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“Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs”
“Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs”
on the
Implications of Peaceful Space Activities
byDONALD N. MICHAELwith the collaboration of:
Jack Baranson Raymond A. Bauer Richard L. Meier Aaron B. Nadel Herbert A. Shepard Herbert E. Striner Christopher Wright
A Report Prepared for the
STUDIES of the
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- Dan Woolman
Washington, D. C.
December 1960
ContentsI. SUMMARY1. Introduction Goals and Methods2. Comments on the organization And Functions of a NASA Social Science Research Capability3. Implications of Satellite-Based Communications Systems4. Implications of a Space-Derived Weather Predicting System5. The Implications of Technological By-Products6. Implications for Government Operations and Personnel Use7. Implications for Space Industries8. General Implications for International Affairs and Foreign Policy9. Attitudes and Values1. Introduction, Goals and Methodsa. Genesis and Intentionsb. Methodology and Philosophy2. Comments on the Organization and Functions ofa. NASA Social Science Research Capabilityb. Organizationc. Functions To Be Performed by a Research Facilityd. Operating Considerations3. Implications of Satellite-Based Communications Systemsa. Technological Characteristics and Their Implicationsb. Factors Affecting Application, Organization, and Controlc. Uses and Implications4. Implications of a Space-Derived Weather Predicting Systema. Introductionb. Weather Controlc. Probable Organizational Prerequisites for Applying Future Weather Observations Capabilitiesd. Weather Forecast Utilization Implications5. The implications of Technological By-Productsa. By-Product Uses6. Implications for Government Operations and Personnel Usea. Manpower in Government Space Programsb. Problems of Coordination, Cooperation, and Competition Between Government Agenciesd. Science Advisory Activities and Government Policy7. Implications for Space Industriesa. Corporate Response to Space Activitiesb. Industry and Government Relations8. General Implications for International Affairs and Foreign Policya. Space Policy and Its Implementationb. Research on Potential International Aspects of Space Technology and Sciencec. The Status of Space Programs in International Affairs9. Attitudes and Valuesa. Implications of Space Activities for National Goals and Tomorrow’s Worldb. Special Publicsc. Possible Implications for the General Public
The Brookings
Washington, D. C.
November 30, 1960
Chairman, Committee
on Long-Range Studies
National Aeronautics
and Space Administration
Washington, D. C.
DEAR MR. JOHNSON: I am pleased to
transmit herewith a report on “Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful
Space Activities for Human Affairs,” which has been prepared for your Committee
on Long-Range Studies of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
pursuant to Section 102(c) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958
This section specifies that the
“aeronautical and space activities of the United States shall be so conducted
as to contribute materially” to several objectives, among which is “(4)
establishment of long-range studies of the potential benefits to be gained from
the opportunities for, and the problems involved in the utilization of
aeronautical and space activities for peaceful and scientific purposes.”
In seeking assistance in carrying out the
objectives of this section, NASA, through your Committee, and the Brookings
Institution agreed that there was a wide range of studies in the social
sciences that could be made of the potential benefits and problems arising from
the peaceful use of space. In fact, the full range of possible studies was so
great that some guidelines bad to be established to aid in the orderly
selection and proper support of those studies that would contribute most effectively
to the policies and purposes of the Congress as stated in the National
Aeronautics and Space Act. It was believed, therefore, that if a program of
such studies were to be developed, NASA would be in a better position to
discharge its statutory responsibilities. The attached report is designed to
assist in the development of that kind of comprehensive and long-term program
of research and study. The report recommends for the consideration of NASA a
wide range of studies regarding the social, economic, political, legal, and
international implications of the use of space for peaceful and scientific
The agreed upon multiple objectives of
the report would be well served if it generates research activities within as
well as outside of NASA, in accordance with the interests of those in the
academic community, private research organizations, industry, and other
government agencies. Therefore, some material is included which, while familiar
to NASA, is felt to be necessary background for those who have not been close
to some of the problems discussed.
