Saturday, May 4, 2013

Secret Space Program and A Breakaway Civilization

abductee - founder
I came across this thought provoking article on UFO Digest, written by Ed Komarek as part of a book he's writing called "Exopolitics. The following are extracts from Chapter 3 of that book. It's a fairly lengthy text, so I have just included snippets which should whet your appetite for more. It probably should be read as a whole. The other chapters can be accessed starting here: Exopolitics - Chapter 1
Richard Dolan author of, UFOs and the National Security State 1&2, and A.D. After Disclosure, came up with the term Breakaway Civilization to describe a separately evolving covert, technically advanced community of people with trillions of dollars of resources siphoned off from our host society. This very autocratic, even fascist elite society uses fear, greed and intimidation even murder, to remain invisible to its host society all under the guise of National Security.
Anything that relates to this Breakaway Civilization is classified Top Secret or above with access by need to know and Special Access Programs (SAPS). While much of the Breakaway Civilization is centered in the United States it has integrated itself into allied governments around the globe. It is what President Eisenhower called the Military-Industrial complex in his farewell speech, just before leaving office, warning that it was breaking away from constitutional controls.
This Military Industrial Complex is the real reason the UFO/ET cover up has lasted so long because the corporations involved profit immensely from maintaining a monopoly on ET access or in the suppressing of exotic cheap energy technologies that would put the fossil fuels industry out of business. I call this loosely knit conglomerate of allied special interests the Alien Resource Cartel.
According to aerospace engineer Bill Uhouse and Ben Rich this cartel was spun off of the MJ12 organization in a purge by the Nixon administration in the 1960s.
Many researchers believe that this Secret Space Program and its Space Fleet is capable of not only rapid travel about our solar system with bases on the Moon and Mars, but is deep space capable as well as first was indicated by Ben Rich. This is why there has been no overt return to the moon because in the 1960s NASA became little more than an expensive and dangerous cover and public propaganda operation. Several NASA employee whistleblowers have testified to being involved in airbrushing out any and all images of the ET presence from images of the Earth, Moon, Mars and even space.
orwarded Message: “Subject: Solar Warden Date: 4/5/2009 Dear Jerry: I have verified a little about the Solar Warden that you asked about some time ago. It is the overall project identification for out Space Fleet Carrier program coming out of Regan's old Star Wars efforts. We apparently have one or more Space Carriers, like Aircraft Carriers at sea, but in deep space, that supports our Space Patrol efforts and house our American built flying discs that require no fuel and operate on free energy.”
“The STS-58 video clip that was filmed from one of our space shuttles showed such an intercept and that footage was immediately suppressed and resulted in that free video from the shuttles being shut down. Gary McKinnon, the English computer nerd that lived with his mother in London, using a cheap home PC late at night, said that he discovered this project and that he found evidence of three such carriers and their names and numbers and even the names of some of the commanders in those black project files.”

“Now you can see why our government is spending so much money and political clout to extradite that foreign national to our country for trial in our country for silencing and then elimination. One has to wonder how much it took to persuade the English House of Lords to give him up to us. Regards, W”
“All space programs are a cover that exists to deceive the people of this world. We have a space fleet, which is code named ” Solar Warden.” There were, as of 2005, eight ships, an equivalent to aircraft carriers and forty-three “protectors,” which are space planes. One was lost recently to an accident in Mars' orbit while it was attempting to re-supply the multinational colony within Mars. This base was established in 1964 by American and Soviet teamwork. Not everything is, as it seems.”

“We have visited all the planets in our solar system, at a distance of course, except Mercury. We have landed on Pluto and a few moons. These ships contain personnel from many countries and have sworn an oath to the World Government, also, known as the Bilderbergers. The technology came from back engineering alien-disc wreckage and at times with alien assistance.”
There has been speculation and some evidence that the Navy has operational control over the Secret Space Fleet, in a case of fact imitating Star Trek fiction. It is well know that the Navy pretty much has had a monopoly on engineering small compact nuclear reactor power plants for its ships and carriers in its large ocean going fleets. The Navy’s organizational structure is well suited for operating large ocean going fleets. On the other hand the Air Force has experience in the research and development, testing and flying advanced aerospace craft and expertise in aerospace tracking and base support in conjunction with Air Force Space Command.

One would assume that some kind of working arrangement has been worked out over the years between the Air Force and the Navy. As it the fiction movie Avatar, one would expect the Army and Marines to have operational control of ground operations on Secret colonies and bases on the Moon, Mars and even on other solar systems. A second important point on the historical time line to a Secret Space Fleet and it’s off world bases and colonies using exotic electromagnetic propulsion systems with compact nuclear power plants to provide the huge amounts of electrical power necessary, is the Piney Woods Incident, the Cash-Landrum UFO Case that took place in December of 1980.

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