Friday, March 15, 2013

CIA-Controlled Anonymous Declares War on United States?

CIA-Controlled Anonymous Declares War on United States?

By Staff Report

Therefore, Anonymous along with the American people have decided to openly declare war on the United States government. This is a call to arms. We call upon the Citizens of the United States to stand beside us in overthrowing this corrupted body and call upon a new era. We refuse to be a police state, we refuse to be brutalized and dehumanized by the very people our tax dollars fund to protect our cities and streets, we will not allow the government to control our destiny, our right to build a life for ourselves. We demand freedom from government control, taxation, repossession and death. You will not come to our doors and take our guns, our property, you will not force the citizens of this great country to participate in the unlawful act of government mandated healthcare. We the people refuse to put in your control our health, our bodies, our minds, our lives. We will not grant permission for the government to deploy drones over our homes and communities. We must end the federal reserve. A private central bank should not issue our currency, set interest rates and run our economy. Rather, we need to return control over the currency to the American people where it belongs. – Anonymous
Dominant Social Theme: The American People have declared war on their treasonous government.
Free-Market Analysis: The elites' dominant social themes look more and more like fairy tales so far as we are concerned. It is difficult to tell where the movies leave off and "reality" begins.
Now we have "anonymous" on YouTube declaring war on the United States. We believe that Anonymous – whatever "anonymous" this is – is probably at this point yet another weary US Intel incitement ... a kind of homegrown black op.
Why would we believe this? Because you simply don't go around formally declaring war on US$3 trillion entities that control enough nuclear firepower to extinguish all life on Earth.
If you want to change the world, you need to do it one person at a time. Education is far more potent than violence – and violence for the most part yields unexpected results, for physical force is no substitute for reason.
What we call the Internet Reformation is doing very well these days. Our paradigm works and is the most accurate on the Internet, in our humble view.
We have applied it to numerous scenarios and believe in each case we have predicted what is occurring now. We pointed out two years ago that the powers-that-be were building an Islamic Crescent in the Middle East and Africa and that is exactly what they are doing.
We pointed out more than two years ago that central banking was probably finished as a justifiable entity and this prediction comes closer to being realized all the time.
We analyzed Peak Oil and Global Warming and predicted that neither of these elite scarcity memes would stand the test of time. Both are under constant attack by people enlightened by the Internet Reformation formally or informally.
The Internet Reformation – the knowledge being transferred to people by electronic bits and bytes – continues to progress. This is how the world advances, one insight at a time. Not via anonymous declarations of war.
What purpose does that serve? Who is accommodated by that?
Perhaps the regnant state itself ... the US Leviathan with 16 separate Intel agencies, a million spies and a standing army with more weaponry than any other. The US is built for war. The power elite that runs the US – and the West – yearns for war. It seeks domestic terrorism. It is prepared for it.
And now it has its declaration, thanks to Anonymous.
Anonymous ...
It is well known, as it has been announced, that the FBI penetrated and arrested the leader of Anonymous, or at least ONE Anonymous.
So what Anonymous is this one that has declared war on the US? Another one?
Here's some more from the video (paragraphing ours):
The United States Government is seeking to end the constitution; this will endanger the American people and we will not stand by and watch while this government of deception prepares to rip away from us all of the freedoms that our forefathers granted us, the freedoms that were fought for, bled for, that our ancestors died for.
We must ensure that blood was not shed in vein, that their lives were indeed lost for a great nation that is not yet lost. We refuse to let the United States government destroy our way of life. The United States Government insists on labeling us as terrorists. The question is, "who do we terrorize?".
Is it probable that the United States government is truly afraid of we, the people? Nevertheless, The time for action is now. It is time to remind the government that we, the American people are the ones who hold the power of this country, not them. thee American people have realized, that the current government is no longer functional, Our economy is unstable, our representatives uncooperative, and our system, destroyed,
We are not calling upon the collective to de face or use a distributed denial of service attack on a United States government agency website, or affiliate. We are not calling upon the people to once again occupy a city or protest in front of a local building, This has not brought on us any legislative change or alternate law. It has only brought us bloodshed and false criticism. For the last 12 years, voting has been useless. Corporations and lobbyists are the true leaders of this country and are the ones with the power to control our lives,
To rebuild our government, we must first destroy it. Our time for democracy is here, Our time for resolution is here, This is America's time for revolution, To restore our constitutional rights, to once again, be free Therefore, Anonymous along with the American people have decided to openly declare war on the United States government ...
By what means do the People exercise their authority over the Government? That depends on how resistant the Government is to complying with the Will of the People. In the case of the Declaration of Independence, it meant declaring war on the Government and overthrowing them. This is obviously a last resort after taking other steps less harsh. Have we not tried? It is clearly the Right and the Duty of the American people to overthrow the Government in order to restore the United States as a government to serve the People. This is clearly established in historical precedent. This is that time. We have exhausted every other option. Our government has ignored us.
Anonymous is for Freedom
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
Oh, come on. What trickery is this? The video announcer even covers his face with a Guy Fawkes mask made popular by the movie "V for Vendetta." The whole thing is like a Hollywood script. A masked man appears on YouTube and declares war on the US for crimes against humanity ...
And, of course, we have the familiar calls for a Nazi-style central bank responsive to the people (see beginning excerpt). This is typical of the mercantilism we've come to expect. The top elites are quite comfortable with a revolution so long as it yields up a controllable central bank (no matter who purportedly owns It.)
No, this is not how change comes.
Change permeates society when information is disseminated. The change reconfigures humanity's mysterious hive mind. You can feel it happening. And indeed, it is happening now. The old verities are collapsing. The power elite that wants to control the world is helpless against this onslaught.
Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.
In the 20th century, the power elite that wants to create global government had a chokehold on information. Directed history was the norm.
Directed history is being blown up by the Internet Reformation in the 21st century. We recently posted an article entitled, "The Renaissance Rediscovered Greece: Is The 'Net Reformation Doing the Same for Lost Civilizations?"
The parallels between the Renaissance and what is occurring today are uncanny. They are continual; the paradigm is, in our view, increasingly victorious. It does not need a formal declaration of war. It promotes itself.
Anonymous – which we think is at this point a controlled entity, a false flag – provides us with a child's version of reality. But real change is coming. Enlightenment circles the globe like sunny weather after a time of long shadows.
Conclusion: It is already here. One needn't declare it. It is gaining. It is permeating. And violence may only retard it.
(Video from OfficialAnonymousTV1's YouTube user channel.)

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