The Brookings staff members and the
consultants responsible for the study collaborated through a series of monthly
two-day conferences. In addition, over 200 people were interviewed throughout
the course of the project. These persons by contributing their experience,
imagination, and critical insight have been of great assistance in the
preparation of this report. Throughout the preparation of the report the
Institution has bad the wholehearted cooperation of your Committee on
Long-Range Studies, whose assistance the Institution acknowledges with
Midway in the project, the views of the
staff were evaluated and enhanced by the participation at a two-day conference
Lincoln P. Bloomfield,
Director, United Nations Project, Center for
International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; George
Assistant to the President, the RAND Corporation; Deane Davis, Project
Engineer, Centaur, Convair Astronautics, Alfred J. deGrazia,
Director, Center for Applied Social Research, New York University;
M. Goldsen,
Senior Staff, the RAND Corporation; H. Field Haviland, Jr., Director of
Foreign Policy Studies, the Brookings Institution; Bert F. Hoselitz,
Director, Research Center in Economic Development and Cultural Change,
University of Chicago; Melvin Kranzberg, Editor, Technology and Culture,
Case Institute of Technology; Daniel Lerner, Professor of International
Communications, Center for International Studies, Massachusetts
Institute of
Technology; Jiri Nebnevajsa, Professor, Department of Sociology,
Columbia University; Jack C. Oppenheimer, Executive Secretary, NASA
Committee on Long-Range Studies,, Harvey Perloff, Director, Program of
Regional Studies, Resources for the Future; Henry W.. Riecken, Head,
Office of Social Science, National Science Foundation; and Oscar
Director, General Legal Division, United Nations.
The study was directed by Donald N.
Michael, who is primarily responsible for the interpretations, conclusions,
and recommendations in, and the final drafting of this report. Collaborating
with him were Jack Baranson and Herbert E. Striner of the
Brookings Institution; Raymond A. Bauer,
Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Graduate School of Business
Administration; Richard L. Meier, Professor, School of Natural
Resources, University of Michigan; Aaron B. Nadel, Technical Military
Planning Operation, General Electric Company; Herbert
A. Shepard, Professor of Behavioral Science, Case
Institute of Technology; and Christopher Wright, Executive Director,
Council for Atomic Age Studies, Columbia University. Substantial contributions
in the form of work papers on specific topics were made by Jack Baranson
and Mary E. Robinson of the Brookings Institution; Curtis H. Barker,
Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Earl
W. Lindveit, Washington, D. C.; and Messrs. Nadel, Wright, and Bauer
(with Edward E. Furash, Assistant Editor, Harvard Business Review).
Research assistance was provided by Ruth Darmstadter, Leonard Schwartz,
and Jane Webbink. Charles Clapp, Robert W. Hartley, H. Field
Haviland, Jr., Bert G. Hickman, Mark Massel, and Ralph R.
Watkins, all of the Brookings staff, reviewed sections of the report;
appreciation is expressed to them as well as to Kathleen Sproul, who
edited the transcript. The study was made under the general supervision of
James M. Mitchell, Director of the Conference Program on Public Affairs.
Brookings Institution is particularly indebted to the following people who took
time out of their busy schedules to review specific sections of the draft
report: Lloyd V. Berkner, President, Associated Universities, Inc.;
Scott Buchanan, Consultant, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions; John
J. Corson, Director, McKinsey and Company; Cora Du Bois, Professor,
Department of Anthropology, Harvard University-, Morton M. Grodzing,
Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Chicago; Caryl P.
Haskins, President, Carnegie Institution of Washington; James R. Killian,
Chairman of the Corporation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Herbert
E. Krugmen, Director of Research, Raymond Loewy
Associates; Nathan Maccoby, Professor, Mass Communications, Stanford
University; Margaret Mead, Associate Curator of Ethnology, American
Museum of Natural History; Rhode Metraux, Associate Directori Project on
the Factor of Allopsychic Orientation in Mental Health, American Museum of
Natural History; Charles Morris, Professor, Department of Philosophy,
University of Florida; Oscar Schachter, Director, General Legal
Division, United Nations; Gerald W. Siegel, Lecturer on Business
Administration, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration; and Stephen
B. Witbey, Director, Public Affairs Studies, Survey Research Center,
University of Michigan.
Finally, it should be noted that the time
available for the completion of this report has been short in view of the broad
range of subjects and the new areas of research to be considered. The authors
have made a pioneering exploration into new fields of investigation in the
attempt to foresee types of research which space activities make desirable. The
treatment, findings, and recommendations are those of the authors and, in
accordance with usual procedures, do not necessarily reflect the views of other
members of the Brookings staff, its administrative officers, or members of its
Board of Trustees.
