Wednesday, May 1, 2013

THREE Birth Certificates Now Linked to Obama Eligibility Case Appeal in AL Supreme Court

hehehe  fucking funny :0           & all you's dummycrooks & republithugs ..u go along wit it  LMFAO  kinda looks like ALL the IOU'S  .."they"  r gonna "leave " the U.S.  citizens wit !  :O  were going goooodddd  huh America  we we wee weee weeeeeee   ...  next "they" will tell U.S. some master internet "trained"  11 or 12 yr old Bond,James Bond super duper ninja  hide-in  "under" the sea ?     stole ALL OUR  $$$   ..lil fucker yup :o  crafty lil bastard   pulled OFF  7/11                   "he" just surprised "our" gov O's      never seen "it" coming  ..if "we" coulda just had more cam's  in the sea ?  instead of every road,building,office,HOME,sky,space,restrooms,cafe blah ,blah ,blah ,fucking blah ...If "only" we'd of thought of the sea ?   :o  don't   u c .

THREE Birth Certificates Now Linked to Obama Eligibility Case Appeal in AL Supreme Court

THREE Birth Certificates Now Linked to Obama Eligibility Case Appeal in AL Supreme Court
... And ALL from Democrats.  Whether you believe that Obama is a total fraud or not, here's a story of dizzying fraud and contradiction.  Many people think the long-simmering Obama eligibility issue was settled with the release of the digital birth certificate in 2011, to the chagrin of Donald Trump. Even many who didn't thought it was settled after that in the courts, or certainly by the election. They would be wrong, as several cases are being fought out in the shadows. It is clear that the establishment does NOT want this to go any further and are using their levers of power, via courts, Congress, media, to put the kebosh on it.
But, it's like squeezing a toothpaste tube, as there are so many inconvenient truths to manipulate, hide or distort.  Well, one case, McInnish/Goode v Chapman in AL, was appealed to what might be a sympathetic court way down South in Dixie. Alabama, in fact. Must be "racist," right? Well, no, since multiple cases have already been dismissed. But, one found its way to the AL Supreme Court, via an appeal, with the help of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch USA Founder attorney Larry Klayman.  Larry dutifully included evidence, including the latest "birth certificate" at the time, which had been placed on the web site by the "Obama" forces. Incredibly, two more versions have been recently made public by "Obama" allies in recent days. Now, there are THREE versions, all apparently invalid. As far as we know at this time, an actual certified hard copy, which is the standard of legal proof,  has NOT been submitted, nor has one ever been submitted to any court hearing an eligibility proceeding. You can't make up stuff like this.  We can't wait for the hearing.
Here we go:
Plaintiffs’ counsel Larry Klayman submitted the 4-27-11 Obama forgery from, Fogbow/Jack Ryan obot group fed a second bogus one to the world. Now,  has outed still another one from the Democrats, which they supposedly submitted to the court. How can these obot idiots expect anyone to take them seriously?  This is sooooo ridiculous. Well, so far, MSM has and so have many sheeple. Even those who believe Obama is a fraud think nothing will be done. Let’s show ‘em they”re wrong. Get the word out- raise HELL!  This is good reporting, guy!

Eligibility case in Alabama has Barack Obama Long Form 
Birth Certificate filed with the court with new problems arising
The three different copies obtained are:
1. The PDF copy posted by the obot Jack Ryan (Fogbow) shows a completely different background with a diamond pattern (pg 33) and it opens up with hundreds of layers. This poses numerous problems to be discussed later however the issue of greatest significance is the fact that the document is not secure and can be altered by anybody.
We asked Adobe expert Mara Zebest for her opinion on the Fogbow version and here is her response:
“The fact that the document displays another permutation of the Obama birth certificate should come as no surprise. In fact, this recent variation actually proves the argument that the layers displayed in the White House PDF released as Obama’s “official” birth certificate file — are in fact – a big F***ing deal (to quote Joe Biden). This variation not only proves the point that manipulation occurred to create Obama’s PDF, but is further proof that – due to the layers – it is easy for manipulation to continue to occur.” — This here is for Obot eyes. ;-)

Additionally, the Fogbow copy does not have a raised seal which is required to be official.
2. The PDF copy e-filed by the Alabama Democratic Party with the Alabama Supreme Court was obtained by Birther Report. The diamond pattern is not found on this e-filing. Pixel Patriot analysis reveals the security paper background extended on the right side farther than the visible area of the PDF copy (clipped/masked version) posted on the White House servers on April 27th, 2011.
McInnish v Chapman - Obama Birth Certificate - Alabama Democratic Party Amicus Brief - Pg 33 - Exhibit B – 4/23/2013
The significance is that there can’t be more from a copy than an original.
3. Pixel Patriot has obtained a certified copy from the Alabama Supreme Court of the Amicus Curiae brief filed by the Alabama DemocraticParty. More to come…
Embedded below is the actual e-filing obtained from the Alabama Democratic Party‘s attorney:

FLASHBACK: AL Supreme Court: Serious Questions About Authenticity of Obama’s Birth Certificates - DETAILS HERE.

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