Saturday, May 25, 2013

There's Something Strange
on the Moon

By Jay Weidner

I have to tell you from the beginning that I am somewhat prejudiced about the subject of Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA, the new book by Richard C. Hoagland and Michael Bara. My own investigation of the high strangeness that exists on the lunar surface began in 1992 and dovetails with Hoagland's search for answers.

In the mid-sixties, before the Apollo missions, NASA compiled a report of astronomers from the past who had witnessed anomalous activity on the surface of the moon through their telescopes. Titled R-277 and found here, each page of this report is filled with weirdness. Flashing lights, moving objects, even clouds are seen on the moon by astronomers as famous as Messier, Herschel, and Bianchini. These compiled reports go all the way back to 1540.

My own interest in the moon initially came from the moon symbol on the Cross of Hendaye mentioned in Fulcanelli's mysterious book Mysteries of the Cathedrals. I vowed to myself in 1986 that I would examine every facet of this mysterious monument rightly believing that it held many answers to the mysteries of our world. Through the course of my initial investigation I discovered the aforementioned NASA document. After reading it I knew that something odd was on the moon.

I first interviewed Richard C. Hoagland on my public radio show "Mind Over Matters" in 1992. At the time he had been combing through many NASA photographs which showed the weird anomalies that are apparently all over the moon's surface. We spent many hours examining these photographs and discussing the implications involved with their discovery. The conclusion that we reached was that NASA had found something of such importance that it had to be covered up. It could be one of the greatest discoveries of all time. But what were they? How had they been built? And by whom? These were the questions that vexed us all those years ago. I watched as Hoagland developed a brilliant theory that explains most of the curious things that Apollo found on the moon.

In Dark Mission we get Hoagland's blow by blow account of NASA's discovery and subsequent cover up of this most astonishing find. This book courageously reveals the unexplainable anomalies that have been found all over the lunar surface. Well written and exciting, Hoagland and Bara have made an important contribution.

Isaac Asimov once said that the weirdest object in the universe is the moon. He didn't know how right he was. Dark Mission successfully leads the reader down the rabbit hole and into the labyrinth of evidence of humanity's real past and the promise of our destiny.

In Stanley Kubrick's film, 2001: A Space Odyssey, NASA discovers a mysterious black monolith, obviously intelligently designed, buried a few feet beneath the lunar surface. The monolith is a device left there millions of years ago waiting to be discovered by us when we are finally advanced enough to find our way to the moon. According to Hoagland, Stanley Kubrick's fable is the real history of NASA.

It is probably just a strange coincidence that Kubrick was making his film during the same years that NASA was planning and executing the Apollo missions.
Or maybe not.

If one comes away from Dark Mission unconvinced all I ask is that you look at the evidence for yourself. Ask yourself how there can be objects and refracting light sitting above an airless lunar surface? Ask yourself why NASA never tries to explain this? Ask yourself why the Apollo 11 original video tapes have mysteriously disappeared?

When the ships from Europe first arrived on the shores of the Americas over 500 years ago the native people didn't understand what they were seeing. It wasn't until they were taken aboard the ships by the Europeans that they came to understand what the ships actually were. Because they had no context, European technology seemed alien and strange to them. When looking at the evidence of anomalous lunar objects, try not to make the same mistake that those Native Americans made so long ago. When looked at with new eyes, one can only reach the conclusion that Hoagland is right and there is something very strange about the moon.

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