Saturday, May 25, 2013

Britain’s MI5 Connection to Woolwich Slasher Michael Adebolajo

Saturday, May 25, 2013 3:56

21st Century Wire says…
What a difference a days makes…
People are still in a state of shock and disbelief following a recent attack branded as a ‘terrorist” event by the UK establishment. It seemed so random…
CaptureAside form appearing random, the brutal Woolwich attack this past week was one of the most bizarre and strangest of its kind yet, particularly with the heavily politicised anti-government and ‘Islamic terrorist’ spin which was applied by the corporate media. When this story broke, we told our readers that there is more than meets the eye here. Just like with Boston, it appears we were correct again…
One thing that we learned over the years here at 21st Century Wire is that if an event seems strange, then there is an almost certain probability that the back story is equally as strange and twisted – just like with dead Boston Bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s rather diverse FBI and CIA connections, it almost always features the secret security services in some way.
This latest angle to ranting Woolwich slasher Michael Adebolajo has been birthed by the state-run BBC of all people, perhaps by accident.
After revealing on TV that Adebolajo was in Kenya and was being recruited or perhaps ‘groomed’ in some way – by the British intelligence services, the attacker’s childhood friend and BBC Newsnight guest, Abu Nusaybah, was prompted arrested by the British Anti-Terror agency should raise more questions than answers.
Two important questions: was this attack just a random event, and more importantly, what is the real connection between this assailant and the British MI5 intelligence services? Was he being groomed as a an informant, or just as a patsy?
And what was a young Nigerian like Michael Adebolajo doing in a place like Kenya? One answer: not likely on holiday.
Most importantly, have British authorities detained an innocent man in Abu Nusaybah, who appears to be political prisoner at present?
At first glance, this actually appears right now that the culture of secrecy in Britain has somehow born-out a nasty blister on the surface of our society. Watch as the BBC carefully smooth over the allegations regarding MI5 as perfectly ‘normal procedure’ in Britain…                 

The UK’s Guardian newspaper outlines the public-facings aspects of this latest development…
Woolwich suspect’s friend arrested after appearing on Newsnight
Conal Urquhart and Vikram Dodd
A friend of one of the suspected killers of a soldier butchered in a London street was arrested by counter-terrorism officers yesterday after going on television to allege that Michael Adebolajo was tortured inKenya and harassed by MI5 – who asked him to spy for them.
The allegations came from Abu Nusaybah, who was arrested under terrorism legislation minutes after finishing recording his interview for BBC Newsnight.
The Guardian understands that Nusaybah is connected to extremists formerly in the banned group al-Muhajiroun. Counter-terrorism officers turned up at reception at the BBC’s central London headquarters as his interview was being recorded an hour before it was broadcast. The officers waited, then arrested Nusaybah as he left the BBC’s headquarters.
In the interview, Abu Nusaybah in part attributed Adebolajo’s radicalisation to his alleged ill-treatment in Kenya.
Nusaybah alleged that Adebolajo was arrested while studying in a village in Kenya last year. After refusing to answer questions, Adebolajo was told that he was “not in the UK” and was then, he claimed, sexually assaulted. On his return, “he became more reclined [sic], less talkative. He wasn’t his bubbly self,” said Nusaybah, who said that the experience further radicalised Adebolajo.
The Guardian has learned that, last year, Adebolajo went to a lawyer to complain of harassment by MI5, who are drawing criticism today for knowing about the 28-year-old but not assessing him to be a bigger terrorist threat.
He was arrested at the scene of the soldier’s murder in Woolwich on Wednesday in the first terror-related death on mainland Britain since the 7 July 2005 bombings.
The Guardian also understands from Whitehall sources that they were aware that Adebolajo was detained in Kenya before being deported…
Read more at the Guardian website

21st Century Wire is an alternative news agency designed to enlighten, inform and educate readers about world events which are not always covered in the mainstream media.


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