Reflections on the Petraeus Affair
COMMENT: As we resume blogging, after a necessary hiatus
(program production to resume presently), the many sparks and
pinwheels given off by the Petraeus affair continue to multiply.
Although there will be much more to come, a number of things come to mind:
Although there will be much more to come, a number of things come to mind:
- Shortly after the last seated Democratic President won re-election, his administration was engulfed in a sex scandal. Some of the same “spinners” have emerged in this affair. Some of them have links to George H.W. Bush.
- Petraeus was seen as an element of stability as changes loom for the administration.
- This should be seriously considered as an operation and not some casual indiscretion.
- CIA has never been comfortable with the military, although the agency reportedly came to be comfortable with Petraeus. Might the CIA/military discontinuity have influenced the situation?
- There have also been clashes between FBI and CIA. Might that dynamic have entered into the equation?
- FBI director Mueller was the U.S. attorney who proved less than vigorous in the BCCI investigation, which heavily overlaps the investigation into 9/11. Might he have played a role in this?
- Another general (Gen. Allen) is becoming embroiled in the imbroglio. Is there a house cleaning at the military? Are officers who might be opposed to–to what?–being removed prior to something awful happening?
- Petraeus is going to be questioned about the Benghazi affair behind closed doors. Does this impinge on the Benghazi situation? Might this be connected to the “October Surprise II” that the GOP was crowing about last fall?
- Petraeus was also seen by the Obama administration as an element of stability going into the second term. Might this affair be an effort at de-stabilizing Obama?
- In the above context, note that negative headlines are dominating in the wake of Obama’s re-election.
- Note, also, that we are hearing of very little else at this time–Germany cementing its economic colonization of Europe, the “fiscal cliff” dynamic and other, very important things. Might this, also, have been a goal?
- The acting head of the CIA is Michael J. Morell, who gave Dubya his intelligence briefings and was actually with him on 9/11. Some observers were critical of Morell as being too much of an insider to effectively counteract abuses at the agency. Is this the agency “re-righting itself”–i.e. cleaning out an outsider? (The agency was initially reported to be leery of Petraeus, only coming top accept him when he accepted a “hands-off” approach to intelligence matters and CIA.)
- On a highly speculative note, we’ve read of Nazi generals named Morell during our research into the Third Reich. I wondered if Morell might be an Underground Reich insert when I heard he was acting head of CIA and being considered as director. A legend would have been created to obscure his Nazi/German/Underground Reich background. This suspicion grew more profound when I saw Morell’s picture. Again, this is admittedly highly speculative. Look at Morell’s picture at right and see what you think.
- Will Morrell work with the GOP and Underground Reich against Obama?
- At the same time that the Petraeus affair is gathering steam, the world-renowned BBC is engulfed in a series of sex scandals. BBC is not only closely connected to the British intelligence services, but enjoys tremendous prestige world wide. As Germany and the Underground Reich pursue their agenda, undermining Britain, as well as the USA, will be of paramount importance. Is it possible that the BBC “outing” might be linked to the revelations coming out about Petraeus?
- In the context of the point made above, consider Reinhard Gehlen’s quoting of a passage from The Art of War by Sun-Tzu. Evaluate Sun-Tzu’s prescription for destabilization against the background of what is unfolding in the U.S. and U.K.–‘There is no art higher than that of destroying the enemy’s resistance without a fight on the battlefield. The direct tactic of war is necessary only on the battlefield; but only the indirect tactic can lead to a real and lasting victory. ’‘Subvert anything of value in the enemy’s country. Implicate the emissaries of the major powers in criminal undertakings; undermine their position and destroy their reputation in other ways as well, and expose them to the public ridicule of their fellow citizens.’‘Do not shun the aid of even the lowest and most despicable people. Disrupt the work of their government with every means you can.’‘Spread disunity and dispute among the citizens of the enemy’s country. Turn the young against the old. Use every means to destroy their arms, their supplies, and the discipline of the enemy’s forces. Debase old traditions and accepted gods. Be generous with promises and rewards to purchase intelligence and accomplices. Send out your secret agents in all directions. Do not skimp with money or with promises, for they yield a high return.’” (The Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen; World Publishing Company; Copyright 1972 [HC]; p.331.)
- Obama apparently didn’t even know about the affair until November. Others–including GOP congressmen–were aware of it earlier, which is fishy.
- As if all of this isn’t enough, Netanyahu–heir to the fascist element in the Zionist movement–felt that this was a good time to begin bulldozing Gaza, which can only complicate things. In the context of Netanyahu, never overlook his close alliance with Mitt Romney. Are the heirs to the Betar and their associated “Bormann Jews” deliberately heating things up for Obama? This should not be misunderstood as endorsing Hamas. Hamas is an offshoot of the fascist Muslim Brotherhood and is thoroughly loathsome. It does not threaten Israel’s existence. Nonetheless, an operation of this magnitude appears altogether unnecessary and will play right into the hands of Israel’s enemies, as well as Obama’s. This should not, by the way, be misunderstood as characterizing Israel as “Nazi,” as is the case with so much of the so-called progressive sector. The Underground Reich does have a profound influence there, however. IF, as appears to be the case, Israel initiates another operation on the scale of “Cast Lead” it will serve as marvelous propaganda for Israel’s, and America’s enemies. And, no doubt, the Pallywood propaganda machine will create plenty of phony casualties and atrocities that will be replayed by the Amy Goodmans of the world. It is to be hoped that the U.S. does not get drawn into the conflict. The United States cannot afford to be drawn into a major war at this point in time. Also, the resulting skyrocketing oil prices will smash whatever global recovery might be possible at this point.
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