Robert D. Calkins
1. In November 1959 the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration contracted with the Brookings Institution
to “undertake... the design of a comprehensive and long-term program of
research and study regarding the social, economic, political, legal, and
international implications of the use of space for peaceful and scientific
2. The long-term program of research set out
in the report (and briefly outlined in this Summary) includes:
a. Sufficient description and evaluation of
speculations on the implications of space activities to provide a basis for
judging which implications may have sufficient impact on human affairs to merit
b. Specification of criteria for selection of
high priority research.
c. Specification, when feasible of high
priority research areas for initiating a long-range research program;
specification of other research areas which will extend the utility of the
initial research; and specification of research which may become central under
later circumstances.
d. Suggestions as to methods, persons, and
organizations that might assist the conduct of research. (The suggestions are
made chiefly through footnote citations of pertinent publications and projects
and are therefore not included in this Summary, which carries no footnotes.)
e. Suggestions on the organization and
function of a NASA research capability to implement the program (Chapter 2).
3. Space
activities require great investments of money, men, material, and creative
effort and thereby compete with the needs of other areas of human endeavor.
They contribute to rapid rates of technological change and thereby give rise to
social and personal readjustment problems. Thus it is most desirable that the
problems and opportunities they may imply for society be understood. Since the
potentialities of space activities are wide ranging, so, too, must be a research
program on their implications: examined herein are the problems and
opportunities that may be introduced by hardware (such as a weather satellite
forecasting system); events (such as the adventures of astronauts in space);
and ideas (such as those embodied in discussions of the degree to which
national prestige may be dependent on success in space accomplishments),
implications may be directly related to
aspects of a specific social
environment; in such cases, these aspects will be examined.
4. Research on the implications of space activities requires a reasonably clear picture of the associated larger social context. Given the complex problems facing various components of world society and the technological developments, that are believed possible in fields other than space, it appears impractical to speculate beyond the next twenty years, and perhaps even beyond the next ten. Even within this time span, however, the consequences of space activities can be foreseen only in part, since the effect of any given development in space may be vitiated by unexpected but contingent scientific, technological, or a society developments. This report, therefore, does not attempt to predict what will happen to society as a result of space activities. Rather, it poses questions about what might happen and specifies contingent factors which may affect the likelihood of one implication being realized rather than another,
environment; in such cases, these aspects will be examined.
4. Research on the implications of space activities requires a reasonably clear picture of the associated larger social context. Given the complex problems facing various components of world society and the technological developments, that are believed possible in fields other than space, it appears impractical to speculate beyond the next twenty years, and perhaps even beyond the next ten. Even within this time span, however, the consequences of space activities can be foreseen only in part, since the effect of any given development in space may be vitiated by unexpected but contingent scientific, technological, or a society developments. This report, therefore, does not attempt to predict what will happen to society as a result of space activities. Rather, it poses questions about what might happen and specifies contingent factors which may affect the likelihood of one implication being realized rather than another,
5. Certain potential products or
consequences of space activities imply such a high degree of change in world
conditions that it would be unprofitable within the purview of this report to
propose research on them. Examples include a controlled thermonuclear fusion
rocket power source and face-to-face meetings with extraterrestrials.
6. The impact of innovation is no respecter of
differences in academic disciplines. To stress the interdisciplinary nature of
research on the implications of space activities and to permit a coherent
exploration of specific products, events, and ideas the report is organized
into chapters that (except for Chapter 2) each represent a major area of
problems and opportunities. Within these major areas., all pertinent aspects of
the problems are discussed, whether economic, political, or social, or
combinations thereof. Certain chapters necessarily overlap, since some of them
cover general aspects of problems which are specific to the subjects of other
7. Time, resources, and especially the lack of
a single formulation of social science theory, broad-ranging enough to
encompass the variety of problems involved, imposed arbitrary limitations on
the amount of research undertaken to back the speculation underlying the report.
Thus, the report is not exhaustive in its research recommendations, but the
descriptions of the problem areas (developed through interviews, conferences,
and reading) are intended to provide the reader with a basis for proposing
specific research projects in connection with the study areas recommended here.
It is important to note that, as a consequence of this approach,
the first specific research project to be undertaken with regard to many of the
problems here discussed should be an assessment of the literature to determine
what existing knowledge, if any, can be applied directly and what further study
needs to be done.
8. Suggesting a comprehensive research
program makes it necessary to examine the range of implications needing study,
irrespective of who might conduct the research. Not all -the research suggested
should or could be sponsored directly by NASA; some proposals are more properly
within the interests of other groups.
