Saturday, March 2, 2013

A "Nobel Torsion Message" Over Norway? Part III Updated!          Have to go to site for FULL PAGE !

A "Nobel Torsion Message" Over Norway?
Part III

By Richard C. Hoagland
© 2010 The Enterprise Mission

In the extended pre-dawn darkeness over Norway last December, as we have recounted in Parts I and II of this Report ... "something" truly amazing happened--
And reaction immediately divided into two totally opposing views:
Those who "bought" the official media story ... that "it was only another failed Russian missile test ..."--
And then ... those who thought "it just might be something else this time ...."
As we have shown previously, there can be little doubt at this point that a Russian rocket was involved.
The conclusion that everyone has jumped to -- with the striking exception of the Russians themselves -- that, somehow, the Russians caused The Spiral--
Well, that's a "leap too far" ....
We can now report, based on analysis of the extensive imaging evidence reported via the Norwegian press, that The Norway Spiral was NOT primarily caused by "a failed Russian missile test ...."
The failed Russian rocket could, in fact, have been caused by whatever forces "created the Norway Spiral ...."
This section of our on-going analysis will describe precisely "how."

* * *

The scientific evidence behind this growing set of suspicions -- that the Spiral somehow caused the Russian missile to fail -- lies in the extraordinary geometric structure that Enterprise has discovered within the too-perfect, too-concentric "shell-like rings" ... making up the Spiral (below)--

A key part of this "impossible" geometry consisted of four, exactly 90-degree darkened "reticle-like" divisions of the Spiral ... precisely separating it into four radiating quadrants (above - right) ....
Geometric behavior simply inconceivable for any "randomly rotating ... fuel-spewing third-stage rocket ...."

* * *

This "too-too-regular-geometry ..." can only be explained by the presence of--
Some kind of energy-induced, standing-wave-pattern in the Spiral ....
Narrow, uniform-width concentric striations ... ordered in an underlying medium (the leaking third-stage fuel?) by an external "forcing 3-D energy pattern"--
Then, it hit me:
"Chladni Figures!"

Chladni Figures (or the more modern term "Cymatic Patterns" - above) are two-dimensional geometric shapes, produced (in a laboratory setting) by acoustic vibration of "fine material spread on a thin substrate" (the violin bow "drawn across the edge of the metal plate with sand on it ..." - above left); the figures appear initially as highly-ordered, basic symmetry patterns ... starting with circular, concentric structures (below) ....

The shapes then ascend into a "virtual infinity of much more complex, higher-order geometric patterns ..." as the frequency of the sound is increased, and the "overtones" (created by the mixing of multiple frequencies) increase as well (below) ....

"Chladni Figures" are not limited to sound ....
These fantastic, vibrational, geometric symmetries can ALSO be produced by electromagnetic excitation of "a standing-wave pattern in an electrified medium -- i.e. a plasma" ... like the Earth's ionosphere ... some ~50 miles up.
Or ... like a standing-wave pattern externally imposed upon a cloud of dispersed aerosols ... just like those that would be vented into space--
From "a spinning, failing rocket!"

* * *

In all the Norway Spiral images and eyewitness accounts, all the observers seem to have been universally awed by the Spiral itself ... yet, most completely ignored the blatantly visible "scattering envelope" (below) surrounding this precision geometric figure ... in which the Spiral geometry itself actually "appeared" ....

It is this obvious "surrounding medium" in which TWO "fluid spiral-wave patterns" were created--
The first:
By the simple hydrodynamic process of "a rapidly spinning, jetting fluid container ..." -- spraying its contents in an expanding circle ... into the hard vacuum existing above ~50 miles ....
Our "... leaking third-stage Russian missile 'bus!'"
Producing this amazing Norway image:

This face-on "spiral geometry" has, in fact (as the sceptics correctly insist ...), been seen before--
In the failures of other upper rocket stages, during some of their launches (below). Our first example (below - left) shows a 1989 Chinese missile fiasco "at altitude" -- that immediately created a dramatic "spinning pinwheel ...."

