Monday, December 10, 2012

Reflections on the Petraeus Affair        

Reflections on the Petraeus Affair

Michael J. Morell
COMMENT: As we resume blog­ging, after a nec­es­sary hia­tus (pro­gram pro­duc­tion to resume presently), the many sparks and pin­wheels given off by the Petraeus affair con­tinue to multiply.
Although there will be much more to come, a num­ber of things come to mind:
  • Shortly after the last seated Demo­c­ra­tic Pres­i­dent won re-election, his admin­is­tra­tion was engulfed in a sex scan­dal. Some of the same “spin­ners” have emerged in this affair. Some of them have links to George H.W. Bush.
  • Petraeus was seen as an ele­ment of sta­bil­ity as changes loom for the administration.
  • This should be seri­ously con­sid­ered as an oper­a­tion and not some casual indiscretion.
  • CIA has never been com­fort­able with the mil­i­tary, although the agency report­edly came to be com­fort­able with Petraeus. Might the CIA/military dis­con­ti­nu­ity have influ­enced the situation?
  • There have also been clashes between FBI and CIA. Might that dynamic have entered into the equation?
  • FBI direc­tor Mueller was the U.S. attor­ney who proved less than vig­or­ous in the BCCI inves­ti­ga­tion, which heav­ily over­laps the inves­ti­ga­tion into 9/11. Might he have played a role in this?
  • Another gen­eral (Gen. Allen) is becom­ing embroiled in the imbroglio. Is there a house clean­ing at the mil­i­tary? Are offi­cers who might be opposed to–to what?–being removed prior to some­thing awful happening?

  • Karl Rove and Paula Broad­well, 6/11/2012
    Petraeus is going to be ques­tioned about the Beng­hazi affair behind closed doors. Does this impinge on the Beng­hazi sit­u­a­tion? Might this be con­nected to the “Octo­ber Sur­prise II” that the GOP was crow­ing about last fall?
  • Petraeus was also seen by the Obama admin­is­tra­tion as an ele­ment of sta­bil­ity going into the sec­ond term. Might this affair be an effort at de-stabilizing Obama?
  • In the above con­text, note that neg­a­tive head­lines are dom­i­nat­ing in the wake of Obama’s re-election.
  • Note, also, that we are hear­ing of very lit­tle else at this time–Germany cement­ing its eco­nomic col­o­niza­tion of Europe, the “fis­cal cliff” dynamic and other, very impor­tant things. Might this, also, have been a goal?
  • The act­ing head of the CIA is Michael J. Morell, who gave Dubya his intel­li­gence brief­ings and was actu­ally with him on 9/11. Some observers were crit­i­cal of Morell as being too much of an insider to effec­tively coun­ter­act abuses at the agency. Is this the agency “re-righting itself”–i.e. clean­ing out an out­sider? (The agency was ini­tially reported to be leery of Petraeus, only com­ing top accept him when he accepted a “hands-off” approach to intel­li­gence mat­ters and CIA.)
  • On a highly spec­u­la­tive note, we’ve read of Nazi gen­er­als named Morell dur­ing our research into the Third Reich. I won­dered if Morell might be an Under­ground Reich insert when I heard he was act­ing head of CIA and being con­sid­ered as direc­tor. A leg­end would have been cre­ated to obscure his Nazi/German/Underground Reich back­ground. This sus­pi­cion grew more pro­found when I saw Morell’s pic­ture. Again, this is admit­tedly highly spec­u­la­tive. Look at Morell’s pic­ture at right and see what you think.
  • Will Mor­rell work with the GOP and Under­ground Reich against Obama?
  • At the same time that the Petraeus affair is gath­er­ing steam, the world-renowned BBC is engulfed in a series of sex scan­dals. BBC is not only closely con­nected to the British intel­li­gence ser­vices, but enjoys tremen­dous pres­tige world wide. As Ger­many and the Under­ground Reich pur­sue their agenda, under­min­ing Britain, as well as the USA, will be of para­mount impor­tance. Is it pos­si­ble that the BBC “out­ing” might be linked to the rev­e­la­tions com­ing out about Petraeus?
  • In the con­text of the point made above, con­sider Rein­hard Gehlen’s quot­ing of a pas­sage from The Art of War by Sun-Tzu. Eval­u­ate Sun-Tzu’s pre­scrip­tion for desta­bi­liza­tion against the back­ground of what is unfold­ing in the U.S. and U.K.–‘There is no art higher than that of destroy­ing the enemy’s resis­tance with­out a fight on the bat­tle­field. The direct tac­tic of war is nec­es­sary only on the bat­tle­field; but only the indi­rect tac­tic can lead to a real and last­ing vic­tory. ’‘Sub­vert any­thing of value in the enemy’s coun­try. Impli­cate the emis­saries of the major pow­ers in crim­i­nal under­tak­ings; under­mine their posi­tion and destroy their rep­u­ta­tion in other ways as well, and expose them to the pub­lic ridicule of their fel­low cit­i­zens.’‘Do not shun the aid of even the low­est and most despi­ca­ble peo­ple. Dis­rupt the work of their gov­ern­ment with every means you can.’‘Spread dis­unity and dis­pute among the cit­i­zens of the enemy’s coun­try. Turn the young against the old. Use every means to destroy their arms, their sup­plies, and the dis­ci­pline of the enemy’s forces. Debase old tra­di­tions and accepted gods. Be gen­er­ous with promises and rewards to pur­chase intel­li­gence and accom­plices. Send out your secret agents in all direc­tions. Do not skimp with money or with promises, for they yield a high return.’” (The Ser­vice: The Mem­oirs of Gen­eral Rein­hard Gehlen; World Pub­lish­ing Com­pany; Copy­right 1972 [HC]; p.331.)
  • Obama appar­ently didn’t even know about the affair until Novem­ber. Others–including GOP congressmen–were aware of it ear­lier, which is fishy.
  • As if all of this isn’t enough, Netanyahu–heir to the fas­cist ele­ment in the Zion­ist move­ment–felt that this was a good time to begin bull­doz­ing Gaza, which can only com­pli­cate things. In the con­text of Netanyahu, never over­look his close alliance with Mitt Rom­ney.  Are the heirs to the Betar and their asso­ci­ated “Bor­mann Jews” delib­er­ately heat­ing things up for Obama? This should not be mis­un­der­stood as endors­ing Hamas. Hamas is an off­shoot of the fas­cist Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and is thor­oughly loath­some. It does not threaten Israel’s existence. Nonetheless, an oper­a­tion of this mag­ni­tude appears alto­gether unnec­es­sary and will play right into the hands of Israel’s ene­mies, as well as Obama’s. This should not, by the way, be mis­un­der­stood as char­ac­ter­iz­ing Israel as “Nazi,” as is the case with so much of the so-called pro­gres­sive sec­tor. The Under­ground Reich does have a pro­found influ­ence there, how­ever. IF, as appears to be the case, Israel ini­ti­ates another oper­a­tion on the scale of “Cast Lead” it will serve as mar­velous pro­pa­ganda for Israel’s, and America’s ene­mies. And, no doubt, the Pal­ly­wood pro­pa­ganda machine will cre­ate plenty of phony casu­al­ties and atroc­i­ties that will be replayed by the Amy Good­mans of the world. It is to be hoped that the U.S. does not get drawn into the con­flict. The United States can­not afford to be drawn into a major war at this point in time. Also, the result­ing sky­rock­et­ing oil prices will smash what­ever global recov­ery might be pos­si­ble at this point.

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