Friday, December 14, 2012
How to bring down mission-critical GPS networks with $2,500 Novel attacks severely disrupt GPS gear used by the military, private industry.
/ The phase-coherent signal synthesizer with its top cover removed. The
$2,500 device can be used to severely disrupt mission-critical GPS
equipment used by the military and private industry.
Scientists have devised a series of novel and inexpensive attacks
that can severely disrupt mission-critical global positioning systems
relied on by the military and a variety of industrial players, including
airlines, mining companies, and operators of hydroelectric plants and
other critical infrastructure.
Unlike previous GPS attacks, the one developed by a team of
scientists from Carnegie Mellon University and a private navigation
company exploits software bugs in the underlying receivers. That allows
the attacks to be stealthier and more persistent than earlier exploits,
which primarily relied on signal jamming and spoofing. Prototype
hardware that cost only $2,500 to build is able to cause a wide variety
of GPS devices within a 30 mile radius to malfunction. Because many of
those devices are nodes on special networks that make GPS signals more
precise, the attacks have the effect of disrupting larger systems used
in aviation, military, and critical infrastructure.
The PCSS, or phase-coherent signal synthesizer, that they developed
simultaneously receives and transmits civil GPS signals. It carries out
many of the same things done by spoofers used in earlier GPS attacks.
But instead of merely providing false information designed to compromise
the accuracy of the GPS readings, it includes data that exploits
weaknesses in the firmware of nearby receivers, many of which use the
Internet to share their readings with other machines. The success of the
PCSS is the result of an almost complete lack of authentication in the
devices that send and receive GPS signals.
"Our findings suggest despite the fact that GPS is an unauthenticated
broadcast protocol, current receivers treat any incoming signal as
guaranteed correct," the scientists wrote in a research paper.
"Worse, receivers often run full OSes with network services. Together,
the possibility of RF [radio frequency] and ethernet attacks creates a
large attack surface."
Journey to the Center of the Earth
One attack described in the paper is able to completely disable a Trimble NetRS.
The $19,000 device is the single most popular receiver used for
so-called differential GPS networks. Such networks are used for
fine-tuning and correcting signals, and include the Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) and Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTRIP) systems.
The "middle-of-the-earth" attack works by instructing the PCSS to set
a satellite's semi major axis to zero. That causes NetRS receivers as
far away as 30 miles to use the number as a divisor when calculating the
satellite's orbit. As a result, the device goes into an endless reboot
loop that persists even after the incorrect data is no longer supplied.
The researchers created the following video demonstration of the attack:
GPS demo
In all, the scientists devised attacks that worked on the NetRS and
eight other GPS receiver models, including those used by consumers,
aviation pilots, and operators of industrial equipment. One such attack
had devastating consequences for the Arbiter 1094B Substation Clock
used as an accurate time source for equipment in electrical power
stations. It used the PCSS to set the time one week beyond the current
week but otherwise include all other data sent in a navigation message.
The scientists used the technique to simulate rollover events by
alternating between high, low, and medium week numbers, eventually
shifting its time by around 100 years. Since the Arbiter showed no
ability to compare the settings to internal clock settings, it suffered
permanent damage when it was exposed to the exploit.
"Multiple days without power, attempts to change the date through
commands over the serial console, and reloading the firmware of the
device proved unsuccessful for decrementing the year on the clock,
rendering the device practically useless as a sub-microsecond accurate
time source," the researchers wrote.
EGADS, no easy fix
Because the attacks exploit bugs in potentially millions of
stand-alone devices, it's not possible to roll out a single patch for
the GPS vulnerability. The research paper proposes what's called EGADS.
Short for Electronic GPS Attack Detection System, it would work as the
GPS equivalent to the intrusion detection systems used to detect attacks
in enterprise networks. EGADS would use rule-based and anomaly-based
components to detect bad values and data that deviates from known
almanac data.
Longer term fixes will require engineers to build data-level and
OS-level defenses into the GPS receivers they design. In theory,
military systems already have a solution in place for these attacks. But
in many cases, military systems rely on civilian GPS signals, so they
aren't immune, Tyler Nighswander, one of the researchers, told Ars.
Besides Nighswander and David Brumley of Carnegie Mellon, the other
researchers who wrote the paper included Brent Ledvina, Jonathan
Diamond, and Robert Brumley of Coherent Navigation, which provides GPS
services and products. They presented their research at the 19th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security in October, but the paper only came to wider attention recently.
Now that GPS has morphed from a limited-purpose positioning system
into a ubiquitous trusted source for navigation, position and timing,
the failure to fix the vulnerabilities carries serious consequences,
they warned.
"The intricate nature of today's GPS devices has created a large
attack surface," they wrote. "Previous approaches have treated GPS
security as an issue of hardware and signal analysis, but many
traditional software security lessons have yet to be learned by GPS
manufacturers. Until GPS is secured, life and safety-critical
applications that depend upon it are likely vulnerable to attack."
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