In the second example (above - right), the 2009 Norway Spiral itself appears in its "initial moments ..." -- looking, and acting, EXACTLY like its Chinese rocket counterpart from '89.
Reinforcing our analysis in Part II -- that, at this early phase in "the unfolding Norway phenomenon," the normal fluid disintegration of "a failing rocket" would create EXACTLY what was seen.
It abruptly turned to this (below)--

And, no, the dramatic difference is NOT caused by "differing photographic time-exposures" (as William C. Treurniet elegantly has comfirmed in his independent video analysis ... kindly called to my attention by Peter Gersten).
These two very different vibrational "modes," strikingly demonstrated in two comparison images (below) ... are due directly to "two distinct Spiral energy sources" ... arriving separately ... abruptly changing the original Archimedean spiral pattern of leaking fuel (below - left)--

To a stunningly resonant Chladni Pattern (above - right).
Again, this dramatic "transition mode" is actually visible in these "early" (above - left) and "late" ( above - right) Norway images, taken by different witnesses hundreds of miles apart ....
To be specific:
In the Spiral image on the left (above) -- taken within the first few rotations (count them ...) of its initial appearance -- the spiral pattern is "irregular ... of varying width ... and has a peculiar corkscrewing blue beam aimed airectly at its face-on Center ...."
However, in the image on the right (above and below) -- taken only a minute or so later -- the "blue spiral beam" has developed a remarkable, elongated, "two-forked trunnion" ... which begins precisely where the last "right-angle blue corkscrew segment" ends.
A close examination of this exotic "spiraling beam" (left - below) -- compared to the later image (below - right) -- reveals that the outer blue "corkskrews" (those well away from the core of the big, face-on Spiral ...), starting at this "trunnion," are "leaning" progressively further away from the Spiral's Center ... the farther away they are from that Center ....
An obvious result of "an expanding fluid cloud "... blowing outward ... past the material making up the "blue corkscrew," thus causing the increasing "tilt" of the more distant spiral corkscrew turns (below - right) ....

At the point where the first "blue vertical turn" and "trunnion" meet--
The underlying "Big Spiral Pattern" abruptly transforms (above - right)--
From, "a varying-width, fluid-like pattern ..."--
"A precise, mathematically perfect--
'Chladni Figure Pattern' (negative image - below right) ...!"

* * *

Obviously, such a dramatic geometric change --- within a single fluid medium (the "hazy envelope" surrounding the entire spiral and its peculiar "rotating blue beam" ...) -- is only possible if some kind of "outside force" was suddenly being applied ... some external resonant energy ... to interfere with the original fluid-dynamics established internally, at the beginning of this sequence ....
In other words:
Some kind of "extremely advanced, electromagnetic (EM) technology"--
Such as HAARP!
Generating forces that could geometrically imprint (via the inevitable plasma-generated torsion fields ...) the electrified plasma/aerosol mixture that had been previously released at the edge of space ... flung out in all directions by the violently spinning, out-of-control Russian Bulava third-stage ....
Paul Murad, a mechanical and aeronautical engineer, and high-ranking Pentagon official under several past administrations in Washington, published an excellent popular review of Torsion Field Physics a few years ago, titled:
"Torsion Physics: A View from the Trenches."
In the course of this Review, Murad describes working with several Russian physicists who have been methodically seeking to turn the original, theoretical "Einstein-Cartan Torsion Tensor" into a workable, engineering technology for "torsion-field generation and manipulation ...." As part of this major engineering effort, at one key point Murad explicitly states:

" ... torsion [can be] right-handed or left-handed and is based upon a cylindrical field ... and can be created by large accumulations of electricity [plasma] and rotation of a body that if above a certain speed, would enhance the torsion field [below] ...."

And, the Norway Spiral was definitely rotating ... at a rate of about "one complete revolution per second!" And, undoubtedly, it was also highly "electrified" ... as a dense plasma "bubble" created at the electrified boundary between the upper atmosphere and space itself .....
Creation of highly-ordered, resonating "torsion fields" within that electrified plasma would have been inevitable, then ... even if such fields were not the original, primary objective of this vast "HAARP-like" event ....
A HAARP-induced torsion-field looking eerily like--
Our own Enterprise visualizations of much vaster torsion fields generated by the spinning Sun and orbiting planets ... across the entire solar system (below).