9. “Research” is broadly used herein to
refer to a variety of approaches, including “think-pieces,” sophisticated
logical and/or mathematical evaluations and analyses, and empirical studies in
the field. Studies would range from broad programmatic research to detailed
inquiries. Most of the projects are phrased in terms of space activities, but
many of the suggested investigators could as well be stimulated by or applied
to a number of other major on-going or contemplated scientific developments.
Examination of the implications of space activities also provides a new standpoint
from which to observe human behavior before, during., and after social change
resulting from innovation. This, the proposed research program offers
extraordinary opportunities for fundamental social science research as well as
10. The recommended high priority research
areas (listed at the end of each Summary section) are intended to provide NASA
with a “mix” of projects to be an initial basis for a long-range research
program. The priority criteria emphasize:
a. That
the results of the research would have important applications to the social
consequences of specific space activities.
b. That the study is urgent in order to
identify and resolve operating and policy problems associated with imminent or
on-going developments.
c. That the study is non-deferrable in that if
the data and methods are to be available when needed it is necessary to begin
acquiring them now;
d. That the study would significantly forward
the development of a program of peaceful and scientific uses of space.
e. That the study would, through the
development of methodology, facts, or theory, contribute exceptionally to
understanding or foreseeing the social implications of space activities.
Which projects NASA may choose to
implement, even among those which might be thought of as urgent, will depend on
factors not within the purview of this report, including budget, availability
of research capabilities, important events which have transpired, and the
extent to which previous research has paid off.
11. Research areas are included in the report
which are not now considered of high priority, but which are likely to become
so as social developments and space activities evolve and as high priority
research is completed.
12. No assumption has been made as to whether
that or not specific studies are already underway. If an area recommended for
study is presently being competently researched, the priorities here assigned
to the area would alter.
13. The magnitude and direction of a
long-range research program on the social effects of space activities will
depend on the organization NASA establishes to select, monitor, and conduct the
studies. One of the most pressing and continuing research challenges for this
capability will be to:
• develop effective methods to detect
incipient implications of space activities and to insure that their
consequences are understood.
14. Each
section of this Summary corresponds to a chapter of the full report and sets
forth the main points of the chapter and the recommended high priority research
for the problem area. In the body of the report, the presentation of potential
implications involves discussion of and suggested research on all the issues
that seem to be pertinent to a problem area including some that do not warrant
research at the present stage of the problem area's development, and some that it would be inefficient
to study until other recommended research is completed. This supportive
discussion constitutes the bulk of the report and in a summary can only be
suggested. Its intent, however, is to make clear (1) the significance of the
research recommended, (2) the variety of the projects implicit in the research
areas, (3) the order in which related projects could be carried out, and (4)
the opportunities for approaching various problems in broad or narrow contexts
of research and application. Therefore, although for some readers this Summary
chapter may provide sufficient information
-since these four clarifications may not be of central interest to
them -- itis assumed that the potential researcher will find it essential to
read the body of the report.
1. An integral part of the research
program as proposed herein is the development of a research facility capable of
conducting and evolving a series of long-range research projects pertinent to
NASA's directive to study the problems and opportunities implied in peaceful
and scientific space activities.
2. To develop within NASA an understanding
of the need for these studies and support for their conduct, to assure the maximum
likelihood that the research findings will be applied, and to keep in close
touch with the technical developments which presage social implications, it is
recommended here that the research capability consist of a NASA inhouse core
of senior social scientists, which would have available to it over time the
services of outside organizations. Which functions can best be conducted
in-house and which might be handled through the services of outside
organizations can only be determined as the scope and pace of the program
3. The functions that a social science
research facility must be able to perform if it is to organize and implement a
long-range research program include the following:
a. Identification
of problems to be researched. (This report is intended to be a major aid in
this area, but its suggestions will need frequent revision, redefinition, and
b. Selection of high priority research. (This
report suggests criteria for selecting research, but these must be supplemented
by criteria pertinent to NASA goals and circumstances.)
c. Determination of resource allocations,
including funds, available research personnel, and field situations for
specific studies.
d. Informing and stimulating potential
researchers in other government organizations, universities, foundations,
nonprofit organizations, and private research organizations.
a. Developing and stimulating potential
supporting facilities to provide research tools and other services.
f. Selecting, developing, and implementing
research proposals.
g. Liaison - - with divisional groups within
NASA, with potential research personnel, and with interested government
agencies whose research or activities
have significance for the social implications of space activities.
h. Assessing the progress and direction of research in
progress, to insure that the studies continue to be pertinent to the evolving
situation and that their quality merits continued support.
i. Distributing the research findings to those for whom they
were specifically developed and to other pertinent professional
people and organizations.
