Saturday, March 2, 2013

Feinstein: “Bad Things Happen” Because of 2nd Amendment and Gun Culture

gotta find THAT  ugly stick !!! ...  Herr Dr. Fuckenstein &  Pussy face Morgun  ---male /female  douche bags  :o              is THAT possible ?      

Feinstein: “Bad Things Happen” Because of 2nd Amendment and Gun Culture

Kurt Nimmo
March 1, 2013

California Democrat senator and dedicated gun-grabber Dianne Feinstein went on the Piers Morgan Show earlier this week and blamed the “gun culture,” the NRA and Wayne LaPierre for mass shootings like Sandy Hook.
After shamelessly exploiting dead children and grieving parents to push her anti-Second Amendment agenda, Feinstein attacked LaPierre, who said last weekend:
I’ve been amazed at how rapidly this debate deteriorated from what has proven to work to what has proven to be the political agenda of those bent on attacking the Second Amendment to our Constitution. Dianne Feinstein herself commented that she has had her gun ban legislation in her desk for over a year – waiting for the right time to introduce it. Really? Waiting for an unspeakable act to occur so the American people could be persuaded to buy into her political agenda? It’s not about making our kids or our streets safer, it’s all about their decades-old agenda.
“I don’t really expect to agree with much that Mr. LaPierre says,” Feinstein told Morgan. “Of course, he has the right to say it, and I have the right” to attack the Second Amendment.
After going after the NRA and LaPierre, Feinstein blamed the so-called “gun culture” for the alleged carnage at Sandy Hook.
“It’s gun culture…. that gun culture is letting bad things happen,” she said.
British citizen Morgan said Feinstein and the gun-grabbers dedicated to eviscerating the Second Amendment are “doing a fantastic job” and concluded the interview by saying “I absolutely applaud you.”
“Piers, thank you,” Feinstein gushed, “You have been wonderful. Thank you so much for your help. It is uphill all the way.”
This article was posted: Friday, March 1, 2013 at 11:11 am

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