* * *

This, of course, is one of the scenarios we directly outlined in Part I -- that, somehow, the Norwegian HAARP facility near Tromso called EISCAT (European Incoherent SCATter Facility ...) was, indeed, "involved" in the creation of The Spiral ....
Now we had direct evidence from within the Spiral itself, strongly indicating that some kind of "external energy-field" had, indeed, been exerted on the Russian's "bus'" escaping fuel; that, this "field-imprinting" had then immediately created a radically different, concentric, highly-ordered radial pattern ... compared to the previous fluid spiral--
An obvious, "resonant EM standing-wave ... strongly interacting with the fuel/plasma being released from the runaway Russian rocket ... creating a striking Chladni geometric pattern."
But, is there any direct evidence -- from the Norwegian HAARP itself -- that it could have been, indeed, involved in the generation of The Spiral ...?
A couple days after Part I was posted, I received an e-mail from David Wilcock; David had been working independently on his own extensive analysis of the Spiral (which eventually turned into an E-book -- which I have deliberately not read, so that our efforts and our conclusions are truly independent ...).
In the e-mail, David shared the fact that one of his "informants" had just located the daily "power-level logs" of the Tromso EISCAT facility (below).
Could I use the info?

Was he kidding?!
And, indeed, according to the published logs (above), the EISCAT facility was, indeed, radiating both VHF and UHF EM radiation ... THROUGHOUT this critical 7:45 AM Spiral "window" on December 9th ....
In fact, EISCAT was specifically scheduled to carry out a high-power ionosphere dual-frequency experiment ... at dawn ....
An experiment called, provocatively, "Tequila Sunrise."

In other words, with these upgrades the EISCAT facility -- in cooperation with other parts of "the northern Scandinavian HAARP antenna network" (below) -- could combine its beams ... and also project them (via their "phased array" technoloogy) considerably off-axis ... towards the horizon.

* * *

Which, of course, is exactly the direction from which the Norway Spiral initially appeared ... southeast of EISCAT, just over that pre-dawn horizon ... as viewed from the geometric center of this (now operational) "northern Scandinavian HAARP Interferometer (above) ...."
The same direction that our own analysis has strongly indicated an EISCAT experiment could, indeed, have caused such a spectacular phenomenon -- that another, totally independent geographic analysis has also now confirmed.
Tony Spell, a professional marine engineer, has carried out an exemplary study of the Spiral's origins ... flight path ... and ultimate disappearance -- seeking trigonometrically to learn exactly "where" the Spiral originated ... and where it was actually located as it evolved.
Spell's methodology (like ours in Part II) was to take Spiral images from known (or knowable) locations, orient the image with respect to recognizable surface landmarks in Google Maps (below), and then measure those now-known angular alignments with respect to key geometric features of The Spiral ....

From multiple sets of images, taken from multiple locations in northern Norway (below), Spell ultimately calculated his "best convergence estimate" of the Spiral's geographic location when it first appeared--
Over the eastern end of Russia's Kola Peninsula -- just north of the White Sea (below)--

Reassuringly, just about where our own initial analysis positioned it (below).

As a cross check, repeated, independent sets of "location measurements" have been carried out over the past several weeks by Enterprise Associate, Greg Ahrens (with the invaluable assistence of Mike Blackburn, who supplied some of the key images and crucial information direct from Norway); again, within the errors inherent in these images, Ahrens' alignments nicely converge on the same Spiral locations (plus or minus ...) as Spell's measurements (below).

When perspective is rotated ~90 degrees, and these "best-estimate" locations over the Peninsula are plotted against time--
Another "impossible" fact about this entire baffling phenomenon is resoundingly confirmed:
Eyewitness reports that--
"The Spiral stood still!"
At the height of the events -- between 06:45 UTC and 06:50 UTC (below) -- according to these combined, independent measurements, the Spiral only moved laterally north (right to left) by ~20 miles!--
Essentially motionless ... exactly as reported by the witnesses!