J. Assisting in the application of the
findings. (Arrangements regarding applicability of findings should be initially
planned, with the participation of the user, during the early definition and
selection of the research to be undertaken.)
k. Keeping track of pertinent social science
research that is applicable to space activities research, but not a part of
NASA's program.
4. In establishing an organization to fulfill
these functions, three general points are important:
a. The research which NASA will regard as
appropriate to sponsor directly will vary with circumstances. Systematic means
should be devised for (1) anticipating the important studies which other
research organizations, foundations, and government agencies might be better
adapted to carry out and (2) encouraging participation by other research
facilities in the program.
b. Recommended
research will vary in duration from a few months to several years. Operations
procedures for supporting research will differ for longer and shorter time
spans, and these procedures will need to be developed.
c. Research
is also a device for training researchers. It will be beneficial to support a
certain amount of research whose aim is in part to help train social scientists
to deal with the implications for society of space activities.
5. To provide the necessary intellectual
stimulus for the development of a vigorous program and to carry out the
intricate and varied tasks that will be required, it is recommended that no
fewer than three senior social scientists of high competence compose the
professional staff of the inhouse core. Their first tasks are seen as
a. Selecting
first-order research.
b. Establishing
in-house relationships.
c. Establishing
outside connections with the research fraternity.
d. Laying
the organizational groundwork for the conduct of the firstorder research.
e. Establishing
a library of selected social science materials especially useful for fulfilling
the functions of the facility.
6. The research
facility, as a staff function, should have access to those concerned with the
over-all interests of NASA. Formal arrangements should also be made to insure
the social science staff access to information on technical, political, and
economic aspects of the space developments that derive from NASA's divisional
activities. Such information will familiarize the social scientists with the
space program's operating problems and with the possible research opportunities
implicit in them.
7. A person
familiar with both the social sciences and the technological activities of NASA
and versed in interagency relationships should be responsible for arranging
interagency liaison so that research on the social implications of space
activities will be forwarded efficiently through the sharing of information on
pertinent activities.
8. A committee
is needed to assess and review research in progress.
9. A committee
analogous to the Space Science Board of the National Academy of Sciences is
needed to keep the in-house organization cognizant of on-going or anticipated
social developments related to an evaluation of the implications of space
10. Aside from the
liaison function and the awarding of contracts and/or grants, other functions
could, as time and circumstances dictate, gradually be transferred to outside
organizations. However, the in-house core will need to keep in close touch with
assisting services and with personnel carrying out research projects to insure
participation at all stages of those who will most directly use the findings
and to maintain its essential role as the spark and drive of the program.
1. Involved
scientists and engineers believe that in a relatively few years the world will
be wrapped in a communications net based on the several advantages of
communication satellites. The problems and opportunities associated with financing
the development and application of communication satellites, with legal and
political arrangements for their use, and with their specific applications are
closely related to their technological characteristics. Research and
development efforts have been concentrated on two operational types of systems:
the passive reflector (e.g., “Echo”), which requires very large ground-based
transmitting and receiving antennas and powerful transmitters, and the active
repeater, which is itself a complex transmitting and receiving station, and
thus requires much less large ground-based transmitters. Under many
circumstances, signals from repeater satellites could be received directly on
private receivers. Careful scheduling is required, however, if active satellites
are not to be overloaded, whereas passive satellites can be used anytime they
are in range of any facility with transmitting and receiving antennas. To
varying degrees, technological problems remain to be solved for both systems --
problems having to do with system capacity, reliability, weight, and the use of
higher frequencies for radio and television.
Organizational problems and implications
1. The economics, technology,
organization, and utilization of satellite communications cannot be resolved
wholly within the framework of the United States' interests and operating
methods. Since such a system will be of major utility to international
communications, planning must take into account the potential users abroad and
the problems that international use will imply. Research will be necessary to
delineate and suggest resolutions for such organizational and operational
problems as these:
a. Frequency allocation and/or sharing. Here and abroad,
frequency control is already rife with economic, social, and legal
problems which would be intensified by the broad coverage and
relative nondirectionality of satellite signals and the different
frequency control requirements of active and passive systems.
b. International agreements or comparability of equipment
components used by various nations and produced by various
c. Privileges and priorities of satellite use. Cost-sharing
arrangements may be more difficult to enforce with passive systems, and
the scheduling of messages requires special agreements when the active satellite system is used.
d. Receiver antenna control and sharing (and in some cases,
transmitter antenna, too).
e. Access to audiences: privileges and priorities. Active
satellites provide better opportunities for control over transmission.
