Thursday, December 27, 2012

Secretary of Education: Without 'Access to Guns,' Sandy Hook Shooter Would Have Been 'Punching His Pillow'     ;0   u can't make this shit UP ? ..check his fucking HEAD  4  lumps ???  ....he bumped into sum thin   hehe

Secretary of Education: Without 'Access to Guns,' Sandy Hook Shooter Would Have Been 'Punching His Pillow'


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27 Dec 2012, 10:38 AM PDT 166 post a comment

US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan spoke at the Neval Thomas Elementary School in Washington, D.C., on December 21. Duncan, an ardent proponent of gun control, hails from Chicago, where such shootings are ridiculously common despite gun control. At the school, Duncan dropped this bombshell about Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre murderer, Adam Lanza:

I can't help wondering what he might have done, and how this might have been different, if he didn't have access to those guns. Maybe he would just be punching his pillow, and his mother would still be here to give him support.

This is unbelievably asinine. Lanza didn’t have “access” to the guns. He stole them from his mother. And the notion that he would have been “punching his pillow” has no basis in fact or fantasy.

But gun control discussions from folks like Duncan aren’t rooted in fact. They’re rooted in emotion. And so long as the left claims, without evidence, that killers turn into frustrated teddy bears when gun laws are passed, they will continue to lose their argument.

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