Which, of course, is impossible--
For "a simple, malfunctioning third-stage rocket ... supposedly traveling ~9,000 miles per hour" at that point in its projected flight!
Our most dramatic evidence yet that "something," indeed -- a bona fide torsion weapons technology -- somehow"reached out" and literally grabbed the Russian rocket test that morning ... brought it (in seconds!) to a virtual halt ... in mid-flight ... and then forced it to literally "turn cartwheels in the sky, as seen from northern Norway ...."
Similar sets of quantative image measurements were what allowed Spell -- again, independently -- to carefully calculate just "how large" various elements of the Spiral were, as this amazing phenomenon unfolded ....
In Spell's own words:

"... we now account for the effects of the Earth's curvature, which becomes very significant over these large distances of sight. Projecting the line-of-site values downrange over an imaginary flat 2D surface, as was described above, the altitudes are taken perpendicular to the Earth's surface resulting in values A through E of 79, 107, 146, 160, and 166 miles (127, 172, 235, 257, and 267 km). Note that the typical orbit for the Space Shuttles is generally in the range from 186 to 242 miles (300 to 390 km) above the Earth, with the top of the dissipating spiral and void clearly into this range. These results [below] combined with the 2D path [above], thus defines the 3D trajectory of the center of the spiral ...."

According to Spell's straightforward calculations, the Norway Spiral was somewhat less than 100 miles across ... when it first appeared (above). As it "died," it expanded rapidly to almost 400 miles across (above) ... the size of several major States!
Spell's own comparison is perhaps even more appropriatet:
" ... so in a sense this spiral can be likened to a hurricane ... projected vertically on its side [emphasis added] ...."
A vast, spiraling "hurricane" of--
Propagating torsion ....
On the official United States Naval Research Laboratory "HAARP site," computer simulations are presented for the electrical and magnetic interactions that HAARP's ionospheric heating pattern creates above Alaska -- in the electrified, ionospheric "plasma" above ~50 miles -- heating powered by the "megawatts of interfering RF beams" being radiated skyward from this type of HAARP antenna array (below)--

The result:
An expanding, spiraling pattern ... ultimately as big across as Alaska itself ... and, looking eerily like--
The Norway Spiral turned horizontal!

Which, if you examine it carefully (above - right) is also -- in direct contradiction to the widely-publicized "expert" opinion, that the Spiral was visible only because of pre-dawn sunlight -- in fact, this astonishing ~100-mile-wide apparition was obviously NOT being solely illuminated by the Sun!
The Spiral was also self-illuminated ... from the center outward (note the decreasing brightness ... and outwardly-facing shadows of successive "rings" ...): another confirmation of the high-energy "artificial optical emissions" created specifically by HAARP ... interacting with the escaping, sunlit fuel-turned-to-plasma from the disintegrating Russian missile ....

* * *

In a sense, then, BOTH "instant audience viewpoints" on this astonishing phenomenon -- that "it was only a Russian missile"; and that "it was a top-secret energy weapons test of HAARP" -- would seem to have been simultaneously correct!
It WAS the Russian missile, after all ...
With some "extraordinary help" from the Scandinavian "High Altitude Auroral Reseach Project" ....
Once you know what to look for, the evidence that HAARP -- for some reason ... and somehow (more on this below ...) -- "took control" of this Russian missile-test that December 9th pre-dawn ... is everywhere--
Like ... in the divergence angles of the puzzling "blue corkscrew" that emmenated from the face-on Spiral's Center; as can be measured in this Spiral image (below), the angular-increase-with-distance of this blue "corkscrew" corresponds exactly with the famed "inverse square law" of standard 3-space EM radiation -- providing additional support that "some kind of beaming technology" was, indeed, being applied to the "leaking and rotating Bulava third-stage fuel residue"--
Thus -- creating the precise, resonant Chaldni Pattern seen in the final phases of this spectacular "Event" (below) ....

Further indications of this "outside force" comes from an abrupt, measureable change in the Spiral's flight trajectory ... exactly coincident with the "Chladni Pattern" being externally established (below)!

This direct measurement -- of "an abrupt ~11-degree-angle-course change" in the Spiral's path, once the HAARP RF excitation is "turned on" -- is confirmed by overlays of successive Spiral images (below)--

These simple measurements all confirm a dramatic, sudden application of external energy to the leaking fuel from the initial missile failure ... transforming it into the resonant, vividly geometric Chladni figure that suddenly spread out across the Norwegian skies ....
Strong evidence that HAARP, indeed, "took over" this Russian Bulava missile ... in mid-flight--
Via a torsion force -- created by the intense interaction of the HAARP EM radiation and the plasma gyrations created in the ionosphere as a direct result of that intense, beamed RF radiation--
Conditions ideal, as published in the open scientific literature, for creating highly-energetic, resonant torsion-field effects (below) ....