Passive satellites provide better opportunities for control over
f. Program content control, including: amount and type of
propaganda, advertising, entertainment, information, and education.
2. Central to the resolution of these
organizational problems are the national philosophies which have defined the
structure of local operational procedure and organization of present
telecommunication facilities. The difference between one philosophy and another
as to the purposes and proper use of telecommunications may have substantial
implications for the way satellite systems might be used and for the
negotiations and organizational inventions necessary to reconcile competing
interests within each involved nation, competing national interests, and
international interests. Systematic study of these problems is recommended.
3. The United States' role in developing
and using a satellite communications system is complexly bound up with
questions covering the relationships of our national (government) interests and
private profit motives. For example, under what circumstances should the United
States government provide launching facilities and research and development in
connection with satellite development? If taxpayers are to finance portions of
the technological development of communication satellites, what provisions are
to be made about patent ownership and satellite utilization? If the government
is the major developer of a satellite communications system, what should its
policy be about present privately owned and operated systems which may be
displaced or made obsolete?
4. The possibility that the USSR and/or
other nations will develop competing communications satellites has implications
that need study. Further, some informed observers argue that only by placing
satellite system radio and television facilities under United Nations or other
international agency auspices can frictions resulting from their use be
minimized and the benefits maximized. Anticipation of either competition or
internationalization would affect the evolving relationship between the United
States government and private enterprise concerning development and
use Of a satellite system, since private incentive to invest in research and
development depends on the profitability that could be expected from the
system's operation.
Possible uses and their implications
1. With the initiation of a satellite
communications system, large amounts of the newly available channel capacity
will most probably first occur for radio telephony rather than for television.
High-speed, inexpensive voice communications should provide- a far-flung
business and other organizations with a further capability for extending
themselves through the increase in control and coordination thus made possible.
Ever larger organizational entities might thus be encouraged, to the detriment
of existing small organizations. Alternately, the increased communications
capacity might increase the ability of small organizations to survive, through
better control and coordination of their resources. The implications of these
alternatives and their consequences for organizational growth and stability
merit study.
2. The advantages of increased
voice-to-voice communication for world diplomacy are not clear, since the
present pace of diplomatic communications is sometimes deemed already too swift
for careful analysis. However, the availability of sufficient telephone
channels might encourage the evolution of an international “secretariat” at the
working level, in the long run more identified with task goals than specific
national interests. Research should help clarify the special problems and
opportunities for diplomatic relations.
3. World-wide data search, coding,
retrieval, and processing and the integration of far-flung systems operating
automatically via computers and feedback control would be made possible by
large-capacity communication satellites (or by their freeing-up of conventional
facilities for this use), to the great benefit of scholarship, science,
business, and government. Handling of data for a world-wide weather forecasting
facility (as discussed in Section IV) and coding the contents of the major
libraries of the world for machine search are important examples of this
utility. Substantial increases in computer production and data-coding personnel
would be required, and computer programming and system building and maintenance
would involve extensive operations. international standards of component
compatibility and reliability would be mandatory, thus further extending
multinational interdependence. The social, economic, and political
prerequisites and consequences of these potential developments need study,
especially because such facilities may provide a tool and stimulus for a
concerted attack on the problem of efficiently using the overwhelming amount of
data presently threatening to swamp this civilization.
4. In view of the possibly radical
increase in the pace of organizational activities resulting from high-speed
interlocking of data, decisions, and actions, it is not clear whether more or
less strain would be put on decision makers. Further, the opportunities for
coping with increased organizational complexity could make society vulnerable
to serious disruption should the communication system break down. The
possibility of tying together data, men-, and decisions in a world-wide
interdependence has vast implications for attitudes about man and his meaning
in the context of his society. Preliminary inquiry may help provide perspective
and prepare the way for more systematic study as the situation evolves.
