s gun?
Again, the video is in the elevated position to capture the whole scene. It’s heavily edited and apparently shot on a medium to high quality camera.
In the video, you can see the two suspects walking quickly on the sidewalk right in front of where the camera is set up. They are heading toward the cops. Then the older suspect, Michael Adebolajo breaks off into the middle of the street to rush straight on toward the police car which has it’s doors open. Adebolajo does something very odd… as he is rushing toward the cops, he gets CLOSE to the car but instead of dashing into it, he does this odd little side-shuffle, moving from right to left, right in front of the officer who is firing at him, remaining a target for a split second or two longer. And he only had a knife. Why would he do that? It was at that time that he acts like he’s hit and goes down where he ends up sitting for a moment before he is either shot again or tasered.
Meanwhile, Michael Oluwatobi Adebowale has been moving straight down the sidewalk and when the cops close in on his partner seated on the ground at that point, he fails to shoot them with the gun he has. Instead, he himself is shot and falls on the ground near a sign.
There is also an odd edit in the ground level video. He has the camera turned the wrong way during the shots being fired, then there is an edit and when it comes back on, the group of 3 officers surrounding the first suspect in the street are gone. I don’t know how much time has elapsed, but those guys, the shooters, aren’t still there.
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Remember, the suspect had not been searched and I can’t tell if the strap is even fastened on the officer’s gun from this angle. That’s really odd behavior for an officer just involved in the shooting of a suspect who tried to kill cops and beheaded a soldier.
But this is even odder.
The older suspect ran straight down the street toward the cops who shot at him with a semi-automatic rifle. He shot at him straight up the street. Then merely seconds later we see from the ground level video what was still standing behind the suspect:
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The same crowd that had gathered there surrounding the victim’s body in the street hasn’t moved. Either that or they ran for cover and then RAN BACK to stand casually around the body in the street just seconds after the shooting?
That suspect was directly between the cops and those people when multiple shots were fired and only a few hit the suspect and they didn’t hit the ground or run for cover with bullets whizzing by them? And the cop opened fire like that with the crowd standing behind the rushing suspect?
None of this makes any sense but it does resemble the ending of the Boston Bombing sage so much I wonder if it’s scripted by the same folks.
I’m not saying the victim isn’t dead. What I’m saying is the staged feel of this cannot be ignored nor can the fact that the suspects are well known to MI5 and they waited around and CHOOSE the confrontation… just like the Boston Bombing suspects did.
The cops behavior indicates to me that he had no concerns about that suspect grabbing his firearm and shooting him or any of his fellow officers.
The crowd standing around the victim appears to have had no concerns about being shot by the cops who fired multiple rounds directly at them, missing the suspect multiple times.
The casual attitude of the cub scout “hero’ and how she played up the suspect’s Muslim jihad angle is telling as well. Once some terrorist who just “decapitated” a guy in the middle of the street tells some middle-class house wife he is on JIHAD to kill the infidels, she ain’t gonna stand there casually chatting with him to “take one for the team” so to speak.
This whole thing is clearly staged. How did they know he was a soldier in the first place? MI5 now says it was a RANDOM ATTACK of a guy they found on the street. But as the “hero” cub scout leader says, there was no way to know the guy was a soldier. So how did they know?
This whole thing is total bullshit. The guy is dead apparently and that is a horrible crime. But what is really behind it is not “jihad”. There’s a lot more to these “converts” to Islam and these two videos seem to prove it.
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