Friday, December 28, 2012

Sandy Hook Research ..... Teachers listed as Victims NOT on School Website as Faculty. Screen shots/proof- Cameras are IN Newtown Schools - Document          

Sandy Hook Research ..... Teachers listed as Victims NOT on School Website as Faculty. Screen shots/proof- Cameras are IN Newtown Schools - Document

Update 12/16/12 - Obama implies we have to give up our freedom to guns in his speech in Newtown Connecticut.  

Update 12/21/12 - Audio Radio Scanner caught "End Adama's life" that day, plus other videos.

Update 12/23/12 - Video of Outright Proven Lie by the media.

If there is something that bothers me, I want to know more about it.

I want to say I feel deeply for all the children and adults lost that day. I feel grief for those families. What I am doing is not trying to discount their loss nor make it trivial at all!

What I have been doing is researching what seems to be stories that keep changing all the time from those investigating it and the media.

Yesterday I listed the changing story oddities and what were "facts" they became silent about.   I am very bothered by the disappearance and silence of the second shooter.  The police have it on their radio calls about the 2nd shooter... then nothing.  They have not even tried to clear up what everyone heard nor have they clarified who it was they had caught in the woods.   I am not going over what I wrote about yesterday, you can read that at the above link.

 I came across something VERY ODD when I was researching and trying to find out if Newtown Connecticut schools have security cameras installed. I did this due to the fact there has not been one mention of reviewing any security video of the horrible shootings of those beautiful children.

I began searching for the School Board of Fairfield County Connecticut where Newtown is located.  After a lot of searching as it would not come up, only news stories about the shootings.  I changed the way I searched for it multiple times.... I finally got it - The Newtown Board of Education site.  

I wanted to find out their policy on security cameras in the schools.  From the site linked above I went to the Sandy Hook school website.

 (FYI - Every single screen shot I left the web address in the shot... so people can see I got the screen shots directly from the websites I have linked.)

I couldn't find anything on security cameras at that time, but I did decide to go to the Sandy Hook school faculty page to see all the staff of the school.   When I did that it wasn't in mind to check the list against the adult victims.  But once I was there, I decided to see what grade the teachers/victims were (since the mass media didn't list that) and that is when I got a big surprise!   

I copied the names of the teachers:

Rachel Davino, 29
Dawn Hochsprung, 47
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Lauren Rousseau, 30
Mary Sherlach, 56
Victoria Soto, 27

 Three of the victims are on the website as staff at the school.

Dawn Hochsprung, 47 (Principal)
Victoria Soto, 27 (First Grade Teacher)
Mary Sherlach, 56 (Psychologist)

The other three were not listed as being teachers nor staff at the school:

Rachel Davino, 29
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Lauren Rousseau, 30
Well.... Just in case the school website got taken down for any reason, I screen shot the staff page.
Here is the faculty list for Sandy Hook School, per their website:

 I then went to the main Newtown School board site and found the page below (you have to go to the "parents" tab at the top of the site to get to the page below) at that site and then had to choose what school.  The list of teachers came up there for the school.

This is the screen shot from that site - you will see the teachers are not listed there either.  In fact Soto is not listed either for some reason.  She is on the Sandy Hook school site though.  I would assume this list is not an updated one.  But I am putting it here (and went to that list) to confirm as a second source that the teachers/victims were not listed.

One other weird thing... this MSM site with the names and bio of all the victims does not have one listed:   Rachel Davino, 29.  How in the world could a victim be left off a list.  Rachel is not on the faculty list either.

Under the same link above Lauren Rousseau, 30, is said to be a full time teacher at the school.

There are so many questions about the whole horrible mass murder and now this adds more questions, in my opinion.

After discovering this I was still determined to find out if the schools have security cameras or not.  OH.. I did find the letter the principal had sent out to all the parents about the new security measures of locked doors at 9:30 am and ID's having to be shown.  I saved it on my computer and will copy it at the bottom of this article.

I went back to the Board of Education site and went to this page on it... "Student Policies."

Go to mid page and you will see 7.406.1 on the list.  The title is "  CAMERA SURVEILLANCE ON SCHOOL GROUNDS"

That then takes you to the document I screen shot and is below.  You will see this was enacted in 2003.

I can not confirm if Sandy Hook had cameras or not.  I simply researched if it was a policy for the Newtown Connecticut schools to have cameras and found it was.

There seems to be lots of new questions that have come up that I did not even write about yesterday in my article regarding the "oddities" of this horrible shooting.

I do know it is now a launch for taking away gun rights we have at this time.  I do know that Feinstein plans on immediately submitting a bill in the Senate to take away guns.  
She is always out first to take away the rights of the U.S. citizens anyway.  That is her favorite thing to do it seems.  She always gets behind anything that suppresses the people more. 

Besides another Democrat saying that Obama needed to Exploit this horrible shooting to get "gun control."

I do find it very odd that the teachers are not listed.  Also I found when I was reading about them from MSM, there was a vagueness about them.

Is this all a conspiracy?  I am not saying it is.... I am saying that there are more UNanswered questions now as the "story" gets told to us from the media.

I really wish the MSM would get some balls and ask about the second shooter, security cameras, etc.

OH.... don't cha just love how MSM is making the mom seem like a "nut" because she had guns.  What I have read is disgusting.  OH... the comments on all the MSM sites calling for a complete ban of all guns.... WOW, the sheeple sure are asleep and not bothering to ask one question about this horrible shooting.

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