* * *

Further proof of this "applied external Torsion Force" is also blatantly evident in "how the Spiral died" (below) ....

With the sudden disappearance of its previous, amazingly coherent geometric spiral pattern -- at the precise moment--
It was abruptly replaced--
By what many astonished witnesses described as "... an expanding black hole" (above)!
All consistent with a scenario where "the third-stage Russian bus suddenly just ran out of leaking fuel" ... and the exterior "energizing field" -- the external HAARP beams creating the intense Chladni pattern seen resonating that diffuse fuel-cloud -- also, simultaneously, was killed--
Leaving only an expanding (and rapidly disappearing) "aerosol fuel ring ..." (below) -- looking just like a classic "black hole"--
Still speared by that "baffling blue corkscrew beam" ... hanging in the air.

Remarkably, as noted above, many of the conclusions reached in this Report have been independentally reached by other investigators, via several other routes; one investigation -- carried out by Dan Elder -- provides compelling independent evidence that the Spiral, indeed, was most likely "a direct consequence of HAARP."
Elder reprints portions of an e-mail he received from "a known Naval source," someone intimately familiar with the Alaskan HAARP Project -- both the visible site ... and another one, that's "hidden!"
The source observes--

"... when I saw those photographs and movies of the spiral in the sky over Norway I knew right away what it was. Especially when I saw the blue spiral going up towards the huge white one. We saw that when they 'tested' the heater [in Alaska] on the flats.
"You [sic] got to understand how this thing works. It's kind of a two stage thing. The first stage is where they send increasing power through the antennae farm which is really a phased array. The antennae are all sending out a powerful signal on the same frequency but they are all slightly at a different phase ...
"Anyway the next phase is when they send up the very low frequency transmission. This is the blue spiral. You can actually see the individual waves, or spirals, because it is what is called an "extremely low frequency" bandwidth. A complete cycle at this low a frequency can be miles long. That's what you see. It makes the atmosphere glow blue. You can see it at night [emphasis added] ...."

A post-script:
One of the many e-mails Enterprise has received over the last few weeks, in reaction to our early reporting on The Spiral, describes an amazing first-person account of something eerily similar, seen over the nighttime deserts of the Southwestern United States many years ago--

"... I have my own version of the Norway spiral missile story that took place 10-12 years ago, though what I saw was not a spiral but a square pyramid of light [see drawn illustration - below].
"I was in my mid- to late-teenage years driving with some friends to San Diego from Phoenix in the middle of the night over the desert. The night and the hour escape me as I write this, though I know it was in the year 2000. On the way to San Diego on interstate 8, I suddenly saw a blue/turquoise beam appear in the sky and a growing light start to emit from the head (not the tail). Rather than see a spiral, as depicted in many of the photos from the Norway incident on, this was a square 'pyramid' of light that slowly grew and grew until it was so large that it could no longer be seen. The square was divided by lines reaching from corner to corner, as though looking at a pyramid from the air straight above its peak.
"The odd thing was, even after the pyramid had grown/faded to the point of invisibility/indistinguishability, the blue beam remained in the sky and eventually faded away. I remember the whole incident taking about 30 minutes with the beam appearing first for a couple of minutes, the pyramid appearing and growing for another 15 or so, and then the beam fading away (it seemed to be affected by the wind, like images of missile con trails I've seen before) for the next 15 or 20 minutes. I don't know anything about the Norway "missile" or how long it lasted, but I can't describe to you how similar the images are to what I saw, with the exception of the spiral effect [emphasis added] ...."

The witness submitted his remarkable sketch of what he saw (below) ....

Which was--
Another obvious "Chladni Figure"--
Eerily mirroring NASA images of a dying star's powering of its own "Chladni torsion plasma geometry"--
5000 light years away.