5. The use of satellite-based radio and TV
for teaching in underdeveloped areas has been much discussed. However, unless
the development of satellite based, multichannel TV is accelerated specifically
for this purpose, other more conventional teaching means may develop to a
degree that would challenge the advantages of education via telecommunications.
In any case, behaving and believing according to the standards and information
conveyed by telecommunications involves a number of complex cultural and
psychological factors, especially in an area which may lack the literacy and at
least some degree urbanism normally associated with learning from TV and radio.
Research is clearly necessary to specify and understand these pertinent
factors. Problems are also posed and study is needed in regard to the
capacities in such localities for distribution, maintenance, and replacement of
6. In already advanced nations, the
immediacy of exposure to worldwide events and ideas via radio and TV could
affect general education levels. However, important changes in perspective that
might lead to greater tolerance and understanding merely on the basis of this
exposure are not guaranteed by the evidence so far available. Research will
help clarify the factors involved here.
Using satellite communications for formal learning sessions may not
be generally efficient in view of expected developments in film and
video tape libraries, teaching machines, and air-borne TV. Nevertheless,
special “live” events, which otherwise would have to be taped and distributed
singly to local schools or local transmitters, could be presented by
an active repeater system if such problems as scheduling and time zone
differences can be solved. A satellite system could also transmit TV
tapes from central libraries to local schools for retranscription. The
costs of TV tapes might thus be lessened, and access would be provided to a much
larger and up-dated library of materials than many schools otherwise
could afford. The social and economic costs and benefits of these
schemes will need careful examination.
7. A combination of powerful active
satellites and simple receivers and antennas could be used to enhance or
splinter political identification via propaganda, incitement, or information in
areas lacking local groundbased transmitters. Research will be necessary to
determine under what circumstances such communication methods would be
sufficiently effective to merit their use -- and if effective, how to control
their use.
8. If large TV charnel capacity becomes
available -- via satellite or via conventional facilities freed-up by the
satellite -- conferences via multiple closed circuit linkages are possible.
This would save time, inconvenience, and physical risk and permit a greater
marshaling of ground-based resources for each participant. Technological
capabilities and social, psychological, and economic considerations will decide
whether such conferences would become routine. Should they become routine, the
consequences might be serious for the travel and hotel industries, for which
conferences of all kinds have been of great importance.
To provide social criteria for decisions regarding communication
system design, research should determine:
• The
specific sources of demand for increased communications capability, and the
assumptions made by those claiming that they would pay for the use of satellite
services, about the capabilities of the communication system for meeting their
needs. What are the implications for system design?
An important group of decisions related to government policy for
communications system development support would benefit from study
to discover:
• The
advantages and disadvantages of various means whereby the government might
fulfill its obligations to private enterprise, the nation as a whole, and
special interest groups with regard to: supporting the development of a
satellite system; ownership; frequency assignments; allocating profits and
costs; and assuring the use of the product in the best interests of the nation.
What are the most appropriate and effective roles for government, private
enterprise, and other organizations in financing, developing, owning,
controlling, using, and negotiating for the use of satellite communications
domestically and internationally?
A good place to begin studies which will
help in eventual negotiations on satellite use is to determine:
• What
economic, cultural, and technological factors, in each nation or region
involved, could complicate or facilitate the conciliation of interests in using
and controlling satellite-based communications?
What technological, economic,
organizational, and legal arrangements could be developed to
overcome specific major
difficulties for conciliation as
detected in the above? To take advantage of specific major
Since the benefits for society could depend on the organizational
approach taken, and since these problems are better studied before imminent
developments obscure Issues, research should be begun now to determine:
• The cost and benefits of turning over to an international
agency those communication functions which are inherently unprofitable
for private interests and/or which have the potential for
stimulating international unrest. Under what conditions would such a
transfer of function be in the interests of the United States? In the
event the facilities, were internationalized, what activities might
be prohibited or subjected to international control and what should be
the functions and powers of such an inter national body?
Because the effective use of satellites for teaching purposes will
require much more understanding of learning factors in relation to
telecommunications than we now possess and because the application of such
findings would be very important for world society, it is most desirable to
begin now to:
• Apply
and further develop knowledge of and methods for under standing the factors --
such as, culture habits, literacy, subject matter, auspices, format, and
opportunities to use what is learned -- which affect the degree and type of
learning from telecommunications. These studies must be aimed at meshing the
content and purposes of telecommunications with other forms of communications
from interested government groups, private organizations, and international agencies.
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