* * *

At this point then, we have six main lines of evidence that the Norway Spiral was NOT -- contrary to the major efforts of the mainstream media to "sell" it--
"Just another Russian missile test ...."
That it was, in fact, that--
Plus -- "a LOT, LOT more" ....
Because of--

1) The startlingly artificial internal geometry that appeared, simultaneous with the obvious "Chladni-like standing-wave-pattern" the Spiral suddenly assumed ...
2) The sudden, confirmed (from two separate studies) "directional change" the Spiral's Center underwent ... just as this standing-wave-pattern "took physical control" ....
3) The fact that "something" -- measureably -- brought the Russian missile almost to a dead stop ... and then MADE it "spiral" ....
4) The instantaneous disappearance of this internal Spiral resonant geometry -- when, whatever external energy source was powering its striking vibrating interference pattern (being conveyed via whatever was also creating the "spiral blue beam ...?") ... was abruptly "killed."
5) Discovery that power-logs for EISCAT the morning of December 9, 2009 reflect an on-going, active experiment in progress ... covering the time when the Spiral first appears.
6) Discovery of a specific "pre-dawn HAARP experiment" -- previously scheduled for December 9th, termed ironically "Tequila Sunrise."

* * *

Was this, then, why the Russian Navy ... and then the Russian Defense Ministry itself ... initially denied there had "even been a missile launch"... only to then grudgingly admit "da, it was ours ...." [though, they still firmly (if curiously) deny that "the missile was responsible for the Spiral ..."]?
Was Premiere Putin, in fact, belatedly covering (after he looked at the telemetry ...) for what really happened with his carefully-timed "pre-Obama Peace Prize" missile test ... December 9th?
The embarrassing fact that "something" (or "someone" ...) took physical control of Russia's most advanced weapons system that fateful dawn ....
And then--
Turned it into an all-too-visible global humilation!?
Our own geometric measurements of the Spiral's "anomalously changing position" in several sets of images, had convinced us that "something" had, indeed, physically intervened in the Russian missile's previous trajectory ... resulting in a sharply-changing flight-path angle across the Norwegian skies (below).

Tony Spell's meticulous and completely independent analysis once again confirmed our own preliminary measurements--
By deriving trigonometrically the "moment-to-moment ground track" positions of the Spiral on a Google Maps vertical projection (below) -- from when it first appeared over the Kola Peninsula--
To when it died ... out over the Barents Sea.

Blatantly demonstrating that "something," indeed, not only physically almost stopped the Russian Bulava in mid-flight ... but had then physically MOVED the "generating center" of the Spiral ... over 50 miles east (from its previous Newtonian missile trajectory, northeast) ... something operating in a definitely "non-Newtonian" fashion!
As we asked in Part I, was someone also sending an unmistakable "message" to the Russian government that morning--
With a blatant demonstration of Hyperdimensional/Torsion Field Physics Technology ...?
And if so--
"Who" ... to "whom" ... and "why?"
And, most important--
Why now?

* * *


OK, this is the part where we try to make technical and political sense of some very conflicting information ....
The political questions our preceding analysis of the Norway Spiral raises are non-trivial -- ranging from "why were Putin and Medvedev brandishing their most advanced strategic weapon on the literal eve of Obama's visit to Oslo for his Nobel Peace Prize ...?; to, "was the obvious (now) 'HAARP interaction' with the Russian missile" the result of just "bad timing" (the HAARP experiment "just happened" to coincide with the previously-scheduled Russian test?); or was the use of HAARP to (somehow ...) physically divert and take total control of the Russian Bulava--
And, if the latter, then--
Who was directly "taking on Russia" ... with such a blatant, public demonstration of a stunning "torsion-physics weapons technology?"--
While, at the same time, sending an equally pointed message directly to Obama -- again ... on the literal eve of his high-profile acceptance of a Nobel Prize, for--
World Peace!
What the hell REALLY happened over Norway, that pre-dawn, December 9th!?
This, of course, is where the second "December 9, 2009 Russian sky anomaly" comes in (with gratitude to another Enterprise Associate, Boris Yaroslavtsev, for locating crucial Russian analyses of this amazing appartition ...)--
The "impossible" Moscow Pyramid (below) ....

For, as you may remember from Part II, the same night all this was going down over Norway ... an astonishing video anonymously showed up on "RU" -- the Russian equivalent of YouTube--
December 9th ....

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